/ / What is the meaning of the expression "good should be with the kulaks"

What is the meaning of the expression "good should be with the kulaks"

What is the meaning of the expression "good should be withfists "? When you first heard this statement, you involuntarily think about it, but what kind of good is this and why does he need fists? Someone will present a brawny child, who protects his property from the encroachments of envious persons, others simply shrug their shoulders: this is the wisdom of the people who came to us from the depths of centuries. Let's see what the essence of the phrase "good should be with the kulaks" and how it appeared.

Exercise in eloquence for novice poets

According to the memoirs of Yevgeny Yevtushenko, the dictum aboutkind, able to stand up for himself, was suggested by Mikhail Svetlov to the students of the Literary Institute as an exercise for the development of figurative thinking. This happened in the distant 1959. Better than the others, the twenty-seven-year-old Stanislav Kunyaev coped with the task. So the famous lines were born.

the meaning of the expression

It is likely that no globalthe meaning of the expression "good should be with the kulaks" was described as a literary hyperbole. However, the first stanza turned out to be so sonorous and capacious that it quickly disintegrated among the people.

As you know, in the sixties of the pastcentury people's interest in literature and poetry was very high. In concert halls and in private apartments author's readings were arranged, performances of singers of a bardic song were organized.

Не исключено, что прочитанное с пафосом на одном from poetry evenings the poem impressed the intelligentsia, the meaning of the expression "good should be with the kulaks" became an occasion for discussions. Over time, the phrase acquired recognition, began to be perceived as a proverb. Such a situation is not uncommon in Russian literature, it is enough to recall the play by A. Griboedov "Woe from Wit", which is broken down into quotes literally line by line.

Do you need good fists?

What is good?This concept combines the positive qualities of the individual: high morality, empathy, compassion for others. A good-natured person is called a person who is sympathetic to the problems of other people, tries to help everyone as far as possible, and often to the detriment of himself. It is difficult to imagine such a good-natured with fists. If aggression comes from him, then what kind of charity can we talk about?

the essence of the phrase good should be with your fists

But there is another point of view, just the impliedfrom the sound of the famous poetic stanza. If you think about it, the meaning of the expression "good should be with your fists" implies that a person should be able to stand not so much for himself, but for his right to do good deeds. To fight off the malignant who say: "Do not go, do not do it, but why do you need it, it still will not work," fists will be very useful. But I would like so much that people used this and any other weapons as rarely as possible.

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