/ / Cognitive functions of the brain: the structure of knowledge

Cognitive functions of the brain: the structure of knowledge

The life of any person is inconceivable without knowledge.Even people who do not have formal education have to adapt to reality, acquire skills and form reactions. Of course, this does not exhaust the cognitive functions of the brain, but these skills are very important for adaptation to the environment and survival.

In modern neurophysiology it is believed that thecognitive functions are responsible, in the main, of the cortex of the hemispheres. And the reservation here is because many cognitive processes do not occur without the involvement of the emotional brain, the limbic system. Here the motivation is born, here the sensual color is given. Without the work of this system, a person would lose all impulses to action.

Cognitive functions of the brain include memory, planning, speech, mechanisms for processing mathematical information, as well as spatial thinking. To forget nothing, let's start in order, from memory.

Memorization is the translation of information from whichwe encounter, in a kind of "code" of the brain. And not all is remembered, but only significant, and here the limbic system comes into its own. Often emotionally colored events are remembered all life, and the necessary information seems to the emotional brain banal - and is not remembered. So emotions control us. All memory areas are responsible for the memory, depending on what kind of information we are trying to remember. And in memory is stored much more than necessary information - it is sometimes "pulled out" from the memory of hypnotists. A person who has had difficulty remembering a drawing, often still recognizes it among hundreds of similar ones. So it's a sin to complain - we just do not know how to work with it. And if it suffers, other cognitive functions suffer, for example, planning.

Plans the front portion of the cortex.Neuroscientists are sure that it is here that "consciousness" lives. And self-control. Therefore, people with trauma in this part of the brain became unrestrained, impulsive personalities who could not fit into society. While professional knowledge has not been affected. In the right lobe live intuition and foreboding, the left lobes make a person an analyst. Due to the work of the right share, we experience negative emotions, but the left one makes us happy. Indeed, it is worthwhile for a person to start something to plan - and fears go away. And without an analysis of the situation, they intensify. This is how you switch between these zones.

Every little child is a brilliant linguist.He is able to create in his mind a model of his native language or even several languages ​​in the first three years. By the way, about languages. Sometimes the term "cognitive function of language" is pronounced. This concept is from linguistics, and it means that language becomes a code, a means for understanding the world by a person. Recent research proves that to create and understand speech it is necessary not only the left hemisphere, but also the right hemisphere. Otherwise, a person will not be able to understand the general meaning of a joke or a story from the life of acquaintances. Separately, he understands phrases, but he does not guess what to laugh at.

Когнитивные функции включают и математические ability. Many consider themselves mediocre in the oral account and drop their hands, trusting the calculators. As a result, many adults can not even roughly calculate the amount of purchases in a store or check the bill issued in a restaurant. This is used by the cunning traders in the markets. However, not everything is so sad, you can regain lost cognitive functions, if you can force yourself to exercise regularly. It's like fitness - the more time is spent, the brighter the results, although everyone has their own norms.

And finally, about spatial thinking.Some people work perfectly with the compass and map, immediately noting all the features of the terrain, even it seems they can draw accurate maps themselves. And others even find the right street is difficult. What if this cognitive function is not at the level? Remember the school drawing course, invent fanciful objects, draw them in different angles, and then give it to a person who "can draw maps."

So, in whatever condition your cognitive functions are, the situation can be changed for the better with the help of labor.

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