/ / Take care of the dress again, and honor in his youth: the meaning of the proverb and the cases of its application

Take care of the dress again, and honor in his youth: the meaning of the proverb and the cases of its application

Every time we hear any saying,for example, “Take care of your dress again, and honor from your youth”, we are interested in its roots and meaning, provided that we are curious enough. In this article, we propose a reflection on the proverb mentioned above.

Origin of Proverbs

People for centuries saves the wisdom of life.Sharp peasants notice everything: when to check the weather for summer, and how to plant wheat and rye, and how to distinguish one horse from another. Noticed the behavior of plants and the habits of animals, and the main features of people. Each observation was expressed in apt, bright and capacious verbal sayings. They were well remembered due to the internal rhythm, and even rhymes. The proverb “Take care of your dress again, and honor from your youth” is no exception.

Types of proverbs and sayings

Take care of your dress again in honor of your youth

And, basically, proverbs and sayings are needed forprognostic function or determination of something after the fact. For example, when a person repeats the unseemly deeds of his parents, they say with a sigh about him: “The apple does not fall far from the apple tree.” But this means that the person has already done something wrong, and nothing can be done now. But there is a separate type of sayings - instructive. They are designed to tell people how to act, so that life is more "correct" and meets the expectations of others. The saying “Take care of your dress again, and honor from your youth” refers to this. It was created so that the younger generation understood the general canon of behavior adopted in society.

Meaning of saying: abstract and concrete

This expression compares, on the one hand,domestic and understandable statement that the dress must be cared for from the moment it was sewn. The fact that a specific word is used here does not mean just a private piece of clothing. It is rather a collective image, the name of any clothes in general, things in principle.

take care of the dress again and honor from an early age

Every zealous owner knows thata shirt, and boots, and even a bag of grain should be used strictly for its intended purpose and not kept in the wrong conditions. After all, if the shirt to wipe the newborn calves, it will quickly deteriorate. And if the grain is not stored in a special well-ventilated barn, but behind the stove, it will be damp and you will not be able to eat it. And even more expensive items such as boots, caftan, sheepskin coat, and carpet, which were bought not only once in their life, but also passed by inheritance. They should be protected so that they serve as long as possible. Careful attitude to things is the key to its "long and healthy life."

On the other hand, the saying tells of such a complex and abstract concept as honor.

And this contrast is created intentionally.People rarely think about abstraction, especially the youngest. Their blood is hot, all sorts of prohibitions and frameworks seem to them no more than an invention of the old people who have outlived their lives. But it is in his youth that most often people commit acts that could be described as dishonest. Therefore, this saying appeared, as an edification and precept for the younger generation.

Such are the reflections on the topic: “Take care of your dress again, and honor in your youth: the meaning of the proverb and the analysis of it”.

Addicting sayings

take care of the dress again and honor from your youth the meaning of the proverb

В современном мире используется, как правило, the second part of the sayings. Since lately the boundaries of morality and the concept of “due” are becoming blurred, now they usually say this to people who have disgraced themselves and have been tainted by some unworthy act. And if the one who is reprimanded in this way, suddenly asks: “Take care of your dress again, and honor from your youth,” - who said? He angrily answer: "The people!". You know, as in the song: the music is author's, the words are folk.

Honor and Etiquette

take care of your dress again and honor from your youth who said

So what is the honor and why should it be protected?Honor is a set of rules of conduct adopted in the society in which a person lives. “Honoring honor” means behaving in an acceptable manner to others. However, do not confuse honor with etiquette. The latter is a set of external rules: how to sit at the table, how to eat, how to greet. And honor implies that a person takes a certain internal position and behaves in accordance with it, however, honor implies a certain external canon of behavior. This places the concept of "honor" between "etiquette" and "dignity." Human dignity outwardly may not show itself at all.

But we digress, so we continue.Take the wrong fork at dinner - embarrassing, and poke this fork in the eye of the neighbor - disgrace and hooliganism. Killing the speaker - ugly, accusing him of theft - means "dishonor." The first can happen through carelessness, the second in any case is a conscious choice.

The history of the concept of "honor"

Today, the concept of "honor" is considered moralobsolete and in use only in some specific structures in which there is a rigid hierarchy (army, criminal world). Now usually talk about dignity. The concept of "dignity", thank God, is still relevant, we hope his sun will not go down.

But in times of knights and beautiful ladies, honor wasan essential attribute of man. At least in high society. The honor of the ladies understood the proper behavior of her in relation to her parents, and then to her husband. Manners and the ability to behave in society are also included in the concept of "honor." It is impossible to even imagine that in those days, two ladies, having quarreled, clung to each other's hair!

If there was an open conflict, make it easier -have not met. One did not accept the other in their house, and they did not attend the same events. And the honor of the organizers of the event was supported by the subtle ability not to invite two such women to themselves at the same time. Pushing them on purpose was also considered a dishonorable act.

take care of your dress again

The honor of a man was much more subtle and complex.by the concept. You can not be a liar and a thief. It was forbidden without good reasons to blame other people for this. The violation of subordination (proper relationship between subordinate and boss) was equated in most cases with loss of honor. The code of honor also included the permissible attitude towards women, and even with his wife, a man was obliged to apply in a certain way. For some suspicions that the husband hit his wife, let alone someone else’s woman, the man was excluded from decent society. Not a single event accepted him, not a single friend invited to visit. All the doors immediately closed before him.

And the shame of dishonor could be washed away only with blood. True, especially aggressive men found any reason to insult and fight.

Thus, the saying "Take care of your dress again, andHonor from an early age (author unknown) not only taught young people the right path, but also saved their lives. After all, a dishonest thing made on a hot head in early youth could float out. If someone found out about this and told him, then he had to be sure to challenge a duel in order to defend his honor. Here such hot morals were before.

We hope our article has helped to understand the meaning of the proverb “Take care of your dress again, and honor from your youth.” Its meaning is no longer a mystery to the reader.

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