/ / We create a unique design (decorative stones) of the garden with our own hands

We create a unique design (decorative stones) of the garden with our own hands

Create a unique and extraordinary design(decorative stones) of the garden with their hands on the eastern type is not at all difficult. Do not listen to other people's advice and repeat someone's actions - just trust your inner voice and fantasy and enjoy the work. Such a garden can be equipped even in the smallest corner of your site, but this does not prevent it from being a place that has a rest and unity with nature.

garden stones with their own hands

Typically, a similar design (artfullyarranged stones) of the garden with their own hands is done in order to enhance the aesthetic appeal of the landscape of the site. After all, few people remain indifferent at the sight of a harmoniously composed composition. According to ancient oriental teachings, such places have considerable therapeutic effect on the human body. Most often, designers recommend making a composition in which all four elements of nature - water, earth, air and fire - will be connected.

How to properly make the eastern design (decorative stones) of the garden with your own hands

In order to properly organize such acorner, it is necessary to place the basic elements correctly. In fact, it's not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Air is always with us. The fire in this case will symbolize sunlight, which helps to grow and develop all life on the planet. Stones are the land, it is among them that beautiful flowers grow. And if you can create such a corner in the place where a small stream flows - your garden of stones will be ideal. If desired, you can create a small decorative water mill or artificial waterfall, which will give your stony garden even more attractiveness.

stone garden

In order to create a beautiful proportionalin all respects the composition, it is necessary to approach with particular care to the choice of material, namely stones. Ordinary cobblestones and debris of building materials will not work. Use only natural stones of any shape and size. Each of them must be examined and thought out how it will fit into the overall design, which plants can grow on it, and so on.

You can create a very unusual landscape with the help ofrocky hills. However, very few people know that to lay the picturesque boulders and stones of the garden with their own hands and pour in the seeds of flowers between them - this is not all the actions necessary for your corner to acquire a beautiful and blooming appearance. Before you start the organization of such a garden, it is necessary to fertilize the soil well, after that it is necessary to carefully seed the seeds of plants and only then you can lay stones. This is done in such a way that in future the flowers grow from the gaps between them.

garden design with own hands photo

Properly organized rocky garden designwith his own hands, photo-examples of which can be seen in most glossy magazines, will become an unusual corner of peace and concentration and a favorite place for rest of all family members. And if you are fond of oriental philosophy, this place will help you achieve the greatest harmony with the surrounding world.

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