/ / Get acquainted: modal particle!

We get acquainted: the modal particle!

This material will be devoted to the service part of speech - a particle. The ranks will be considered, examples are given, differences from homonymous words are shown.

modal particle

We get acquainted: a particle!

Let's analyze with you what a particle is.You just could notice: in the previous sentence it is the word "the same." So, the particle is an official part of the speech, which introduces into the sentences new semantic emotionally colored hues, and serves to form new forms of the word. Here is an example.

He came. A simple, one might say, faceless proposal. We add various particles to this sentence.

He just came.

He just came.

Did he come?

He almost came.

Pay attention to how much the meaning has changed and the emotional color in the sentences has appeared, it was only necessary to add small elements. By the way, "only" is also a particle.

It is worth noting that the Russian language is so richsuch components of speech that even there are no specific requirements for their memorization. It is necessary to learn how to find, see in the text, and also be able to distinguish them from other words in sentences. This we will discuss in our article.

modal particles

Major discharges of particles

Of the variety of these elements can be divided into four categories.

  1. Form-forming particles (let, let them, let) be designed to form a word, can form the degree of comparison of adjectives and adverbs.
  2. Negative (no, not at all, not at all, not at all).
  3. Particles that can characterize the trait(this can be a state or an action) that takes place in time, in effectiveness or in completeness of implementation, or vice versa - infertility, incompleteness.
  4. Modal particles that can bequestioning (whether, really, is it really) pointing (that's right), specifying (precisely, precisely, exactly, exactly), excretory and restrictive (only, only), exclamatory (that is, how), amplifying (even , nor, after all, anyway, all the same), softening the demands, showing doubts (hardly, hardly) and, finally, motivating (let, let's, let).


Consider the modal particle as an example in the sentences:

  • Are not we going fishing today?
  • Here it is, a real champion!
  • This was exactly the moment that could not be missed.
  • What a delight, this music!
  • Still had to do the work anew.
  • Let the sun always shine!

Modal particles serve to convey the additional meaning of meaning in the text or in the speaker's speech, strengthen the emotional side and accentuate attention.

modal forming particles

Modal Forming Particles

With the help of forming elements,the ability to create new forms of words. To this category of modal form-building particles it is possible to attribute: let, yes, yes, give (-e), less, most, let, more.

Let's give examples for clarity.

The word "would" can be used to form the conditional mood of the verb. I would have done more if I had risen earlier.

The imperative form of inclination is modal particles, let them, let them, yes. Here are some examples:

  • Let spring come.
  • Tell him, let him hurry.
  • "Let there be light!" Said the electrician.
  • Let's go on a trip to another country.

To form a comparative degree of adverbs and adjectives, the forming elements are more or less. For example:

  • A faster lift to the floor by an elevator.
  • Less successful enterprise.

Form-forming element itself (pay attention to the number and genus) can serve for the formation of an adjective of an excellent form, for example: the brightest.

All these listed forming elementsare in the verb form. When parsing the proposal, members are encouraged to emphasize them as one member of the proposal, even if they are not nearby. It is necessary to give examples of a sentence with modal particles.

  • I would not be late if I did not stay at work.
  • Let them come tomorrow.
  • Today, the circumstances are less successful.
  • Now I'm guessing a more complicated puzzle.
  • In her life she solved the most difficult task.

It is worth noting that such form-building elements can be divided into conditional and imperative mood. Modal particles are referred to the conditional inclination would, b.

To the imperative they take such particles as: let him, let him, yes, come on, come on.

sentences with modal particles

Difference from homonymous words. Examples

Let's remember what homonyms are. So, homonyms are words that are identical in spelling and sound, but different in meaning.

It is important not to be confused, to be able to see and distinguish between homonymous words. Examples:

  • Give him half a tablet of medicine every half hour. In this context, the word come on is not a form-building element, but a verb form to give.
  • And now let the boat downstream. Here is also the word let him it can not be a particle, it is a verb form to start up.
  • Is it really you? - I'm the most. In this variant, the word most is a pronoun and has no connection with the adjective.
  • She spoke very quietly, as if apologizing. In this sentence, the word as if is an indivisible construction, which can be replaced by synonyms as if or as if.
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