/ / Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law: faculty, reviews, address

Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law: faculty, reviews, address

Every person sooner or later havethoughts on what profession to choose for their future life, on what profession to stop their attention. It is not easy to make a choice, because there are a lot of specialties, but not all of them are in demand. The most relevant in the modern world are such areas that are related to finance, jurisprudence, management. Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law, which has become a university, invites applicants to the popular and prestigious specialties.

About the educational institution

The university, now operating in Khabarovsk,appeared in 1970. Work in the field of education he began under the name of the Institute of National Economy. There was this educational institution until 1994, after which it became the Academy of Economics and Law. It was not just a renaming. There was a merger of two branches of Moscow universities with the Institute of National Economy.

Educated educational institution is dynamicdeveloped, actively participated in scientific work. As a result, the Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law became a university. There was such a significant event in the history of the university in 2015. Today, this educational institution is considered a recognized university in the Far East, one of the leading centers for the training of economists, lawyers, managers. There are 5 faculties at the university (international economics, management, economics, trade and technology, and jurisprudence), each of which should be considered in more detail.

Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law

Faculty of International Economic Relations

In the Far East, international expertslevel began to be prepared in 1993. The faculty of international economic relations, which was created in its organizational structure by the Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law, was engaged in the training of students. At the beginning, personnel were trained for the World Economy and Commerce. Later, new specialties were opened. Today the training is conducted according to 5 programs:

  • "Economy".
  • "Trading business".
  • "Management".
  • "Public relations and advertising."
  • "Customs business".

At the faculty special attention is paid tothe study of foreign languages, because their knowledge is now a requirement of time, an important factor that ensures the competitiveness of graduates. For high-quality language training, the university periodically invites foreign specialists to conduct classes, give lectures in a foreign language. Also to the students Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law provides the opportunity to pass language internships. They are held in foreign universities.

Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics of Law Khabarovsk

Faculty of Management and Economics

For those applicants who want in the futurework as businessmen, occupy managerial and other important posts in state and commercial structures, the Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law has established the faculties of management and economics:

  1. The department preparing managers, appeared when the institution still existed. It dates back to 1974. It was then called the planning and economic department.
  2. The economic structural unit was formed in 2013. It was created on the basis of two faculties (the "Financier" and the "Auditor"), existing since 1970.

To date, the faculties of management andeconomy are prestigious structural divisions of the university. Here students become bachelors in management, economics and informatics. Due to the acquired knowledge and peculiarities of the educational process organization, flexible thinking is formed, the ability to see strategic guidelines and to adapt quickly, make decisions in changing conditions.

Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law faculties

Trade and technological faculty

The existence of this department began long beforeappearance of the highest educational institution. The modern faculty at the time of origin was a consulting and training center of one university operating in Khabarovsk, and later it was a branch of the capital's educational institution. In 1994, a commercial unit was established. It was engaged in the preparation of commodity experts, economists, accountants, technologists, merchants.

In 2011, renamed the KhabarovskState Academy of Economics, Law (Khabarovsk). It received a modern name. Today this faculty offers specialties (directions) related:

  • with the technology of products and the organization of public catering;
  • with a business deal.

Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law reviews

Faculty of jurisprudence

The jurisprudence department is anotherFaculty, whose history began before the establishment of the university in question. It was originally a consulting and training center of one All-Union Institute. In the 90's it was already a branch of the capital's legal academy. In 1994, he was joined to the educational organization in question. As a result of this procedure, the branch became the law faculty of the university.

Today, this structural unit is considered to becenter of legal education in the Far East. Preparation of students is conducted in a single direction - on "Jurisprudence". Thanks to the knowledge, many graduates manage to take up worthy positions. They work as heads of law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, judges.

Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law: feedback

The university, which grew out of the academy, has a largenumber of good reviews. They are left by students who say that it is here that students receive a quality education, which in the future will certainly become the key to success.

People enrolled in this university, list a huge number of opportunities open to students. Here are the main ones:

  • a wide range of specialties and training areas;
  • availability of budgetary places;
  • the study of foreign languages ​​at a high level;
  • provision of places in the hostel to needy students and payment of scholarships;
  • presence of creative studios, sports sections.

Those people who have read the reviews anddecided to enter this university, it will be useful to know where the Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law is located. The address of the institution is Pacific Street, 134. The telephone number of the selection committee can be found on the official website of the institution.

Khabarovsk State Academy of Economics and Law address

In conclusion, it should be noted that todayKhabarovsk Academy of Economics and Law, which turned into a university, is a major educational institution. About 10 thousand students study there. The teaching staff includes over 500 highly qualified employees, among whom there are people with academic degrees and titles.

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