In the spring of the penultimate year of the Great Patriotic War, military awards appeared that noted the contribution of sailors of all ranks and ranks to the battle against fascism: from ordinary sailors to admirals.
Decree on the establishment of USSR naval awards issued 2March 1944, but the issue of special - naval - awards was raised earlier. The initiative in this belonged to the famous Soviet admiral, Soviet people's commissar Nikolai Gerasimovich Kuznetsov. He reported to Stalin about the expediency of the establishment of orders and medals dedicated to the memory of the great Russian naval commanders, as early as mid-1943, the idea turned out to be possible in the spring of next year.
Navy operations to combat the enemy fleet onthe sea, the participation of coastal artillery batteries in the defense of coastal cities, the heroism of the marine infantry battalions in battles on land — all this was highly valued by the highest Soviet command, caused hatred of the navy from the fascists and created fame for them among the people. Stalin knew about the great contribution of the sailors in the fight against the fascist invasion, therefore he supported the idea of special sea awards. The medal of Nakhimov became the youngest among the four established award insignia, but was especially appreciated not only by sailors and foremen, but also by officers.
According to the position of the basis for awarding a medalNakhimov was a skillful and proactive action to successfully carry out tasks with the ships and formations of the Navy, and the naval units of the border troops in a combat situation. The medal of Nakhimov was considered an analogue of the military medal "For Military Merit" and enjoyed such respect.
Medal award was not contrary to the situation.Nakhimov those who served in other branches of the army. She could be handed over to civilians. Soldiers and sergeants from infantry, artillery and other ground forces awarded with the medal of Nakhimov especially appreciated the interaction in the battle with ships and marines. They considered it a communion with the legendary sea brotherhood.
Admiral N.G.Kuznetsov said that naval officers who were awarded military medals were no less proud of them than orders that were more significant in status. Awarded for courage and courage in combat, the Nakhimov Medal was a reliable testimony to the personal courage of a man wearing any military rank.
Maritime awards established in 1944 -the medal and the Order of Nakhimov are named after one of the most legendary Russian naval commanders. Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov was born into a poor noble family in 1802. Deciding to devote his life to military service at sea, he entered the Naval Cadet Corps. After its completion, he made a world tour, distinguished himself in a naval battle with the Turks in the Navarinskaya Bay, commanded the legendary frigates Pallas and Navarin.
By the beginning of the Crimean War, in 1853, Nakhimov wasVice-Admiral, commanded a large squadron in the Black Sea Fleet, had enormous prestige from the command, was respected by the lower ranks, had a great combat experience. All this allowed him to win his most important victory - with Sinop. This was the last battle of military ships under sail, in which the Russian squadron, under the leadership of Nakhimov, thanks to bold and skillful actions on November 18, 1853, completely destroyed the main forces of the Turkish fleet.
After blocking by the Anglo-French troopsOf Sevastopol and the death of Admiral V. A. Kornilov Nakhimov was at the head of the troops defending the city until June 28, 1855, when he was mortally wounded on the Malakhov Kurgan.
For conceptual design of new awards admiralKuznetsov attracted a whole group of sailor artists under the direction of B. M. Khomich’s kaprang. It was attended by N. A. Volkov, A. L. Diodorov, and architect M. A. Shepelevsky. According to their project, the Order and the Ushakov Medal, the Order and the Nakhimov Medal were created. Photos of these insignia show them the highest examples of medal art.
The only reward of times greatPatriotic, made of bronze - the Nakhimov medal is a disc with a diameter of 36 mm, through a soldered ear with a ring connected to a block covered with a moiré ribbon. Its coloring contains the motif of the sea collar - Huys - three white stripes on a blue background.
On the obverse - P. p. ProfileNakhimov, on both sides of which along the top edge are convex letters: “Admiral Nakhimov”, below - laurel branches, separated by a five-pointed star, framing along the edges - convex points. The flip side of the medal is an expressive composition of an image of a sailboat, framed in a circle with a rope superimposed on two anchors connected by a chain, in a circle - convex points.
During the war years produced about 13 thousandrewarding this distinction. The Nakhimov Medal was part of the existing state awards until 2010 and left a significant mark in the glorious history of the Russian fleet.