/ / Psychology of communication with people.

Psychology of communication with people.

The concept of communication in psychology is studied enoughin detail. This is nothing but a form of activity that is carried out between people on the rights of equal partners, which leads to the emergence of psychological contact. This is a multifaceted and complex process of establishing, and then developing, ties and contacts between different people. Not everyone is able to learn the wisdom of right communication. But any person always wants to reach an understanding with others at work, in the family, with friends or just acquaintances.

The psychology of communicating with people studies it asa conscious process that is expressed in verbal or speech acts, as well as in facial expressions, sign language and non-verbal acts (views). The main aspects that consider the psychology of communication with people - this is the purpose, means and content.

The purpose of communication implies an answer to the question,why do people communicate with each other. They do this to satisfy their cognitive or social, creative or cultural-aesthetic, as well as other human needs.

Now about the content of communication.This refers to the information that people transmit to each other. It can transmit information, for example, about the inner state of a person or be emotionally absolutely neutral. A means of communication - this is a kind of way to convey all this information. This process occurs with the help of speech, technical means, writing, sense organs and so on. All of the above is the ABC of such a science as the psychology of communication with people. But to master this art is not so easy - you have to work hard.

In order to talk about yourself as a personwho can communicate, you must first learn to listen, and most importantly, to understand the person who is talking to you. In addition, the art of communication requires people to competently and clearly express their thoughts, taking into account the style of speech during the exchange of information. Categorically you can not give in to emotions. After all, a person who can not control himself, a priori, can not communicate.

Note that the psychology of communication withpeople consider different situations that may arise in your interaction with this or that person. It is important to take into account the status and age of the interlocutor. After all, it is impossible to communicate with elderly people in the same way as with their peers, it is necessary to use other methods, to seek a different approach. In any case, the psychology of communicating with people implies empathy, that is, the ability to understand the state and feelings of another person. That is why, when dealing with elderly people, one really needs to take into account their emotional state, which is usually associated with the experience of loneliness, changes in their physical condition, and anxiety.

The psychology and ethics of business communication is whatthan all purposeful, self-assured people who want to achieve success in different spheres of life should know. If you are able to communicate and know different techniques and techniques, then getting a new position or signing a profitable contract for work will not be difficult for you. After all, if you use the psychology and ethics of business communication correctly, things will immediately go uphill. During a job interview, you can greatly help to achieve a positive result by the ability to own your movements and speech.

Knowledge of the basics of the psychology of communication with people, youyou can protect yourself from manipulators. These are people who are able to use the various techniques and tricks to use others as a tool to achieve their goals. Such specimens must be taught to give an elegant and competent rebuff. Therefore, the psychology of communication is worth studying for people of all ages and social strata. This is the only way to achieve great success without much effort.

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