/ / Signs of Autumn: a lesson for children

Signs of Autumn: a lesson for children

Autumn is the time when the heat ends andThe cold comes. Children can notice changes from a small age not only in nature, but also in relation to themselves from adults. Below are various signs of autumn that will help children to orient themselves in the surrounding world and the seasons.

Autumn is also met by clothes

Children get used to the summer that they are not forced toto put on a hat, a jacket. Is it only for a few days during cold snap have to dress warmer. But they know that the time will come, and you can again run to the river in one shorts.

Once the child wears rubber rubberboots, a hat and a jacket. Signs of autumn, even on the outer clothing can be seen. The child may not understand why he is being tortured so much. Not all children like to be warmly dressed, because they do not understand that it's cold outside, autumn has come.

signs of autumn

It's time to tell the child about the symptomsautumn. For children, so they do not take offense and do not be sad, it is enough to show on the street during the walk a lot of interesting things. It is clear that in September there are not so many autumn signs, many trees are still green, so it's best to talk about migratory birds, for example. It is advisable for an adult to remember his childhood, for sure, as a child, he calmed down when he saw his friend in a warm jacket and hat. Girls actually give a bright umbrella.

Where did the sun go? He ate the clouds?

Children probably will notice that the sun has becomeappear less often. And when the weather is clear, it does not heat as much as in the summer. What are the signs of autumn in animate and inanimate nature? They are in the change of weather. In the summer, the sun is often hot or warm outside on this. With the onset of autumn, the sky is covered with clouds, often there are rains. Rarely, when the whole day is clear weather. Strong gusts of wind blow down leaves from the trees. In September, it is still relatively warm, even in the middle of the month, Indian summer, when you can enjoy warm days. Children should be told that this period is not for long, the summer is over, it's just that sometimes it's warm.

signs of autumn for children

It is advisable to observe the weather forecast.Often, the occupation "Signs of Autumn" implies the behavior of inanimate nature in this period. Sometimes the sun appears, then disappears. In October, a small snow or hail is possible. Mists are not uncommon this month. In November, you can see the snow, it looks like in winter, but it can quickly melt. In the street it's not so cold, the temperature is above zero, so the snow melts quickly if it went at night. It will rain in the afternoon. In the autumn it is better to carry an umbrella or put on a raincoat.

What happened to the trees?

Attention to children can be turned to trees, whenon those the leaves will turn yellow. In early September, most of them are still green. Although birches can start to turn yellow from the end of August. The active process for trees to prepare for winter begins near the end of September.

Ребятишки могут поразиться ярким цветам листьев:red, yellow, orange. Some schoolchildren associate September with a fallen maple. Not by chance. Girls from the lower grades, and sometimes from the elders, like to collect maple leaves in the park. It can be seen how the grapes blossom, currant and other bushes, yellow chestnut, birch. Such signs of autumn can not be confused with anything. Unless it is impossible to understand by coniferous trees whether the autumn season has come. After all, neither spruce, nor pine, nor cedar fly in September or October.

signs of autumn in nature

В конце октября и в начале ноября яркость листьев disappears. Almost all the leaves fall by this moment. Those that are still hanging and lying on the ground, become brown, wither. Only a rustle under your feet is heard. The trees start to rest. Children need to explain that the snow protects the roots from freezing in winter, so when cleaning it is better to pour it on trees and bushes.

Preparing for the Autumn in Animals

All animals and birds feel the approach of anyseasons. They have everything nature they need for existence. Migratory birds go to warm regions. They know where to go. Not all birds remain to winter. Pigeons, sparrows, crows - these birds constantly live in Central Russia. They are not going anywhere. But the cranes, hawks, storks and other birds love the warmth when it's time, they leave their nests with the grown-up chicks and fly far, far to the south.

occupation signs of autumn

Many animals fall into a hibernation:bear, hedgehog, badger, raccoon and other inhabitants of minks. Insects also disappear. The signs of autumn in nature for the habitat of animals are quite natural. In the forest it becomes quiet. As for foxes, rabbits, squirrels, their hair color changes. Squirrels make for the winter a supply of nuts, acorns, which in the autumn becomes many. In animals everything happens in harmony with nature. They know how to feel when and what to do.

Волки, лисички, зайцы не спят.They can go hunting. Even in the snow can run calmly. Sometimes in the forest you can see traces of the inhabitants. Sometimes in villages wolves can go around in the winter in the winter, so children should not go far.

And the day became shorter

By all means children will notice that it began to get dark earlier.If in August it was already dark at 9 o'clock in the evening, then in September even earlier. It's getting late. It is easier for children to explain that in the morning and in the evening the day is reduced by 2 minutes. If in June at 22.00 the sun was just setting, in the middle of December it was dark at 16 o'clock. Why it happens? If there is an encyclopedia and a globe at hand, then you need to show how the Earth rotates around the Sun throughout the year. It will be a surprise for them, probably, when they find out about the spring in Australia at the moment. Late dawn and early sunset are signs of autumn in inanimate nature along with constant rains and winds.

Why is autumn so and when will winter come?

The time of year is changed in order tonature was updated. The grass cannot endlessly turn green, the trees do not bloom all the time and do not bear fruit. People and many animals that do not hibernate, tend not only wakefulness, but also rest. Plants need a rest too. But the process of preparing for winter hibernation is slow. How does the cycle occur in a year? The tree is dressed in the spring foliage, summer fruits, berries. Autumn leaves fall, and the plant seems to die.

signs of autumn in living and inanimate nature

Any signs of autumn are a signal for living.nature of the preparation for the rest for more than three months. Why do rains come? By nature, everything is reasonable. Sediments are first needed to saturate the plants with moisture, then cold comes. Snow helps trees and grass to be warm. If there is no snow, then plants in severe frosts can die.

And soon the New Year!

В конце ноября чаще всего погода уже не такая, both in September and October. The trees are completely bare, there is already snow. But this is not a reason for sadness. Ahead of the New Year. Christmas trees are growing in the forest. They will bring joy to any child. At school and at home, the lesson "Signs of Autumn" can be replaced by the theme "Winter has come." Children and adults holiday cheers up. After all, the house is a beautiful lively Christmas tree, which is dressed up with toys, tinsel and rain. You must be able to share with children interesting, informative and useful. What does it say? People in the fall begin to be sad because they get sick and constantly want to sleep. Schoolchildren also feel it all. They need to cheer up. After all, all seasons are good. After a sad autumn comes snow-white winter. Snowflakes are another inanimate object of nature, they have a very complex, but beautiful pattern.

signs of autumn in inanimate nature

The theme "Signs of autumn" for children should bedisclosed not only in words and definitions, but also in live examples. It's easier to remember what's interesting. Signs of autumn in animate and inanimate nature are best learned to distinguish, in order to understand how everything happens and what is interconnected with what.

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