/ / A brief history of India from antiquity to the present day

A brief history of India from antiquity to the present day

Индия – страна в Южной Азии, которая всегда была It is known for its high culture and innumerable wealth, since many trade routes passed through it. The history of India is interesting and fascinating, because it is a very ancient state whose traditions have remained almost unchanged for many centuries.

history of india

Bronze age

Around the 3rd millennium BC, the first Indian civilization appeared, which was called the Indus (or Harappa).

Изначально среди ремёсел были развиты metallurgy, construction, small sculpture. But the monumental sculpture, unlike Mesopotamia or Egypt, did not receive development. Foreign trade was actively conducted, for example, with Central Asia, Mesopotamia, Sumer, or Arabia.

Buddhist period

Around the middle of I millennium BCdisagreements begin between the representatives of the Vedic religion, which at that time was already considerably obsolete, and between the kshatriyas — the estates of rulers and warriors. As a result, many new trends emerged, the most popular of which was Buddhism. The history of India says that its founder was the Buddha Shakyamuni.

history of ancient India
Classic period

In this period were finally formedreligious, economic and communal caste systems. This epoch is characterized by numerous invasions by North-Western states and tribes, for example, the Greco-Bactrian kingdom, nomads.

The history of ancient India ends with a dynastyGuptov, during the reign of which the “golden age” of Indian civilization began. But this period did not last long. In the fourth century, the Iranian-speaking nomadic Ephtalits created their own state, which included India.

History of India in the Middle Ages

From the tenth to the twelfth century,Islamic invasion from Central Asia, as a result of which the Delhi Sultanate gained control of North India. After some time, most of the country became part of the Mughal Empire. Nevertheless, several indigenous kingdoms remained in the south of the peninsula, which were beyond the reach of the invaders.

history of india in the middle ages
European colonies in India

Since the sixteenth century, the history of India tells ofthe struggle of influential European countries, including the Netherlands, Portugal, Great Britain and France, for the formation of colonies in the territory of the state, since all of them were interested in trade with India. Most of the country was under the control of England, or rather, the East India Company. In the end, the company was liquidated, and India came under the control of the British Crown as a colony.

National war of liberation

In 1857, the uprising against the East India began.the company, which was called the First War of Liberation. However, it was suppressed, and the British Empire established direct administrative control over almost the entire territory of the colony.

In the first half of the twentieth century in India beganthe national liberation movement, headed by Mahatma Gandhi. From this moment begins the history of India as an independent state. However, she was still part of the British Commonwealth of Nations.

Contemporary History

In 1950, India became a republic.

In 1974, conducted tests of nuclear weapons.

In 1988, five new explosions were carried out.

In 2008 there was a series of terrorist attacks in Bombay (from 26 to 29 November).

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