/ / Princess Keith Middleton: Biography

Princess Keith Middleton: Biography

kate middleton biography

Kate Middleton, whose biography isa true modern fairy tale, was born in the most ordinary family. She studied at the school and institute, was the most ordinary British. Until the cherished dream, which probably all girls dream about.

Kate Middleton: a biography of childhood

The future princess of the British Crown was bornin 1982 in the small town of Reading, which is located in the county of Berkshire. It is here that the biography of Kate Middleton originates. Her family was not poor, but not rich. Both parents worked in aviation, the father was the captain of the plane, and the mother worked as a flight attendant on the airlines of Britain. In their family, two more children were born later: the younger sister and brother Kate.

biography kate middleton

When the girl was only five years old, her parentsattended to family income and opened their own small business. A girl from a small age tried to help them in business. The family business was built on the implementation of various souvenirs and ornaments that were sent to the buyer. Apparently, an entrepreneurial vein from one of Kate's parents was available, because very soon the firm gained enough popularity and popularity throughout the UK. Various souvenir shops were sold at unprecedented speed, and successful businessmen hardly had time to consider profit. Very soon the family moved to a luxurious mansion, which became their new residence. The very future princess was very diligent in high school and dreamed of building an art career.

Kate Middleton: a biography of young years

After graduation, the girl successfully enteredCollege of Marlborough, in the county of Berkshire. Here she mastered the educational program and passed examinations in chemistry, art history and biology. In addition, Kate successfully engaged in tennis and athletics. In 2000, the girl received a diploma, after which she decided to travel a little. The next few months she spends in the US, Italy, Chile. It is interesting that even during her wanderings the future princess continues her studies. So, in Florence, she enters the regional branch of the Institute of Berlin. In Chile, he participates in the charity program.

princess kate middleton biography
A year later the girl returns to Britain andgoes to the University of St. Andrews. And here there is a turning point in the life of Kate Middleton. Her biography acquires completely new colors: she meets Prince William. In 2003, relations were established between them.

Princess Keith Middleton: Biography

However, the prince's attention was not at all soa simple matter, as it seemed from the very beginning. Kate long time was under the gunshot of journalists. The burden of publicity heavily affected her. This state of affairs almost led to the final dissolution of relations in 2007. However, after this unpleasant episode, the prince did everything to protect his mistress from unwanted attention. In 2010, all British media announced the news of the couple's engagement. And in April 2011, there was a solemn wedding ceremony. At the end of 2012, the media began actively hinting at the pregnancy of the princess. Indeed, in July 2013 a new heir to the British Crown was born, Prince George of Cambridge.

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