The uprising in the Senate Square was the result ofpenetration of enlightening ideas from Europe to Russia. The reactionary policy of the tsarist government strengthened the tendency towards free-thinking that arose in the midst of the thinking part of society. After the Patriotic War of 1812, Russia's national economy was in disrepair.
Secret societies
In the second decade of the XIX century in a liberal environmentthe aristocrats were finally formed an understanding that the current reactionary policy of the tsarist government hinders the development of the country and ensures its lagging behind the advanced states of Europe and North America. In 1816 arose the first secret society, called the "Union of Salvation." It had about 30 members, almost all of them were young army officers. The main goals of the illegal community were the abolition of serfdom and the removal of the tsarist autocracy in the country. However, two years later the conspirators were exposed by the government. The next such organizations were the "Union of Prosperity" and the "Southern Society" and "Northern Society" that emerged as a result of its split. These secret clubs had common global goals, but different views on how to achieve them and on the subsequent administrative, territorial and political arrangement of Russia. However, the sudden death of the autocrat in November 1925 pushed the conspirators to a single decision: to act urgently this year - 1825. The uprising in the Senate Square was prepared in just two weeks.
The failed coup
Oath of the new Tsar Nicholas I was appointed to14 December. On the same day, the rebels appointed their insurrection on the Senate Square. The main events unfolded in the morning on the day of the royal oath. The troops led by the opposition officers had to take control of the senators and force them to declare, instead of the solemn monarch's oath, that the tsarist government had been deposed.