/ / Customs. Specificity of profession

Customs. Specificity of profession

Development of international relations in the field ofeconomy has made demand for customs specialists. There is not a single state that would exist separately and could develop without having connections with the economies of other countries. Foreign economic activity implies the import and export of goods and services across the border. All this process is controlled by customs organizations.
Customs is the whole systemrelations, connected with international ones. This is one of the most important links that determine foreign economic relations. The main body in this system is the customs.


But customs business is also a complex chain of relationships, which also includes elements of domestic and foreign policy of the country.

To date, the profession of customs officer is veryin demand. Especially this applies to those who know their work well and strive to raise the level of professionalism. Many educational institutions offer training in the direction of customs business. After the termination of such institution it is possible to work in several directions. This may be the post of customs inspector, customs broker, customs manager, customs carrier, customs clearance specialist or foreign trade specialist.

Specialty customs

Specialty customs business providescomprehensive training in international relations and foreign economic relations. Here we study the general concepts of the customs business and the principles of carrying out activities in this field, the methods for determining the country of origin and its value.

One of the directions during thespecialization "customs business" is the specifics of keeping records of customs and other payments, as well as cash collateral, which goes to the accounts of customs authorities.

The movement of goods across the border involvescertain control. This is also the responsibility of customs specialists. They monitor compliance with the rules of transportation, prohibitions and restrictions that apply to certain groups of goods and services passing through the border. In case of occurrence of non-standard situations or revealing of offenses, the customs officer is obliged to stabilize a situation and to bring guilty to responsibility.

Customs business is

Modern technologies make it possible to significantlyfacilitate accounting and other activities. Therefore, customs business involves knowledge of new developments. The specialist must be able to use information technologies and systems, hardware and software in his work.

A customs officer should conduct an analyticalwork and statistics of foreign trade. Therefore, this direction is given a special place in the learning process. In addition, the customs officer should advise and advise those who carry goods and services across the border.
We can say that this is a very interesting and fascinating profession. There is a possibility of career growth and raising the level of qualification.

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