/ / Solar collectors for home heating: reviews

Solar collectors for home heating: reviews

The discovery of the law of conservation of energy made a dream come true.the eternal engine is unrealizable. But a man has at his disposal another inexhaustible source of available energy-this is the Sun. Folk craftsmen and engineers have developed many excellent devices that allow using this renewable resource for the improvement of houses. One of these became solar collectors for heating the house. As the craftsmen say, they can be made even by a master who does not have sufficient experience in this field.

Solar collectors for home heating

How to use the energy of the sun

Solar panels and solar collectors forHeating homes are a completely different device. The former can be used not only as a source of heat. With their help, the solar energy is stored and converted into electrical energy accumulated in accumulators. Then it can be sent to different needs: power electrical appliances, heating water or coolant in the heating system and others. You can independently make such devices, but you will need to buy photocells, which are sources of energy for the entire system. The main task of the master after this will be to connect the photocells into the circuit, fix them in a special case, and then set them to the selected places.

Solar collectors for home heating

Heating private house solar collectorsDirect use of thermal energy. The water is heated by the sun's rays, after which it is fed into the heating system. Those people who have already tried this method say that the same water can be used for organizing hot water supply. You can make solar collectors for heating yourself. For more than a year the craftsmen have been creating similar solutions from improvised materials.

Features of the solar collector device

This device is a hydraulica system consisting of three elements: a solar panel, a storage tank and an air chamber. If you simplify the device of each of them, the solar panel is a tubular radiator, located in a box with a glass front wall. It is located in some sunny place, for example on the roof of the building. Water radiators are supplied to the radiators of solar cells, which is heated, and then transferred to the vestibule. Here, cold water is replaced by a heated coolant, so that the system maintains a constant dynamic pressure. Cold water radiators enter the radiators of the solar panels, and hot water enters the storage tank, from which it gradually passes into the system of internal heating. Solar collectors for house heating are best placed on the south side of the roof at an angle of 35-45 degrees. The inner part of the box and the radiator itself should be painted black.

Processes within the system

Solar collectors for home heatinguse in their work thermosyphon processes. The density of water changes with heating, its heated layers expand, which causes the process of displacement of the cold. The result is that there is no need for a pump that will pump the water, as the heat transfer medium moves due to natural processes.

Vacuum solar collectors for home heating


You can make solar collectors for heatingat home with their own hands. To this end, according to the craftsmen, a variety of improvised materials are used. To begin with, it is required to make individual components of the system, which will be connected together with pipes.

First you need to make a solar panel.This will require a box, as well as the material from which the radiator will be created. The bottom and walls of the box must necessarily be insulated, for this foam is useful, so that heat losses are minimized. The radiator can be made from lengths of wide pipes, interconnected by means of pipes of smaller diameter. At the top, the box needs to be covered with glass of the required size. To improve the efficiency of the solar panel radiators and its interior should be painted black, and the outside panel is better to make the white.

If you make solar panels for heatingat home, then at the second stage comes the creation of an outpost and a storage tank. These elements require for their manufacture a pair of suitable containers. The drive is made from an impressive size tank, whose capacity is 150-400 liters. It needs insulation, for this you can use a plywood box, the free space in which will be filled with thermal insulation materials: mineral wool, polystyrene, sawdust or something else. You can use a set of several smaller tanks, but you need to connect them together.

For the pre-chamber is not used too mucha tank with a capacity of approximately 40 liters. This should be an airtight container equipped with a ball valve or other water supply device.

Heating private house solar collectors

We collect the system

After the basic elements are ready,it is necessary to place them correctly and connect them together. Solar collectors for heating the house assume that first they will install an air chamber and a storage tank. In each it is necessary to keep the level relationship correctly. In the forecabin the water surface should be 80 cm higher than in the storage tank. Developing the heating of the house by solar collectors in winter, it is necessary to remember that it is better to place the external elements on the roof, from its south side, at an angle of 40-45 degrees. Between the radiator and the storage tank, a certain distance must be observed - not less than 70 cm.

Heating houses with solar collectors in winter

Location of elements

So, vacuum solar collectors forheating of the house, created by their own hands, assume the following arrangement of elements: at the top point there is an outpost, below is installed a storage tank, and at the very bottom - the solar panel. In the first two containers there can be considerable volumes of water, and this needs to be taken into account, as overlapping can simply not withstand such a load. After that, the drainage pipe of the storage tank is installed, then - the vestibules, the cold water supply pipes to the pre-chamber and the system, the hot water inlet to the mixers and the storage tank. Then the "hot" pipe of the solar radiator is mounted, and also the supply pipe for the storage tank. It will also require drifts, adapters, fittings and other elements.

Heating houses with solar collectors

Feedback from users who have already installed thissystem, speak in favor of its efficiency and ease of use. With its help, it is possible to achieve significant financial savings, as there is no expenditure of paid energy resources. The result is a system that provides heat and hot water throughout the year.

Heating houses with solar collectors reviews


If you use solar collectors forheating the house, then for commissioning such a solution it is required to fill the installation with water through the lower drainage hole. Next, the pre-chamber is connected to the water supply system of the house. If all joints are tight, you can start the operation.

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