/ / Where did the saying "You are hard, Cap of Monomakh" come from? Etymology, meaning of expression

Where did the saying "You are hard, Cap of Monomakh" go? Etymology, meaning of expression

Fiction gave us a lotbeautiful works, quotes from which became winged expressions. For example, the phraseology "You are heavy, the hat of Monomakh." In this article we will look at this expression. After studying his etymology, we find out where the saying "You are hard, the hat of Monomakh" came from. Also note the precise interpretation of phraseology, its author and scope.

"You're heavy, Cap of Monomakh": the meaning of expression

To more accurately define this sustainablethe combination of words, let us turn to the phraseological dictionary of Rosa TV. It gives the following interpretation: "On unpleasant and heavy duties imposed on someone."

Where did the saying come from? "You're heavy, Monomakh's hat"

First of all, let us consider the structure of this expression. In it there is an appeal to the cap of Monomakh with a note that it is heavy. Why is this hat? Let us turn to history.

In Russia in the 12th century, the ruler, the great KievPrince Vladimir Monomakh was the prince. He did a lot to preserve the integrity of the state. He reconciled and rallied the princes in order to repel the Polovtsians together with them.

where did the saying come from you are heavy you monomach's cap

There is an interesting belief.When Vladimir Monomakh became a great prince and decided to conquer Byzantium, he approached her, but the emperor voluntarily transferred to him the regalia of the imperial power. Among these values ​​was the royal crown. Composed of gold, sable fur, adorned with precious stones and completed with a cross, it was quite heavy.

Over time, he was nicknamed Monomakh's hat. Until the reign of Peter the Great, it was one of the symbols of the power of the tsar in Russia, it was placed on the heads of princes and kings at the ceremony of the wedding of the kingdom.

But where did the saying come from? "You're heavy, hatMonomakh "? She came to us from the drama "Boris Godunov" by Alexander Pushkin. This is a quote from the scene "The Royal Chambers". In it, Boris Godunov learns that an impostor has appeared in Lithuania, and then he pronounces the phrase we are considering.

The use of expression

Having considered the meaning of phraseology, we learned thatit means unpleasant and heavy duties imposed on someone. In connection with the "royal" origin, this expression, as a rule, was used to show how hard it is for the leaders, high officials with the responsibility assigned to them.

However, it should be noted that this phraseologycan be applied not only in relation to those who occupy high posts. It is used by people of different strata of society to show how hard it is to have when a person is entrusted with circumstances that weigh him.

 phraseology heavy you cap monomex

This expression is actively used in the literature. It was from a work of art that it came to us.

In the media, like many other phraseological units, this isa stable combination of words is also popular. Journalists and politicians actively use it in their articles and speeches. As a rule, it is used in headings. Thus, journalists attract readers and mark the topic of the article.

This quote is called historical exhibitions, for example, dedicated to Boris Godunov.


In this article we learned what it means and where it came fromwent saying "You're heavy, Cap of Monomakh." We also noted the spheres of its use. Finally, we suggest that you learn the following facts about the originator of the appearance of this phraseology.

Monomakh's hat is one of the oldest regalia. They store it in the Moscow Kremlin in the Armory Chamber. Its weight is 698 grams. A lot of weight for the headdress.

heavy you cap monomacha value

This hat is worn by oriental craftsmen.It consists of gold, sable fringe, pearls, rubies, emeralds and a cross. It is mentioned in the letters of the princes of Moscow. In this case, it is named in them a golden cap.

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