/ / Analysis of the poem "Porosh": a description of the winter landscape and the lyrical component

Analysis of the poem "Porosh": a description of the winter landscape and the lyrical component

One of the important moments in the work of S.Yesenin is a natural lyric poet. His poems, dedicated to the beauty of the surrounding world, landscape sketches are filled with genuine tender affection for nature. Yesenin knew how to see his charm and charm even in a seemingly unsightly rural landscape. And the use of metaphors and personification allows you to fill the work with your feelings. Below is an analysis of the poem "Porosh" according to plan.

Features of the early work of the poet

In the analysis of the poem "Porosh" you can tellYesenin's lyrical works are distinctive features. This creation, written by him in 1914, refers to this period. All his lines breathe cleanliness and freshness.

In these lines Esenin seeks to capturedear from childhood to him pictures. At the very beginning of his creative career, the poet turns to familiar images and memories, because they were very different from the gray reality. Moscow, with its fuss and noise, tires the poet, so in his thoughts he increasingly turns to images of landscapes familiar from childhood.

analysis of the poem Porosh

Lyrical component

In the analysis of the poem "Porosh" you can telland that this work reveals the romantic side of the poet. Yesenin surprisingly combines peace and tranquility with the dynamism of horse riding. Lonely standing pine, he compares with a rural old woman, who expects the arrival of relatives, tied a white kerchief.

The winter forest seems to the poet a mysterious kingdom,the silence in which violates only the ringing of bells. The road along which the lyrical hero rides, sets up philosophical reflections, allowing one to escape from various minor concerns. The poet drew in contemplation of nature not only inspiration, but also pacification. Yesenin was ready to give up all the benefits of city life, only to hear the sound of hoofs on the snow.

analysis of Yesenin Porosh's poem

In the analysis of the poem "Porosh" you can say andthat the poet, to make the winter landscape more mysterious, uses different sounds that disturb the royal silence of the forest. And even the crackling of snow under the hooves of horses seems very loud - so quiet in the winter kingdom.

The lyrical hero of the poem admires the workswinter, which he compares to the invisible. This sorceress, quietly and inaudibly, decorated the snow with a scattering of snow, flogged all the paths and forest paths. And the whole forest was plunged into a winter sleep, and in the process of contemplation of this picture the lyrical hero becomes calm and light.

Composition features

Further in the analysis of the poem "Porosh" followsdetermine the features of its design. Yesenin wrote his work, using a ring composition, with gradation - the amplification of some action or phenomenon. If at the very beginning of the poem the hero simply rides, then at the end he quickly jumps.

analysis of the poem Porosh according to plan

In the analysis of Esenin's poem "Porosh" followsnote that it is written with a four-legged choreuse. This size gives the product a musicality and easy melody. In the poem, female and male rhymes are combined. Thus, the work became even more expressive.

Artistic means of expressiveness

In the analysis of Yesenin's poem "Porosh" separatelyIt is worth considering literary paths and stylistic devices. The poet used synecdoche, personifications, metaphors and comparisons in order to "revive" the winter picture. To give even more colors and mystery, Yesenin applies epithets.

a written analysis of the poem Porosh

Thanks to the syntactic parallelism andthe reader feels all the magic of winter. This work is one of the poet's best lyrical creations, so schoolchildren perform a written analysis of the poem "Porosh".

Many are looking forward to summer, becausebecomes warm, flowers blossom, the earth is dressed in all shades of green. Yesenin also wants to show people that winter is a wonderful time of the year, when everything looks like a fairy tale. After reading this poem, the reader feels admiration for this time of year. But not only an enthusiastic attitude towards winter is the main idea of ​​this work. Yesenin also wanted to show how important it is that a man should notice the beautiful and be able to admire it; people can find a balance in unity with nature.

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