/ / Lycheva Ekaterina Alexandrovna: photo and biography

Lycheva Ekaterina Alexandrovna: photo and biography

Lycheva Ekaterina Aleksandrovna - the Soviet "dove of the world". In 1986, at the age of eleven, she became one of the most popular students on the planet, visiting the United States of America.


Her parents were scientific workers and did not havehigh-ranking relatives in power structures. Although there were a lot of rumors about it. Lycheva Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, whose biography is described in this article, studied at the Moscow Special School No. 4 (with a slant in English). Now it's school number 1260.

In 1988 she moved with her family to Paris.Since 1995 she worked at the Paris Investment Promotion Center. She returned to her homeland in 2000. She worked in the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Russian Federation. She basically does not attend television show programs and refuses to give interviews to the central mass media. But at times he makes an exception for regional newspapers.

lyceva akaterina alexandrovna

Now Lycheva Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, photo of which is in this article, is working as the vice-president of AvtoVAZ.

The mission of peace

After in 1985Samantha Smith, who visited the Soviet Union in 1983, was killed, an organization called "Children as Peacekeepers" offered to pay a return visit to the States of a Soviet schoolgirl. The Soviet side was given freedom of choice, but put a couple of conditions: the girl must be no older than Samantha and participate in the struggle for peace.

Several thousand schoolgirls wereeventually chose Katya. From the twenty-first of March to the fourth of April 1986 Lycheva Ekaterina Aleksandrovna (ambassador of goodwill) together with American schoolgirl Star Rowe from San Francisco toured America with propaganda of peace.

Lycheva Ekaterina Alexandrovna photo

They visited New York, Chicago, Washington,visited the space center of NASA, the headquarters of the United Nations, "Disneyland". They were accepted by mayors of cities and even the American president Ronald Reagan. When they were brought to McDonald's, the excitement in the circles of journalists was unprecedented.

The trip did not go smoothly and smoothly.Then there was no trust between the USSR and the US. Some American journalists dreamed of making a sensation - exposing Katya as a "propaganda project of Moscow." Soviet journalists did not lag behind them. The tour was widely covered in the national press, and Lycheva Ekaterina Alexandrovna became popular in the USSR. Then she moved with her parents to France, and interest in her person disappeared.

After the mission

Katya was very popular after returning fromUSA. She was invited to participate in many public events, she received letters with sacks. And this all led to the fact that she practically did not have free time. In 1986 and 1987 she starred in two films: "How at home, how are you?" and "Lermontov." And after that her name disappeared from the chronicle of the country. There were even rumors in the Union that Lycheva Ekaterina Alexandrovna married a sheikh and lives in a harem.

lyceva akademia goodwill ambassador

The girl really left the country in 1988., because her mother Marina Lycheva received a French scholarship and moved with her family to France. There, Katya studied at the Sorbonne, where she received two higher education: legal and economic.

Now only a few of our peers remember it -schoolchildren of the eighties. Lycheva Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, whose photo you can see in this article, does not like to remember this episode from her childhood.

Katya's memories of America

Katia remembers that President Reagan shook herhand, she in return gave him a toy, made by children from the USSR, who want peace. Reagan wished Katya and her mother a great time in the States and said that he envied them because they visited the circus, and he did not have time to go there.

lycheva akaterina alexandrovna biography

Lycheva Ekaterina Alexandrovna with delightspoke of the "McDonald's", at the entrance to which they met with a senior clown and seated at a table. They brought the Big Mac and French fries. Katya tried to bite off a piece of a sandwich, but when she brought it to her mouth, the journalists started to click their cameras, embarrassing the girl. So she did not manage to eat the Big Mac. But she ate potatoes, which she ate all, not paying attention to the pesky journalists.

Back at home, the girl said that she worked in America for peace. She did not know that it would be so hard, but now she understands that it was impossible to do without it.

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