/ Activity is the only way to knowledge. Was Bernard Shaw right?

Activity is the only way to knowledge. Was Bernard Shaw right?

"Activity is the only way to knowledge" isthe statement of the Irish dramatist Bernard Shaw is known to many. The statement is of a philosophical nature and gives the will of thought. Not for nothing on this topic write numerous essays and reasoning. So what is the best way to interpret this statement?


activity is the only way to knowledge

The statement "Activity is the only way toknowledge "refers to such an important problem as the basic need of the individual for cognition, for it is precisely the desire to learn something new that we owe everything that we have today. What was on Earth thousands of years ago, long before our era? Practically nothing. The planet was inhabited by Neanderthals, and only the desire to survive, provoking the search for something new, made them people.

Cognition is the way to life.A person who wants to think, learn, work and, most importantly, think, often achieves a great deal. This distinguishes him from ignoramuses, people living in illusions, and simply from biological debris. In order to achieve a certain goal, to fulfill a plan, one must try, work, work, both on his plan and on himself. It is necessary to act, in other words, to progress.

Goal setting

The expression "Activity is the only way toknowledge ", the problematic of which is quite wide, makes people think about it, some people who do not need anything from life just laugh at the statement, they have completely different values, more precisely, they are often completely absent, but this is only for the time being. An urgent need is the most effective way to get a person to move from a dead end: if he needs to do something, get it, get it, find out, he will start acting.) Even the most apathetic, lazy and nothing self- . Redprinimat attempts to achieve its objective This is the meaning of the phrase "activities - the only way to knowledge."

Live and learn

activity is the only way to knowledge the arguments for and against

God only knows how old this proverb is.But one thing can be stated with certainty - this is an absolute truth. Sitting in one place, it is simply impossible to learn anything. People at all times were trained in the process of active work. And, by the way, it was not always right. Everyone makes mistakes and learns from them - this is absolutely normal. If you stop acting, think, synthesize a thought and put it into practice, then a person will instantly begin to degrade. It is worth one day to do nothing, lie on the couch and watch TV, as on Monday you feel like you are stupid, absolutely not ready for productive activities. Man needs to work. In order for its activities to have a certain meaning, it is necessary to set goals. Motivation is an indispensable component. But everyone has their own.

Was the playwright correct?

Bernard Shaw knew what he was saying."Activity - the only way to knowledge" - this is definitely a golden quote, which for many can become a motivation, a sense of moving forward, not to give up, to achieve the set goals. When learning new things, it will be possible to understand many objective laws of the existence of our world. After all, without this it is unrealistic to fulfill any practical task. And in general, self-development is always good. A person must become better to make the world a little more perfect.

activity is the only way to knowledge the problem

Many disputes and contradictions have been and still areto call the statement "Activity is the only way to knowledge". Arguments for and against are regularly given by various modern philosophers and thinkers. Although support this phrase gets much more. Against rather dubious arguments appear: ostensibly, besides practical activity, you can still see, hear, feel - this is also the path to knowledge. However, only seeing, hearing and feeling, you can learn something, but do not continue your way to perfection. All the information obtained by such ways should be used in the future in order to draw certain conclusions, to be sure of what they see / hear or categorically refute, expressing their point of view. Only synthesizing all methods of cognition, it will be possible to start competently and versatilely to think. And this is very much appreciated in our time.

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