/ / Kasikyare River - description, description, legends

Kasikyare River - description, description, legends

In the wilds of the tropical forests of southern Venezuela, betweentwo sloping rocks, the water flow of Kasikyare originates. The river has a tropical type. It branches off from the huge pond of South America - Orinoco, and flows into the no less large and famous stream - the Amazon. This is its main feature. It is the only natural channel in the world that crosses the watershed and connects the largest systems. The Kasikjare River stretches for 326 km, and its width is closer to the mouth reaches up to 533 m. The current speed is from 0.3 m / s to 3.6 m / s, depending on the season and location.

caciar river

Opening of the river

The history of the discovery and the name of the river conceals muchconfusion and disputes, which have been going on for more than a hundred years. For the first time this Spanish pond was started by Spanish missionaries who looted in these places in search of a gold vein. In the 40s of the 16th century, the Spanish priest Acuña also reported on a connecting channel between the streams, but no one took seriously his words. In the decades that followed, the Kasikjare River was opened by a multitude of expeditions, but no special research was taking place. And only at the beginning of the XIX century was a large-scale ten-day expedition led by Alexander von Humboldt and botanist Aime Bonplan, who proved the connection of rivers by a natural canal. Until now, there is an opinion that the water bridge between the largest streams of South America is far from being of natural origin. There is a version that this is the result of the efforts of the oldest inhabitants of this area.

caciar river for tourist

The Legend of Manoa

Most tourists come to these places forto visit the place of bifurcation of rivers. They are also attracted by legends, adventures and jungles, which are so famous throughout the world. Many agree to go all the way conquistadors, once searching for the territory of the Incas.

The most famous and respected legend is about Manoa.According to historical information, it can be argued that jewels and gold could be located at the site of the river. It is because of them that Kasikyare is a cemetery for a huge number of tribes and civilizations.

The world

Река Касикьяре обладает огромным количеством mineral components and nutrients, which gives it a dirty yellow color. Reservoirs of this type are called white. They literally swarm with various insects and aquatic inhabitants. On the tropical banks of the river you can see broad-leaved and arachnid monkeys, sloths, anteaters, some predators from the cat family, porcupines, venomous snakes and lizards. In most Kasikyar crocodiles are often found.

cacique river

Rest on the river

The Kasikjare River has all the parameters for conductingsports and amateur fishing. The catch of vertebrates in the waters of the Orinoco, as well as in its branch, is considered one of the best in the world. Numerous species of fish attract both private fishermen and industrialists.

Kasikyare attracts many touristsuniqueness, endless legends and romance of treasure hunters. Legends tell of an ancient shaman who, in one of his rituals, sacrificed to the god of the Sun, threw gold and other valuables in lakes, near the Amazon.

The tourist business on the river develops with eachyear, which is reflected in the construction of all new recreation bases on the banks. This is why the Kasikjare River for tourists is the best place in the world. You can both travel along the picturesque canal on a boat, and climb up the nearby mountain peaks to see the bifurcation of rivers from a height.

Thanks to the impassable tropical jungle,saturated with several thousand different types of plants, the landscape on the banks of the water flow opens unforgettable. Exotic rubber trees, Inga plants, papaya, palm trees - all this is unlikely to leave indifferent.

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