/ / "Vladimir Monomakh" (submarine) - the third ship in the strategic nuclear series

"Vladimir Monomakh" (submarine) - the third ship in the strategic nuclear series

The submarine "Vladimir Monomakh" is included in thean ambitious project of Russian naval forces called Project 955 "Borey". In a series of nuclear submarines, consisting, according to the plans of the High Command, of eight ships, this is the third cruiser. Potential place of service of the ship is the Pacific Fleet. The serial number is K-551.

vladimir monomah submarine

Underwater series

During the hard times of the 1990s, the levelthe equipment of the Russian armed forces left much to be desired for various reasons: beginning with a significant reduction in funding and an increase in the level of corruption, and ending with a sharp reduction in personnel and command. However, towards the end of the century, the situation gradually began to recover. One of the signs of this was the project 955 "Borey". This is the fourth generation of strategic submarine cruisers equipped with an atomic missile system - SSBN.

The series includes eight cruisers, named forthe name of the major historical figures of Russia, whose names are associated with key events. The first and main ship - "Yuri Dolgoruky" - entered the arsenal of the Northern Fleet, the cruiser "Alexander Nevsky" was identified in the Pacific Fleet. "Vladimir Monomakh" is also planned to be sent there in early 2016. Two more submarines - "Prince Vladimir" and "Prince Oleg" - are in varying degrees of implementation. In December 2014 the construction of the ship "Generalissimo Suvorov" was started.

The nuclear submarine Vladimir Monomakh began operating in March 2006, when the submarine was solemnly laid.

submarine vladimir monomah


"Vladimir Monomakh", a submarine,whose characteristics allow it to be the least noticeable for enemy radars, received its first, so to speak, "brick" on March 19. The shipbuilding enterprise in Severodvinsk (Arkhangelsk region) was chosen as the building base, namely, the shipyard of the production association Severnoe Mashinostroitelnoe predpriyatie (Sevmash), which at that time was still the property of the state. The name "Vladimir Monomakh" submarine was named after the Grand Duke of Kiev, Vladimir Vsevolodovich, who significantly strengthened and strengthened Kievan Rus.

At the solemn laying of the future serialThe cruiser was personally attended by the commander-in-chief of the naval forces of Russia, Admiral Vladimir Masorin. It should be noted that the submarine "Vladimir Monomakh" was laid for the 100th anniversary of the Russian submarine fleet. The construction lasted almost six years. Vodka cruiser was withdrawn only in early 2013, at the same time the first tests began - mooring.

atomic submarine vladimir monomah

Quality control

Almost eight months passed the test "VladimirMonomakh ". The submarine successfully passed the primary, factory examinations in October 2013 in the waters of the White Sea. Completely this type of tests began and ended in mid-summer 2014, taking a total of a little less than a month.

It was the turn of the next test suite,which was to pass "Vladimir Monomakh". The submarine, in particular with the atomic ammunition, is subject to long and very thorough testing - a direct check of the course at the landfill. The first test phase at the range of the Northern Fleet lasted about ten days. The submarine "Dmitry Donskoy" from the series "Shark" also took part in them.

Combat tests began only in September, theypassed also in the White Sea. The final exercises presupposed the launch of the Bulava missile at the Kura firing range located on Kamchatka. The cruiser launched the missile launching, being deep under water. The subject "Vladimir Monomakh", a submarine with an atomic arsenal, brilliantly passed all the tests and was transferred to the arsenal of the Russian Navy on December 10 last year. Nine days after the reception of the boat for service in the forces of the navy, the St. Andrew's flag was hoisted on it.

vladimir monomah submarine specifications


For today, out of eight ships of the series are built andOnly three are accepted for service in the Navy. All submarines of the Borey class develop a surface speed of 15 knots, an underwater speed of 29 knots. The maximum permissible depth of immersion is 480 meters at a working depth of 400 meters. At the same time, boats can move in autonomous mode for three months. The crew includes 107 people, including 55 officers. The total cost of the project is 23 billion rubles. Equipped with a boat ballistic missiles "Bulava", as well as a torpedo complex and cruise missiles.

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