/ / Developed socialism - a reality or utopia?

Developed socialism - a reality or utopia?

Socialism as one of the steps on the way tocommunism was considered by the ideologists of the communist movement at the dawn of its inception, in the distant Х I Х century. It was assumed that socialism as one of the socio-economic formations will go through two phases: simply socialism and its highest form - developed socialism. The implementation of this theory was carried out in the USSR in the process of life and development of the Soviet state. There were also countries of the European socialist camp, however, their leaders did not set themselves such tasks.

Historical digression

О том, что в Советском Союзе наступает развитой socialism, citizens of the country learned in 1967, when the fiftieth anniversary of the victory of the October Revolution was solemnly celebrated. This term was voiced in the solemn congratulatory speech of Leonid Brezhnev. At the same time, the concept of developed socialism was formulated-a number of theoretical propositions, as if fully corroborating concrete confirmation in the surrounding reality. What are these provisions?

Theoretical justification

  1. Прежде всего, по мнению авторов концепции, в The necessary material and technical base was created for the Soviet Union. "Industrial society" - it was so customary to talk about the Soviet people. The socio-economic situation of the people improved, welfare grew, the possibility of satisfying the material and spiritual needs and demands of both the society as a whole and its individual representatives increased.
  2. It was believed that by the seventies the Sovietsociety was a single cohesive mass in which there were not and can not be any conflicts, which also confirmed the opinion - yes, developed socialism is moving at full speed along the country. Even the national question, which was exacerbated from time to time on the outskirts of the country, was, in principle, decided and settled - after all, under socialism there can be no conflicts on the basis of nationality!
  3. The Constitution of developed socialism should reflect the improvement of the status of citizens, consolidate their basic rights and duties.
  4. The concept of developed socialism includedwide ideological work. The role of labor discipline and consciousness, scientific and technological progress, the growth and expansion of many forms and spheres of production, and the effectiveness of capital investments are increasing. There is an increase in the well-being of the people.
  5. Developed socialism presupposes such changes in theeconomic and production process, as the division of the entire sphere of manufactured products into two types-production of means of production and production of consumer goods. The production base itself must be re-equipped in accordance with the new requirements of scientific and technological discoveries and achievements.
  6. For developed socialism, the newagrarian policy. The Soviet Union is a country not only industrial, but also agricultural, agrarian. Therefore, the authors of the concept pointed out that it was necessary to strengthen collective farms and state farms, to promote the rise of agriculture in every possible way, to carry out the policy of modernizing the village. What has already been achieved in this area shows great success, but it is necessary to act more actively, more resolutely, more purposefully, then the effect will be more tangible and significant.
  7. The building of developed socialism is impossible withouta fundamentally new way of life, standing on the updated positions, more appropriate to the historical moment. The production sphere should be aimed at the full satisfaction of the material needs and demands of citizens of the country. The spiritual and moral needs of the people, the formation of high spirituality and morals, the free, comprehensive, harmonious development of each member of society can not remain without solution. These components were obligatory for the formation of developed socialism, and what was not yet implemented, realized, was to be realized in the shortest possible time.


Unfortunately, in reality, building a societydeveloped socialism did not happen. Reality sometimes diametrically disagreed with theory. Because the successor LI. Brezhnev, Yu.V. Andropov, already in 1982, announced that developed socialism will be improved, but this process is long, and it will take a long historical period. As history has shown, the theory turned out to be erroneous, and instead of developed socialism and communism, Russia received the "wild capitalism" of the dashing 90s, and then the pseudo-democratic society of today's day. Therefore, in the period when the term "developed socialism" arose, it could be treated as a future reality. Now this is a clear utopia!

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