/ / What is lexicology: definition, tasks, connection with other sciences

What is lexicology: definition, tasks, relationship with other sciences

Modern philology, as a science, consists ofseveral main sections, each of which is devoted to the study of a linguistic phenomenon or class. One of these sections is devoted to such a category as words. Today we will talk about what lexicology is, what its subject is, and what exactly it is studying.


First of all, let's start with the definition of the concept itself and the list of the main problems that science deals with.

what is lexicology

Lexicology is a section of linguistics that studies vocabulary, that is, the vocabulary of the language. Tokens have a dual structure. They simultaneously have a plan of content and a plan of expression.

In general, science is studying the following problems:

  1. The lexical composition of the language.
  2. The relationship between words and concepts assigned to them.
  3. The main types of lexical meanings are direct, figurative.
  4. The history of the words, vocabulary.
  5. Groups of words depending on their stylistic meaning, frequency of use.


In lexicology, there are various sections and subsections.

lexicology is

These include:

  1. General lexicology, which studies the general laws of the development of vocabulary, its functioning.
  2. Specific, learning vocabulary of a language.
  3. Historical - studies the history of the occurrence of words, ways of vocabulary replenishment. Its second name is etymology.
  4. Comparative - studies the vocabulary of two or more languages, highlighting in it common and various features in structure and semantics.
  5. Applied lexicology is a science that studies issues of linguodidactics, culture of speech, as well as features of the compilation of dictionaries.

Relationship with other disciplines

We found out what lexicology is, now it's time to talk about what philological sciences it is associated with.

First of all, it is closely related tolexicography, science of the creation and functioning of dictionaries. The object of study of lexicography are dictionaries, in which all data about words are recorded - their semantics, grammatical features, scope of use, history of occurrence. All these data are obtained by lexicographers directly using lexicology.

It is also connected with etymology, the science ofthe origin of the words. In etymological dictionaries not only the meaning of the word is recorded, but also its origin, history of formation and transformation. Sometimes in the lexicology course, the definition of which we have given, etymology is not separated into a separate section.

Russian lexicology

Onomastics - the science of proper names. It studies the origin and functioning of proper names - names and surnames, names of cities, villages, rivers, companies, space objects.

Stylistics - studies the functioning of certain groups of words in one or another style depending on their meaning and origin, scope of application.

Phraseology - the science that studies idioms,Proverbs and sayings, their origin, meaning. Quite often in the Russian language textbooks you can see the section "Lexicology and Phraseology", although some authors of textbooks and training courses still prefer to make them into two sections when studying.

School course

Acquaintance with lexicology, as with anyanother section of linguistics, begins at school. Starting from the fifth grade, children are introduced to the basics - they explain what lexicology is, they are taught to distinguish synonyms, antonyms and homonyms, match pairs to them, talk about the ambiguity and uniqueness of the word, consider the phenomenon of paronymy. Then they acquaint with active and passive reserves, various layers of vocabulary - slang, dialectisms, colloquialisms, and clericals.

They develop students' skills in working with dictionaries - they are taught to find certain words in them, to read vocabulary articles correctly and extract the necessary information from them.

lexicology definition

In high school, the knowledge gained is repeated, systematized and consolidated.

Studying at the university

In the philological departments of the study sectionThe "lexicology" of the Russian language begins in the second year. During the course, students understand the basic concepts of lexicology, study the layers of vocabulary by origin, its functional varieties, the stylistic capabilities of classes and groups of words.

Especially carefully studied such concepts assynonymy, antonymy, polysemy and homonymy, paronymy. At the same time, students are introduced to various dictionaries. Quite often, the course includes phraseology, giving it a few lessons.

Also, quite often along with lexicology, they study lexicography, highlighting it into a separate special course.


We found out what is lexicology, what are itsthe main areas of work and with what philological sciences it is most closely associated. The study of this section of linguistics begins at school, and when studying at the university at the Faculty of Philology, previously acquired knowledge is deepened and improved.

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