/ / Infante - this is the men's title in Spain

Infante is the men's title in Spain

Up to our days in the Spanish kingdomInfant (Infanta) - this title, given to the son (daughter) of the ruling monarch, who, however, do not have the right to inherit the throne of his father. It used to be that some princes of blood in Spain and Portugal inherited this title from their parents. In addition, in the aristocratic families of these countries, children were also called infantry, but in this case without reference to the royal family. The thing is that in Spanish, and in many Romance languages, "infant" is an infant, child, child.

Infant is this

The modern meaning of the term "infanta"

In the modern world this term is often denoted bya newly born child incapable of independent existence, which is completely dependent on matter. Probably, many were interested in the question: a baby - how old is the infant? And this question is not so idle. He is interested in many parents because of the fact that the infants are given significant discounts in some public places (for example, in transport). So, for example, in England infant infant is a baby under 7 years old, and in other countries only infants up to 2 years old fall into this category. So, if the child is only 23 months old, then he does not need a ticket to stay in the plane, however a 25-month-old child is entitled to a ticket, the cost of which is equal to the price of an adult.

Don Carlos - Spanish Infant

Однако давайте вернемся в исторические времена и remember the most famous of the Spanish Infanta - Don Carlos. He was born in 1545, his parents were the Spanish King Philip and his first wife, Maria of Portugal. When the boy was only four days old, his mother died. The boy grew up alone, rarely met his father, who was constantly on the road. Carlos was engaged in his own aunt by father - donja Juana. She also ruled the state in the absence of her crowned brother.

up to what age infanta

Childhood of Carlos

The boy grew morbid and frail, was capricious,irritable, vain, loved when flattered, cringed before him. Carlos did not have any strong abilities and did not like to learn. Nevertheless, his teacher was a famous scientist throughout the country, Don Onorato Juan. Don Carlos, however, possessed also positive qualities: he was generous, kind-hearted and courageous. When he was 13 years old, his father decided to marry his son to the daughter of the French King Henry II, Elizabeth Valois. However, soon the girl became the bride not of her son, but of her father. The young queen flushed with sympathy for her stepchild, and the latter, in turn, reciprocated her and asked her gifts. It did not escape the king, and jealousy began to torment him.

Uneasy relationship between father and son

Don Carlos Infant Spanish
Philip decided to remove Carlos from the courtyard and senthis study at the University of Alcala. Before that, he demanded of the Cortes to swear allegiance to the heir to the throne of Carlos. After graduation, Carlos returned to the capital and began to lead an unruly life. He had many enemies. He sometimes led them with an extremely passionate temper, and sometimes he could surprise everyone with his generosity. Don Carlos despised the Duke of Albu, who stood at the helm of power, as well as the great inquisitor Eskinoz. When in 1566 Carlos wanted to participate in the affairs of state administration, his father, Philip, did not allow this. This attitude of the king wounded the pride of the young Infanta.

The next time the father opposed his alliance withsister of Queen Elizabeth, and then marrying the daughter of Emperor Maximilian - Anna. Carlos became more and more aware of his father's malevolence and flushed him with hatred. This was what the ambassador of Flanders, Montigny, who was then in the Spanish capital, wanted to use. He planned to draw Infanta to participate in the uprising, and he succeeded. Carlos demanded from his father the post of ruler of the Netherlands, but the choice of Philip fell on the Duke of Albu. Infante took it as a personal insult, and in a rage with a dagger rushed to the duke, but he managed to dodge the blow and disarmed the prince. After this incident, Carlos was under the watchful eye of royal spies. Soon, on the orders of Philippe Montigny, he was arrested and executed.

The death of Carlos

Carlos decided to leave Spain.However, his father soon learned about this and ordered the arrest of the infant. Further actions of the king led the entire court and the rulers of neighboring states to bewilderment. Philip ordered an indictment against his son, and some time later a rumor spread that Carlos had died. However, no one could say for sure whether his death was natural or violent. The story of Don Carlos, the Spanish infante, was so dramatic that many poets and prose writers (Schiller, Chenier, Otvey and others) used it as a plot for their works.


Infant infant is this
Today the term "infant" is, like in the pasttimes, the Spanish title, which is given to the princes of the blood. Contemporary Spanish infants are the cousin of the reigning King Juan Carlos Carlos de Bourbon, as well as Prince Felipe - the son of King Juan Carlos. However, he is also the prince of Asturias, therefore he is the direct heir to the throne.

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