Consider the main events of the First World War:
In June 1914, the murder of Franz Ferdinand, who was the direct successor of the Hungarian throne, occurred. From this moment begins the chronology of the First World War
Consequently, in July Austria-Hungary declared the war of Serbia.
The main events of the First World War began on the twenty-eighth of July 1914 (this date is the official launch of hostilities).
In August, Germany declared war oncountries like Russia, France, Luxembourg, Belgium. The German and Ottoman empires sign a secret alliance agreement. The British Empire defies Germany.
Montenegro announces the beginning of the war of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The Austro-Hungarian Empire, in turn, is Russia.
Serbia and Montenegro declared war on Germany. France and the British Empire declared the war of Austria-Hungary. Austria-Hungary-Belgium.
In November 1914 the Entente countries declared the war of the Ottoman Empire. Great Britain begins the naval blockade of Germany.
February 1915 is marked by major offensive operations on the eastern front of Germany.
In April, during the second battle of Ypres, German troops began using chemical weapons. Also this period was marked by the London agreement between the countries of the Entente and Italy.
In May, Italy declared the war of Austria-Hungary.
In October, Bulgaria unleashes military action against Serbia, and in response, the Entente declared war on Bulgaria.
In March 1916, Portugal declared war on Germany.
In June, the Brusilov breakthrough begins, followed by the Arab revolution.
In August, Italy declared war on Germany.
September 1916 is marked by the fact thatthe central powers create joint military commands. The British for the first time in the history of wars are used tank adaptations, Brusilovsky breakthrough, as expected, is coming to an end (the victory was won by Russian troops).
In February-April 1917 the German troops retreat towards the line of Hindenburg. There is a turning point, which influenced the main events of the First World War.
In March 1917, the February Revolution beganin Russia. There is a renunciation of the throne of Emperor Nicholas II. The Provisional Government comes to power. The troops are in the process of creating soldiers' committees, which leads to the disintegration of the Russian army.
In April, the United States of America declared war on Germany.
In June 1917 the troops of Greece enter the war, but they adhere to the side of the Entente.
From July to October 1917, the following states join the war: China, Siam, Liberia and Brazil (on the side of the Entente).
In December, the United States of America declared war on the Austro-Hungarian state. Soviet Russia signs a truce with Germany.
In February 1918, the Ukrainian People'sthe republic enters into peaceful relations with the central powers. Germany, without concluding a peace treaty with Russia, resumes hostilities that unfolded on the Eastern Front.
In March, Leon Trotsky signed a peace agreement with Germany.
The battle for the Hindenburg line is taking place in September-October.
In November, as a consequence of the Revolution, Germany is proclaimed a republic.
So, the most important date is the eleventh of November at five o'clock in the morning when the Compiegne Truce is signed by Germany, at 11.00 the fighting officially ends.
This concludes the main events of the First World War. January 10, 1920 is considered the official end of the 1st World War, which is accompanied by the signing of the Treaty of Versailles.
The First World War, the main events of which had such devastating consequences, was remembered by the victims as well as by the shaky economy and the welfare of the countries.