/ / Kudessnitsa is ... Etymology, the meaning of the word

The magician is ... Etymology, the meaning of the word

The word "kudesnitsa" is often called the atelier and yarn shops, you can find this name in the signs of beauty salons and cafes. And Kudesnitsa is a pear variety, which is distinguished by its large fruits.

Etymological dictionary: "kudesnitsa" - meaning of the word

The word "kudesnitsa" goes back to the Old Russian"kudes", which can be translated into modern as "witchcraft" or "enchantment." By the way, the root "kudo" is identical to the word "miracle". With the help of the suffix added to this root, the word "kudesnitsa" was formed. In the past, it had a negative connotation. In the dictionary of Dal, it is stated that kudes are miraculous phenomena that are performed with the help of dark forces.

wizard is this

According to the conventional wisdom, sorceresses turned to various evil spirits. Today, the negative accent of the word is lost, a new meaning has appeared. Now the wizard is a kind sorceress.

Figurative meaning

According to the figurative meaning, the wizard is a woman who is able to amaze and conquer with any skill. This can be handicraft or art.

Synonym dictionary

This word has many analogues in the Russian language.This is a sorceress, a sorceress, and even a fortune teller. Healer and leader - so you can also call the wizard. In addition, among the synonyms for this word there are: "fairy", "harbinger", "doctor" and "sorcerer".

Magicians in literature

Often this word occurs in fairy tales.Here the wizard is a master of all trades. For example, Marya the wizard, the daughter of Baba Yaga. Unlike her mother, Marya is a real beauty and a very kind sorceress. The wizard is also called Vasilissa the Beautiful from the fairy tale "The Princess Frog". According to the plot of this tale, Vasilisa is forced to spend some time in the guise of a frog. With the help of witchcraft, the girl copes with the difficult tasks of the king. The real wizard was Vasilisa the Beautiful from the fairy tale of the same name. The assistant to this heroine was a doll. Yes, not simple, but wonderful! It was the doll, received by Vasilisa from the dying mother, helped to cope with work and sorrows.

wizard word meaning

Архиепископ из "Диких лебедей" Андерсена называл wizard Eliza, who, trying to save from the evil spells of siblings, wove their shirts from the nettles, collected in the cemetery. From the burning at the stake, to which Elizu sentenced the people, the girl was rescued by the brothers.

Variety of pears Kudessnitsa

Imagine a pear that brings a bigyield, has increased frost resistance and is practically not subject to any diseases. This is a real "wizard"! Belarusian breeders brought out a variety, the fruits of which appear only three years after planting. Their weight can reach two hundred grams. Distinguished Kudessnitsa delicate aroma and sweet and sour taste. On the tender green peel of pears of this sort, a slight pink glow emerges.

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