/ Ancestral home of the Slavs. Versions and disputes about the origin and the ancient homeland of the Slavs

Ancestral Slavs. Versions and disputes about the origin and the ancient homeland of the Slavs

Where is the ancestral home of the Slavs?What versions do scientists put forward about this? Read the article and you will find out the answers to these questions. Ethnogenesis of the Slavs called the process of formation of the ethnic Old Slavic community, which led to the separation of this people from the mass of Indo-European tribes. Today there is no generally accepted version of the maturation of the Slavic ethnos.

First evidence

The ancestral home of the Slavs is interested in many specialists.This nation was first witnessed in Byzantine documents of the 6th century. In retrospect, these sources mention the Slavs in the IV century. Earlier information refers to the peoples who participated in the ethnogenesis of the Slavs (bastarna), but the degree of their involvement in various historical restorations varies.

the ancestral home of the Slavs

Written confirmations of the authors of the VI century fromByzantium speaks of an already well-established people, divided into Ants and Sklavins. Wends are mentioned as the ancestors of the Slavs in the retrospective direction. The evidence of the authors of the Roman era (I-II cc.) About the Wends does not allow them to be connected with some old Slavic culture.


The ancestral home of the Slavs is still not precisely defined.Archaeologists call the Russian originals some archaic cultures dating back to the 5th century. In academic studies there is no single point of view on the ethnic lineage of the carriers of earlier civilizations and their connection with later Slavic ones. Linguists also have different opinions about the time of occurrence of the language, which could be called Slavic or Proto-Slavic. The current scientific versions suspect the isolation of Russian from Proto-Indo-European speech in a colossal range from the 2nd millennium BC. e. before the first centuries n. e.

eastern slav

The history of education, the origin and range of ancient Rusyns are studied by special methods at the crossroads of various sciences: history, linguistics, genetics, paleoanthropology, archeology.


The ancestral home of the Slavs today excites the minds of many.It is known that in the era of the Bronze Age in Central Europe there was an ethno-linguistic community of the Indo-European race. The attribution to it of separate speech groups is controversial. The German professor G. Krae concluded that while Indo-Iranian, Anatolian, Greek and Armenian languages ​​were already separated and developed independently, Celtic, Italian, Illyrian, Germanic, Balt and Slavic languages ​​were only dialects of a single Indo-European language. The ancient Europeans who inhabited Central Europe north of the Alps, created a common terminology in the area of ​​agriculture, religion and social relations.

Eastern race

А где была расположена прародина восточных славян?The tribes of this people, who had time to merge into a single whole (according to many scholars), constituted the main population of medieval Ancient Russia. As a result of the subsequent political stratification of these people, by the XVII century three people were formed: Belarusian, Russian and Ukrainian.

 the ancestral homeland of the Eastern Slavs

Who are the eastern Rusyns?It is a cultural and linguistic society of Russians who use East Slavic languages ​​in their speech. Some early researchers also used the notation “Russian Slavs”. The Eastern Slav ... Little is known about his history. The reason for this is not only the absence of its own written language, but also remoteness from the civilized centers of that period.

East Slav described in Byzantine, Arab and Persian written sources. Some information about him was found using a comparative analysis of Slavic languages ​​and in archaeological data.


Прародина славян и их расселение обсуждаются by many researchers. Some believe that the expansion occurred due to a population explosion caused by climate warming or the emergence of modern farming techniques, and others - due to the Great Migration, which devastated part of Europe during the first centuries of our era during the invasions of Sarmatians, Germans, Avars, Huns, Bulgars and Russians.

Presumably the origin and ancestral homeland of the Slavsassociated with the population Przeworsk culture. These people in the west bordered on the Celtic and Germanic tribal world, in the east - on the Finno-Ugric peoples and the Balts, in the south-east and south - on the Sarmatians. Some surveyors think that during this period there was still a continuous Slavic-Balt system, that is, these tribes were not yet completely fragmented.

the origin and ancestral home of the Slavs

At the same time there was an expansion of Krivichy inSmolensk Dnieper. In this area, the Tushemla civilization previously existed, the ethnicity of which is viewed by archaeologists differently. It was replaced by a purely Slavic old culture, and the Tushemli settlements were destroyed, because at that time the Slavs did not live in the cities.


The oldest Slavic tribes studied the famousAcademician linguist O. N. Trubachev. He analyzed the Slavic vocabulary of blacksmith, pottery and other handicrafts and concluded that the speakers of Old Slavic dialects (or their forefathers) at the time when appropriate terminology was formed were in active contact with Italians and Germans, that is, Indo-Europeans of Central Europe. He believes that the tribes of the ancient Rusicans separated from the Indo-European society in the Danube region (northern part of the Balkans), after which they migrated and mixed with other ethnic groups. Trubachev says that it is impossible to identify with the means of linguistics the moment of the separation of pre-Slavic dialect from Indo-European due to their archaic closeness.

Many linguists claim that pan-Slavicspeech began to form in the first centuries AD e. Some call the middle of I millennium n. e. According to glottochronology, Slavonic was a separate language in the middle of the second millennium BC. e. Some linguists call earlier terms.

Vocabulary analysis

Versions of the ancestral home of the Slavs are different.Many tried to identify the ancient fatherland Rusich by analyzing their old vocabulary. F. P. Filin believes that this nation developed in a forest belt with an abundance of marshes and lakes, far from the sea, steppes and mountains.

Based on the famous Polish beech argumentbotanist Yu. Rostafinsky tried to localize the Slavic forefathers in 1908: "The Slavs transferred the common Indo-European name of the beech to willow, willow and did not know beech, fir and larch." The word "beech" is borrowed from the German language. Today, the eastern boundary of the irradiation of this tree is located approximately on the Odessa-Kaliningrad line, however, testing of pollen in fossil finds indicates its wider range in antiquity.

ancient Slavic tribes

In the Bronze Age, beech grew in almost all landsEastern Europe (except northern). In the Iron Age, during the formation of the Slavic ethnos (according to most historians), the remains of beech were found in most of Russia, the Carpathians, the Caucasus, the Crimea and the Black Sea region. From this it follows that the south-western part of Russia, the northern and central regions of Ukraine, and Belarus may be the likely place of Slavic ethnogenesis.

In the Russian northwest (Novgorodpossessions) beech grew in the Middle Ages. Today, there are beech forests in Northern and Western Europe, Poland, the Carpathians, and the Balkans. In its natural habitat, fir does not grow on the lands of the Carpathians and the eastern border of Poland to the Volga. Thanks to this nuance, the Rusyns' homeland can be located somewhere in Belarus or in Ukraine, if the linguists have guessed about the botanical lexicon of this nation.

Во всех славянских языках (и балтском) имеется the word “linden” meaning the same tree. Hence the hypothesis of the overlap of the range of linden with the fatherland of Russian tribes, but because of the impressive prevalence of this plant, it was not taken into account.

Soviet philologists report

The ancestral home of the Slavs and their ethnogenesis are of interestmany experts. The lands of northern Ukraine and Belarus belong to the region of widespread Baltic toponymy. A specific study of the Soviet academicians of philology, O. N. Trubachev and V. N. Toporov showed that Baltic hydronyms in the Upper Dnieper region are often decorated with Slavic suffixes. This means that these people appeared there after the Balts. This discrepancy is eliminated, if you recognize the considerations of individual linguists on the allocation of the pre-Slavic dialect from the common language.

Opinion V. N. Toporova

the ancestral homeland of the Slavs and their ethnogenesis

V.N.Toporov believed that the Baltic language is closest to the original Indo-European language, while all other Indo-European languages ​​in the process of development have moved away from the original state. He argues that the pre-Slavic dialect was the Baltic southern-peripheral dialect, which passed into Proto-Slavic from about the V century BC. e. and then independently transformed into the ancient language of Rusyns.


Disputes about the origin and the ancient homeland of the Slavs continue today. In the Soviet era, two main versions of the Rusyns ethnogenesis were distributed:

  1. Polish (determines the ancestral home of the Slavs between the Oder and the Vistula).
  2. Autochthonous (originated under the influence of the theoretical views of the Soviet scientist Marr).

Оба воссоздания заранее соглашались со славянским the origin of the early archaic cultures on the lands that in the Middle Ages inhabited the Rusins, and some of the primordial antiquity of the dialect of this people, autonomously formed from the Proto-Indo-European.

Accumulation of research information and deviationfrom patriotic explanations, led to the emergence of new versions, based on the selection regarding the concentrated core of the maturation of the Slavic ethnos and its distribution through migrations to neighboring territories.

the ancestral homeland of the Slavs and their resettlement

Academic discipline has not produced a singlepoint of view on the place and time of the formation of the ethnogenesis of the Slavs. Today, there are no generally accepted conditions for attributing old cultures to this people. Promising in this regard may be a sign of the lack of dialectality of the ancient language of Rusyns.

Failed to create a convincing version of ethnogenesisRussian on the basis of information of only one scientific subject. Current theories are trying to combine information from all historical disciplines. In general, it is assumed that the Slavic ethnos appeared due to the merging of ethnically different Indo-European communities at the turn between the Scythian-Sarmatians and the Balts, with the participation of Finnish, Celtic and other substrata.

Hypotheses scientists

Учёные не уверены в том, что славянский этнос до n e. existed. This is indicated only by the contradictory assumptions of linguists. There is no evidence that the Slavs were descended from the Balts. Using different sources, professors build hypotheses about the roots of Russians. However, they not only unequivocally determine the place of the Slavic ancestral homeland, but also call different times for the separation of Slavs from the Indo-European community.

There are many hypotheses, according to whichRusyns and their forefathers have existed since the end of III millennium BC. e. (O. N. Trubachev), from the end of the second millennium AD e. (Polish academicians T. Lehr-Splavinsky, K. Yazdzhevsky, Y. Kostishevsky and others), from the middle of the II millennium BC. e. (Polish professor F. Slavsky), from the VI. BC e. (L. Niederle, M. Fasmer, P. Y. Safarik, S. B. Bernstein).

Самые ранние научные догадки о праотчизне славян can be found in the works of Russian historians of the XVIII-XIX centuries. V. O. Klyuchevsky, S. M. Solovyov, N. M. Karamzin. In their studies, they rely on the “Tale of Bygone Years” and conclude that the ancient fatherland of the Rusyns were the Danube River and the Balkans.

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