/ / Test for determining the level of intelligence (IQ). How to pass an IQ test

Test to determine the level of intelligence (IQ). How to pass an IQ test

How often do you hear about powerfulthe intelligence of this or that person? Perhaps you have a question: "And what if my IQ is much higher than that of the one who is idolized by millions?" It is this and similar questions that make a huge number of people pass an IQ test for the first time. And few people have an idea about the very concept of intelligence quotient. How are the indicators calculated, what level of intelligence is considered normal, and what is not? What will have to face during the test? Understand everything in order.

how to pass iq test

What is IQ?

Before you learn how to pass an IQ test,need to figure out what is this indicator? First, it is worth reminding readers that for the first time such tests were used over a hundred years ago in France by the famous scientist Alfred Binet. With the help of unusual tasks, he determined the level of mental development in children, or more precisely, he revealed among them gifted individuals with an extraordinary system of thinking. Only a few years later, his system became so popular and in demand that an IQ test was required for candidates for state or military service, students, pupils and their parents.

Что же представляет собой этот пресловутый IQ? According to scientific sources, IQ is a quantitative indicator of the individual's intelligence in relation to the intelligence of an average person of the same age. Based on this definition, an IQ of 100 units is considered the norm for an average person. It is believed that with a result of 120 or more units, one can speak of the presence of genius in the test person.

Since you can take an IQ test in anyage, and his results change from time to time for the same subject, by itself the question arose of using it not only for informational purposes, but also as a tool for improving intelligence. How it works? We learn right now.

pass iq test

Can I change my level of intelligence?

Passing an IQ test, in addition to determininglevel of intelligence, helps to identify the dominant type of thinking. As you know, there are four types of them: logical, mathematical, figurative and verbal. As a rule, specialists in these responses can easily identify problem types of thinking in each subject. To remedy the situation, they select a series of tasks to train the weaknesses of the intellect. The result of such classes can be a significant improvement in the result of the next passage of this difficult intellectual test.

In short, you can pass an IQ test.only to establish the actual IQ, but also to increase it further. By the way, this technique is widely used in many European countries and is gaining popularity in the United States.

Where and how to pass an IQ test?

So, if you are strengthened in your decisioncheck your intelligence ratio, it is worth finding out one more thing: where can I get tested and how will it happen. Fortunately, now IQ tests can be done on the Internet. Usually the tasks in them are grouped by degree of difficulty and by the method of solution. There are tasks in them related to arithmetic calculations, analysis and compilation of a logical series, visual memory, manipulation with sets of letters, etc.

iq test passing

How to pass an IQ test for the first time, when notdo you know what you have to work with in the next moment? First of all, you should not think that you will need academic knowledge or the ability to solve complex trigonometric equations or problems from higher mathematics. With all the tasks you can handle. The main thing is to include logic, and not the base accumulated over the years of study at the school / institute / university of knowledge.

How to get more IQ units

In order to always pass the test for IQsuccessfully, that is, with indicators above average, you can apply a little trick. To do this, just skip the simple tasks and immediately take on more complex ones. As a rule, fewer points are given for answers to easy questions (the first 10 of the test). But the last 10 tasks require the subject to pay more attention and time to solve. Start with them, give them more time. After that you can go to the average difficulty questions, and only then return to the beginning of the test.

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