/ / "Filkin literacy": the meaning of phraseology, origin, use situations

"Filkin literacy": the meaning of phraseology, origin, use situations

There is such a thing as "filkin literacy."The meaning of phraseology is considered today. Also, as always, we are very interested in the origin of the expression and examples. All this is sure to be ahead of us.

Ivan the Terrible and the phraseology (origin)

importance of phraseology

Everyone knows how severe Ivan the Terrible was.Of all the methods of influencing people, he preferred violence and terror in the first place. Strangely enough, the expression "Filkin literacy" is for us, modern people, "hello" from those times.

There was one person who was not afraid of IvanFourth, - Metropolitan of Moscow Philip. Probably, the priest in his heart understood the futility of his efforts, but still he again and again wrote letters (letters) to the autocrat. Ivan the Fourth called them scornfully Filkinymi letters, putting in the phrase is not the most pleasant meaning. So it goes. Since then, "Filkin literacy" (the meaning of phraseology follows) is a document that has no, but primarily legal, power.

School certificates and incentives for participation in student conferences

Those who have been very active in school days are wonderful and in the subsequent student life, it is known that the management of educational institutions of all levels likes to encourage students.

As an example, a person participates in a student'sconference and talks about various concepts of the development of history and / or civilization. Nothing special, the message at the conference is akin to the presentation of the abstract.

meaning of phraseology

However, the student conference has a different statusand, as a rule, more listeners. After, we will not be afraid of this word, all reports have died down, honorable certificates are given out to the winner and prize-winners of the action - they are what the phrase "literary diploma" means (the meaning of phraseology was given a little earlier). Because such documents do not have a real legal force, which is self-evident.

Unfortunately, the problem of "filing letters"exists not only in the learning process in institutions and schools. Sometimes the very result of mastering new knowledge, documented in the document on higher education, is a fiction.

Diploma of Higher Education as "Filkin Literacy"

Once upon a time, some time ago, sometoo decent people traded in that they sold diplomas on higher education for every taste right in the subway. Despite the fact that such documents have no legal force, i.e. fully fit the definition of "Filkin literacy" (the meaning of phraseology is already quite clear to the reader), they quite successfully performed their function. Since when such "letters" were in motion, few people checked the information.

Is it worth saying that people who buydiploma without training, greatly at risk? After all, if a person has studied and his education is completely legitimate, then he has nothing to fear. When he has only a literary diploma in his hands, he will definitely have problems.

By the way, not least the fashion for diplomas came from the subway because people who received an education in this way were dismissed from work.

importance of phraseology

True, resourceful dealers began to producefake documents on higher education in a slightly different way. Now you can arrange for a certain amount (let's say, rather big) that the client will be led through all databases, and the check will not reveal violations. Naturally, if someone is tested biassed, it turns out that before them is a person who has a "literary diploma" in his hands (the meaning of phraseology is briefly referred to as "a document that has no legal effect"), and not a real proof of his knowledge.

Moral lesson inside phraseology

Of course, the figure of Philip is already forgotten by many, and ourThe despotic king remains in the memory of the people. As the old woman Shapoklyak sang: "You can not become famous for good things." Nevertheless, the hero of Ivan the Terrible gives us, modern people, to understand: sometimes you need to do something, even if at first glance the activity is meaningless, and can have fatal consequences for a person.

Do not forget this lesson.

As for the subject of our analysis, namelyspeech circulation "Filkin literacy", the meaning of phraseology, examples illustrating it, were chosen not only close and understandable to everyone, but also topical.

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