/ / history and philosophy of science, combined in the science of science or science about science

history and philosophy of science, combined in the science of science or science about science

Очень часто комплексное изучение науки именуют не other than “science studies”. However, this term is highly controversial. Professor Kopnin, in particular, thinks that science cannot be considered an independent science, because it does not have a general theory, a single methodology, or a precisely defined methodology. And although the disciplines that belong to the science of science, which are often referred to as logic, history and methodology of science, history and philosophy of science, have a common object, nevertheless they study it from a completely different angle, which leads to the practical absence of points contact of these disciplines among themselves. As a result, the actual absence of a unified theory, or at least a complex of theories, which could be integrated and rationalized in a complex way.

Naukovedenie, more precisely, scientometry takes itsbeginning in the writings of Price and the followers of his school. At that time, the essence of nakuometrii was reduced to the use of statistics and content analysis of existing at the time scientific publications, sources used, personnel of scientists and material resources invested in science. In fact, it was the sociology of science, which studied the dynamics of the development of scientific institutionalization, the emergence and activity of scientific associations, both formal and informal, their fruitfulness and interaction with each other. However, such a question as the history and philosophy of science was not considered in principle. Gradually, a separate area emerged in scientometrics, which was called the psychology of science. In this area, the key subject was scientific creativity, its internal intuitive mechanisms and motives, causes and factors of scientific insight of scientists, etc. At the same time, such a direction as the economy of science, which examined the material specifics of the development of science, developed optimal financing schemes for the scientific field of activity, as well as the influence of economic factors on the sectoral development bias in science, in particular the use of scientific advances in production and their effectiveness, began to develop. The emergence of all these areas and their integration in scientometrics were due to the special influence of science and its achievements on society and its development.
Later disciplines such as logic andethics of science, and many others. The knowledge gained in these areas allowed us to generalize everything known about scientific disciplines and form a single object and general theories, which eventually provoked the emergence of such a science as the philosophy of science. Philosophy in science is one of the sections of philosophy and includes such areas as history and methodology in science, the study of its boundaries, the etymology of science and others. With the development of the philosophy of the scientific direction, special subdivisions emerged in it, in particular the history of science, which, in turn, was divided into narrowly focused components (the history of natural, social and technical sciences, etc.)
The philosophy of science is widely represented in works asforeign and domestic scientists. This causes the presence of a huge number of original concepts that offer a variety of models of the formation and development of science and epistemology. However, the key task in each of these concepts is to determine the role and importance of scientific knowledge, characterize practical and theoretical activities, its impact on the development of society. over time, the history and philosophy of science began to be considered a single interconnected concept.

So today the story andThe philosophy of science is a whole complex of scientific fields and schools that answer many questions concerning modern science and the history of its formation and development.

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