/ / Composition on the topic "Responsibility" - how correctly to write?

Composition on the topic "Responsibility" - how correctly to write?

What is an essay on"A responsibility"? First, the reasoning and reflections of the author, displayed by him on paper. Each essay has its own tasks. So, this work should make the student think about and share his opinion on this matter. And, perhaps, even change it.

essay on the topic of responsibility


The essay on the topic "Responsibility" should havea profound beginning that would instantly set the reader to a certain harmony. Often the authors begin an essay with a question, after seeing which a person begins to mechanically reflect. This method is fairly simple, but effective. In addition, this kind of introduction very successfully helps to identify the topic. You can write something like this: "We often pronounce the word" responsibility. " But are we thinking about what it means? And are we ourselves responsible? Hardly each of us often thinks about this. It should be. Perhaps, we would become a little more attentive, more serious and more mature. " This is a good start for such work as an essay on the topic "Responsibility". The main thing is that the introduction was not voluminous, but informative. And for the thoughts and reasoning is the main part.

 essay on the topic of human responsibility


The essay on the topic "Responsibility" should be written in the style of reasoning, reflection. If this was an essay called "View from the window," you could do a description. But this is not the case.

It is important to show the progress of your thoughts, as well assubstantiate them, reinforce facts and statements that could in some way convince the reader. This can be done as follows: "Every person, whether he knows it or not, has a certain responsibility. At least for his life. But in reality everything is more global. Take, for example, responsibility for animals. Everyone who has a pet is responsible for it. Animals are defenseless creatures, created to be loved and cared for. Many people forget about this. Rarely fed, do not pay attention to the pet, do not communicate with it. Such people in general should be deprived of the right to have animals. After all, they are the same creatures as us, who need food, a comfortable place to sleep, cleanliness and, of course, communication, affection. For all this is the responsibility of the person who, having taken the animal to himself, in fact undertook to provide all of it. Perhaps if everyone realized this, there would be more healthy pets in the world, and fewer - homeless people sent to the street by so-called "masters" who just got sick of a poor animal. But the main thing, communicating with them, we become better, kinder. "

Variants of the main part

Above was given one of the possible optionsthe development of the plot of such work as an essay on the topic "Human responsibility." In this case, it concerned pets, and I must say, this topic is very relevant for our time, unfortunately. You can touch other social problems. For example, the responsibility of young mothers or older children. Or drivers who do not always understand that they are driving dangerous means, and even if they are alone in the car, a pedestrian or other motorist may suffer from them. In general, there are lots of options, and the one that should be chosen depends only on the preferences and interests of the student.

essay on the topic of responsibility


Composition-reasoning on the topic "Responsibility"it is necessary to end with the appropriate words. And if they start an essay usually a question, they end up with quotations. Naturally, suitable for the topic. Well, in this case, you can write something like this: "In conclusion, I would like to say that each person would not be bothered to think about their responsibility. Perhaps it would be better to live. After all, as G. Simanovich said, "to be responsible, we need a mind, not just strong arms and shoulders."

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