The electric circuit assumes the presence in itscomposition of a number of different components. Condensers and inductance elements are included in the circuit to produce the most diverse effect. The active resistance is present as separate resistor elements and as the resistance of the connection wires. The physics of the influence of this component of the chain on the laws of the flow of electrical phenomena has been studied rather thoroughly, and differs little from the nature of the flow of electric current, whether under the influence of alternating or constant voltage.
Active resistance in an alternating current circuitworks in the same way as in DC power mode. Quite another matter is the elements of capacitance and inductance. If the constant component of the current is completely absent from the circuit portion in which the capacitor is connected, then the inductance coils have no influence on it. The flow of direct current in the inductance variant is affected only by the active resistance of the coil.
The situation is quite different when describing the electrical processes in the chain alternating current. Capacitors become conductors, and inductors(throttles, transformer windings, etc.) acquire inductive resistance, and it in turn plays a much more important role, and active resistance is often simply not taken into account.
But, nevertheless, the need for an accuratecarrying out calculations requires that this component be taken into account. To begin with, in order to understand how the active resistance of a coil is combined with an inductive one, it is necessary to outline in general terms the arrangement of a standard inductor.
В роли компонента электрической цепи этот прибор there is nothing more than a bipolar element of the most diverse electrical, electromechanical and electronic systems and devices. As the main parameter, it uses the value of its own inductance. The same in turn depends only on the geometric dimensions and materials of manufacture. Neither current nor voltage affects the inductance value. The use of inductors are found in filters to suppress interference, their use allows for smoothing of pulsations, and the coil can store energy, which is widely used in the design of oscillatory circuits.
To analyze what effectthe active resistance to throttle operation, one should consider an AC circuit with a single element, which is an inductor. Calculating the active and inductive resistance, it would seem, the simplest way to calculate the total value is to add them modulo.
But with these quantities the situation is not as simple as it would seem. Omitting the theoretical justification, we describe the use in practice of the summation method of active and inductive resistance.
To find the total exponent, we constructright triangle. One of its legs is active resistance, and the other is inductive. The hypotenuse will be equal to the total impedance of the circuit, which according to the definition will be equal to the square root of the sum of the squares of the active and inductive resistances.
Calculations carried out in this way aremore accurate information about the processes occurring in the AC circuit, whose elements are inductors. In the formula of Ohm's Law, we have the opportunity to use the value of the total resistance. Further, it should be noted that a significant active resistance when compared with inductive can affect the phase shift between current and voltage. That is why in the manufacture of chokes is widely used design with a core, which gives significant advantages to inductive resistance.