For a full-fledged human activitythe body, the performance of all functions, it is necessary to eat foods enriched with proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Proteins and proteins are components of cells, so a person needs protein foods. What are amino acids? The biochemistry of these compounds is an important issue that deserves detailed consideration and study.
These compounds are necessary for the synthesis of proteinmolecules. In nature, there are more than one hundred and fifty different amino acids, but not all of them are vital to the human body. What exactly do we need amino acids? The biochemistry of 20 such compounds has been thoroughly studied by domestic and foreign scientists. It turned out that twelve of them are able to be synthesized within the human body, and only eight amino acids a person should receive with food.
Consider some amino acids. Biochemistry, the classification of these organic compounds involves the identification of three main groups:
What physical and chemical propertieshave amino acids? The biochemistry of these compounds gives an idea of their basic characteristics. Amino acids have high melting points, are highly soluble in water, have a crystalline form.
What are the characteristics of amino acids? Biochemistry, their formulas indicate the presence in the molecules of carbon having optical activity.
Their biochemistry is of interest.Amino acids are peptides of the primary structure. It is precisely when several amino acid residues are combined into one linear structure that a protein molecule is synthesized. When a person uses glycine in the form of a powder or tablets, a rapid and easy entry of organic matter into the blood takes place. Their biochemistry is of interest. Amino acids, proteins, carbohydrates, fats are substances that are necessary for the functioning of a living organism. With their lack of various diseases.
Amino acids are amphoteric compounds exhibiting dual chemical properties.
This class of nitrogen-containing compounds is responsiblefor the synthesis of protein molecules in the human body. In case of its deficiency, serious problems arise with the nervous system. What else are important amino acids for the body? The biochemistry of these amphoteric compounds explains their importance for biosynthesis in the liver of glycogen. Its insufficient number leads to serious illnesses. Among the main reasons for the lack of 20 essential amino acids, doctors call malnutrition, abuse of strong alcoholic beverages, systematic stressful situations. In order to avoid the depletion of the body (avoid protein starvation), it is necessary to include dairy, meat, soy products.
What are the characteristics of amino acids?The biochemistry of these compounds is explained by the presence of two functional groups in the molecules. These chemical compounds have a carboxylic (acidic) group COOH, and also are amines. Such structural features explain their chemical potential.
Similarity with organic and mineral acidsis manifested in reactions with active metals, basic oxides, alkalis, salts of weak acids. In addition, amino acids are able to react chemically with alcohols to form esters. The presence of an amino group explains their interaction with acids by the donor-acceptor mechanism of the bond.
Depending on the location of the carboxylgroup, it is possible to divide these organic compounds into alpha, beta, and amino acids. The numbering of the carbon atom in this case begins with the carbon following the acid group.
In organic chemistry, amino acids are distinguished according to the number of functional groups: basic, neutral, acidic.
Depending on the nature of the hydrocarbonradical it is customary to subdivide all amino acids into fatty (aliphatic), heterocyclic, aromatic, and also sulfur-containing compounds. As an example of an aromatic amino acid, 2-aminobenzoic acid can be represented.
By the systematic nomenclature of the nameof this class of organic compounds indicate the position of the amino group by the numeral, then the name of the carbon chain containing the carboxyl group is added. The Greek alphabet is used if the amino acid is named after a trivial nomenclature.
If there are two functional(amino groups), the name is used to specify the prefixes: diamino, triamino. For multibasic amino acids, triol or diol is added to the name.
Taking into account the specific chemical structurerepresentatives of this class of organic substances, distinguish several types of isomerism. Similarly to carboxylic acids, in these amphoteric compounds, there are isomers of the carbon skeleton.
It is also possible to compose isomers with differentarrangement of the functional amino group. Of interest is the optical isomerism of this class, which makes it possible to explain their biological significance for living organisms.
As a starting material for the synthesis of nylonis aminocaproic acid. By hydrolysis, 25 important amino acids can be obtained. There are certain problems associated with the separation of the resulting mixture of amphoteric compounds. In addition to the hydrolysis of protein molecules, it is possible to synthesize amino acids by the interaction of halogenated acids according to the Gel-Folgard-Zelinsky reaction.
Formation of amino acids during hydrolysis processesproteins that make up food. It is these substances that are the bricks, thanks to which the plant and animal proteins are arranged, the organism is saturated with the most important components for its full-scale vital activity.
For example, in the case of severe exhaustion of the body,caused by a severe operation, the patient is assigned a special course of amino acids. With the help of glutamic acid, the treatment of nervous diseases is carried out, with gastric ulcers it is necessary to use histidine. In agriculture, amino acids are used as a feeding for animals, stimulating their growth and development.
Amino acids are amphoteric organiccompounds that play an important role in the life of man and animals. With insufficient quantity of one of the most important amino acids, serious health problems appear. A complete protein diet is especially important during adolescence, as well as those who suffer permanent physical activity, are actively engaged in sports.