/ Poem "Giraffe": analysis. Gumilyov "Giraffe": analysis of the plan

The poem "Giraffe": analysis. Gumilyov "Giraffe": analysis of the plan

There are poets among the lyricists of the Silver Age, whoseThe influence on descendants and contemporaries was particularly significant. Of course, Gumilyov Nikolay Stepanovich belongs to them. In this article we will analyze his poem "Giraffe".

Analysis Plan

Analyzing the poem, it is necessary to highlight the following points.

- Title, author, history of creation, events that led to the emergence of this work.

- What direction in the literature belonged to its author.

- The genre of this poem.

- Idea, theme.

- Composition.

- Used in the work of artistic images.

- Lyrical hero.

- Literary tricks used by the author(metaphor, epithet, comparison, personification, repetition, symbol, etc.), as well as poetic vocabulary (neologisms, archaisms, antonyms, synonyms) and poetic phonetics (dissonance, alliteration).

Based on this plan, we will analyze the poem "Giraffe" Gumilev. However, it can be applied to other poetic works.

The author of the work

Let's start the analysis of Gumilev's verse "Giraffe" withviews of the author. This poet was known as one of the leaders and founders of the school of Acmeism. He himself was very critical of his own poems, worked scrupulously over their content and form. Gumilyov is one of the most demanding and strict teachers who instilled in young poets a taste for the elegance of expression.

What direction did Gumilyov belong to?

Gumilyov, as we have already mentioned, belonged to such a direction as Acmeism. This is a style invented by Nikolai Stepanovich, which meant a reflection of reality with capacious and light words.

Lyrical hero

Намеренно лирический герой закрывает глаза на the everydayness of life surrounding it. He opposes her full of adventure, the bright world of a free wanderer. Attracts its beautiful names, exotic places. Purposefulness and will is the spiritual core of the whole poetry of Nikolai Stepanovich.

Gumilyov giraffe analysis

Contemporaries captured the look of the lyrical hero Gumilev, combining courage, bravery, the ability to predict the future, as well as a passion for travel and children's curiosity to the outside world.

The history of the creation of the work "Giraffe" (Gumilev)

Analysis of the plan will continue by telling a little aboutthe history of the creation of the poem and the collection in which it is included. "Romantic Flowers" - a collection of poems, published in 1908. The lyrical hero in this cycle tries on different masks. He is the loser all player who put his cross on the map in a terrible impulse; the hermit thinker who possesses the highest knowledge; that wanderer. Behind these guises, we see one person, courageous and stubborn, dreamy and courageous, who is not afraid of trials and anxieties, even if they threaten the hero with death. The collection entitled "Romantic Flowers" is not by chance that the poem "Giraffe" written in 1907 was included. This is one of the most striking works of Gumilev, which became his business card for a long time in literature.

analysis of the poem giraffe gumilev

The author himself traveled extensively in Turkey, Africa,East. These impressions are reflected in his poems, which are characterized by wild exotic rhythms. The music of overseas countries, Russian songs, pipes of war, tears and laughter of love are heard in his works. One of the most beautiful poems dedicated to Africa, is in a poet such as Gumilyov, "Giraffe". A brief analysis of the work does not allow us to speak in detail about the rest of his work, which is also very interesting.

Genre poem

Like many other poems by this author,This verse is written in the genre of philosophical lyricism. Analysis of the poem "Giraffe" by Gumilyov, summarized in this article, allows us to say that the poet appears to us as a "fairy tale master", combining in his work a description of rapidly changing, dazzling bright pictures of a beautiful distant country with musicality and melody of the narration.

Theme and idea

The lyrical hero of the poem "Giraffe" in orderin order to allay the sorrow of her companion, she decides to tell a sad and mysterious tale about the passion of the young leader for the black maid, about "slender palm trees", "tropical garden", about all the exotic, beautiful. It begins especially: “Far, far away on Lake Chad ...” a giraffe wanders.

giraffe gumilyov analysis according to plan

The expression "far, far" is usually written inhyphen. With the help of it is determined by something completely unattainable. However, Gumilyov, not without a certain amount of irony, focuses our attention on the fact that this continent is not so far away. He compares two spaces, which are far from the scale of human consciousness. However, they are very close to the scale of the earth. About the fact that there is "here", the author does not say anything. This is not necessary, since here only the "heavy fog", which we are accustomed to inhaling every minute. Life in the world where we live flows in shades of gray. This is exactly what Nikolai Gumilyov ("Giraffe") portrays her. Analyzing the work, we can say that only tears and sadness remained "here." It seems as though paradise is impossible on earth. However, this routine does not suit the lyrical hero. He is attracted by unusual, colorful, exotic rhythms.

analysis of Gumilyov giraffe verse

Lyrical hero, appealing to the mysteriousa woman, we can only judge about from the position of the author, has a dialogue with us, that is, those who listen to this tale. He offers to look differently at the world, to understand that the earth sees "many wonderful things." Each of us is able to see it if we want to, we just need to clear ourselves of the "heavy fog" we breathe in and understand that the world is beautiful and huge. The author seeks to prove it. Life in Lake Chad is completely different. Here, as if a precious diamond, the world shimmers and shines, the air is clean and fresh.

Artistic images

Вот уже мы переносимся вместе с героиней poems to mysterious Africa in order to get into the "tropical garden", touch the trunks of the beautiful "slender palm trees", breathe the air of a distant land, filled with the fragrance of plants and flowers and see an amazing animal, which is given "graceful slimness and bliss."

Romantic image of this Africanan animal. Many in the poem "invented" grace. It may be noted here that he "hides in a marble grotto" at sunset. However, the poetic form justifies this, since it already presumes the presence of the mysterious and miraculous.

gumilev giraffe short analysis

In this poem, Nikolai Gumilev stoppednot by chance your choice on a giraffe. The inherent exoticism fits very organically into the text of the story about the mysterious distant land. With a long neck, standing firmly on its feet, with a "magic pattern" adorning the skin, this animal has become the hero of many poems and songs. It is possible, perhaps, to draw a parallel between him and a man who is also gracefully slender, stately and calm. However, the giraffe "nega" and peacefulness are given by nature. And the "king of beasts" of his own will exalts himself above other living beings.

Literary tricks used by Gumilyov

After analyzing the verse Gumilev "Giraffe", wenoticed that the author uses the technique of an unusual comparison, which is one of the most remarkable means of creating the image of a giraffe. The magic pattern of his skin is compared with the glitter of the moon, and he himself "is like the color sails of a ship." Running an animal is like a joyful bird flight: it is just as smooth.

Other means to which Gumilyov resorts toThis poem includes epithets: "graceful harmony", "exquisite giraffe", "colored sails", "magic pattern", "heavy fog", "joyful flight", "unimaginable herbs", "mysterious countries", and also metonymy ( "giraffe wanders"), repetition ("far, far"), personification ("only the moon dares", "earth sees a lot of miraculous").

analysis of the poem giraffe gumilyov briefly

Akin to the grace and tranquility of a giraffe melodyworks, as shown by the analysis of the poem "Giraffe" Gumilev. Unnaturally prolonged sounds. They are melodic, give a hint of magic to the story, also complement the fabulous description. Gumilyov rhythmically uses a five-pitch iambus in his poem. With the help of the male rhyme the lines are combined (that is, the stress falls on the last syllable). The final verse of the last and first stanzas, abbreviated to three feet, sounds impressive. Perhaps that is why they are remembered and remain in the memory for a long time. We also noticed another important point in the analysis. Gumilyov "Giraffe" - a poem in which a five-foot amphibrach, his lulling rhythm in combination with the use of voiced consonants allows the author to describe the world of fairy tales colorfully and organically. This poem is so melodious that today it has become a song: music is written on it.

The author uses to create an image of the mysteriousand the sad stranger alliteration, assonance (look - Chad), anaphora ("especially sad", "especially thin"). We meet with the assonance and beyond (the leader - the rain, the dan - the moon, the countries - the fog, etc.).

It is impossible not to include in the analysis of the poem "Giraffe"Gumilev and the next moment. The author, drawing pictures of a magical country in front of the reader, never uses a specific description of the color of images and objects in the narration. Gumilyov, resorting to poetic means, does not impose his own color vision. It enables the imagination to represent vividly the world about which the poem speaks, its shades and colors. You can make sure of this by conducting your own analysis.

Gumilyov "Giraffe" - a work, reading that,we really present both a graceful girl sitting sadly by the window, and a giraffe's skin with a magic pattern, and the color of the water on which the moon glare spreads with a golden fan, and the sail of the ship sailing at sunset, scarlet, like Green.


Completes our analysis of the poem "Giraffe"Gumilev composition works. This is a wonderful tale. For her, as for many others, the ring composition is characteristic. The action ends where it began. This technique in this case demonstrates Gumilyov’s desire to tell readers about the "heaven on earth" in order to make them look at the world in a new way. It seems as you read that the tale of a mysterious and beautiful Africa is not over. It seems that the lyrical hero is so keen on a rich palette of colors, exotic sounds and smells, that he is tirelessly ready to talk about them, draw bright, magnificent pictures. And we unwittingly convey this undying enthusiasm. We look forward, as in the fairy tales of Scheherazade, to continue and find it with gratitude, referring to the works of Gumilyov, in his other works.

Nikolai Gumilev Giraffe Analysis

So, we talked about the work, whichcreated by Nikolai Gumilev ("Giraffe"). Analysis of the poem was conducted based on the plan given at the beginning of the article. This is just a brief description, marking the main features of this work.

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