/ / Covalent nonpolar bond is a chemical bond formed by identical atoms

Covalent nonpolar bond is a chemical bond formed by identical atoms

Covalent nonpolar communication refers to simplechemical bonds. It is formed by common electronic pairs. There are 2 types of covalent associations that differ in the mechanism of formation. Consider its formation and learn more about what is generally a non-polar bond. It is most often formed in simple substances - non-metals, but it can also occur in compounds formed by different atoms, provided that the electronegativity values ​​of elementary particles are equal. For example, the substance PH3, EO (P) = EO (H) = 2.2.

covalent nonpolar bond

Let us consider how a covalent nonpolarcommunication. The hydrogen atom has only 1 electron, so its electron shell is not complete, it lacks another one. When interacting, the hydrogen atoms begin to converge due to the forces of attraction of nuclei and electrons, while partially overlapping electron clouds. In the course of this, a doublet is formed, which belongs at once to two elementary particles. At a place where electronic clouds overlap, an increased electron density arises, attracting the nuclei of atoms, thereby ensuring their strong connection to the molecule. The covalent nonpolar connection is schematically written as follows:

H + H-H : H or H-H

Here, the unpaired external-level electron is denoted by one point, and the common electron pair by two points- : or a dash.

the covalent nonpolar bond is
From the foregoing, it can be seen that the overlapping regionelectronic clouds is located symmetrically with respect to both atoms. In a similar way, a nonpolar covalent bond will form when molecules of simple substances having a larger number of electrons arise.

Since this relationship is typical of the majoritynonmetals, it is possible to establish a regularity related to their physical properties. Substances with covalent nonpolar association can be solid (silicon, sulfur), gaseous (hydrogen, oxygen) and liquid (only bromine). If we look closely at molecular ma-

non-polar covalent bond
gaseous and liquid non-metal,that with increasing Mr, the temperature of melting and boiling most often increases. With solid non-metals this does not happen. The thing is that such simple substances have an atomic-crystal structure, the strength of which is attached by the covalent nonpolar bond. Thus, the greater the amount of such a bond, the harder the connection, for example, diamond and graphite.

A non-polar association is of great importance inprocesses of life of organisms, because it is much stronger and more stable than hydrogen and ionic. In order to break such bonds, an animal or plant needs to expend a large amount of energy, therefore enzymes actively participate in the mechanism of destruction.

A covalent nonpolar bond is a bond,formed by identical atoms or different elementary particles of a compound having equal values ​​of electronegativity. At the same time, atoms share a common electronic pair (doublet) equally.

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