/ / Communion as part of speech

Communion as part of speech

Communion as part of speech is a form ofa verb that does not conjugate and defines an object in the same way as the adjective. The designated sign proceeds in time as an action, or produced by the object itself, or performed over it from the side (calling - called).

Communion as part of speech combines the properties of both the adjective and the verb. The signs of the latter are as follows:

1. The existence of a category of time (past and present).

2. Presence of forms of irrecoverability and recurrence.

3. Presence of a category of a kind (perfect, imperfect).

4. Transitivity and intransitivity.

5. Presence of a category of pledge. Its forms (real, passive) are expressed through suffixes.

6. Compatibility with the adverb.

The properties of the verb contain both participle andgerund, but the latter does not possess the qualities of an adjective. This is their main difference. The form of the verb is the same as in Russian, is the communion in English. And there it also performs the syntactic function of the definition, less often - the circumstances.

Communion as part of non-conjugated speech does not have a category of face and inclination.

With the adjective, the sacrament is united by the following features:

1. The existence of a category of case.

2. Presence of a category of a sort.

3. Presence of a category of number.

4. Coordination with the word to be determined for all the categories listed above.

5. The endings of participles in declension are the same as those of adjectives.

6. Performing in the sentence identical with the adjective syntactic functions (acts as a predicate or definition).

Причастие как часть речи делится на несколько varieties. This classification is determined by the inherent grammatical meanings of the verb. These participles are returnable and valid; participle in the past tense and in the present; participles, used in the form of two types: perfect or imperfect. In other words, these are categories of type, time and pledge.

Forms of collateral

The actual participle gives the designationa sign of an object that either experiences a certain state or itself produces a specific action. For example: arriving train, resting athlete.

Suffering participles give a designation of a feature of the subject, over which an action has already been performed or is being performed. For example: the studied object, the built up house.

Return Communion Many Linguistsare not considered separately, but are included in the category of real ones. Although in fact they have a different lien meaning that corresponds to the value of the return verbs.

Forms of time

This part of speech divides the category of time intopast participle and present time. Forms of future time they do not exist. The syntactic role of participles affects the meaning of time in this part of speech. It is also defined by a complete and concise form. They directly affect the syntactic functions performed by participles. So, in the role of definition, sometimes - the predicate is the full participle, that is, one that can be inclined. And in the role of only the predicate - extremely indecisive short forms.

The time of full participles, playing the role of definition, can be relative. It is determined by the time of the verb-predicate.

In the present time, participles express one-step actions, which are denoted by them and verbs.

The formation of this part of speech depends on the categoriestype and transitivity of verbs. So, for example, the form of the present time of actual participles is formed from those verbs of the present tense that are in the 3rd person of the plural. This happens with the help of such suffixes as -us- or -yush- and -as- or -narya. For example: hurrying, ringing, singing, guarding.

Real participles in the form of past tense are formed from verbs in the same form by adding the suffixes -ш- and -шш-. For example: carried, written, carried.

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