/ / From what Steve Jobs died. The cause of death of Steve Jobs. Biography, family. Apple Leader

What died Steve Jobs. The cause of death of Steve Jobs. Biography, family. Apple Leader

It would be strange to talk about the death of a person without explaining his biography. In the case of Jobs, there is no choice at all. His bright life has become an inspiration to millions of people.

Childhood and youth

If the story of Steve Jobs does not produce on youimpressions, then hardly anything else can surprise you. The future founder of Apple was born on February 24, 1955 in San Francisco. His parents sent the child to a shelter, where he was adopted by Clara and Paul Jobs. The baby was named Steve Jobs. Quotes suggest: he always considered his adoptive parents to be relatives.

С детства средой его общения были программисты и engineers who were especially comfortable in California. In addition, his mother worked as an accountant in one of the pioneers of the future Silicon Valley. Steve's father was a car mechanic. So he unwittingly introduced his son to the basics of electronics.

In school, Jobs became friends with Stephen Wozniak -his main colleague and partner for many years. Both were addicted to new technologies and rock music of the 60s, primarily Bob Dylan. The hippie counterculture that appeared at that time had a tremendous impact on Jobs’s character and worldview.

Steve’s first job was Atari,which was famous for its video game machines. Under these conditions, he and Wozniak founded the "Club of self-made computers", in which fans of microchips and other tricks gathered.

steve jobs cause of death

Apple Foundation

Именно тогда Возняк создает свой первый компьютер.He was named Apple I. Steve realized that the invention has a huge commercial potential. He persuaded a friend to start a company and start selling their products.

Already then different roles of these two people were outlined.in a future project. If Wozniak created the product, then Jobs gave it a form that would be most popular with customers. For example, this was the case with the new technology of the user interface, where everything happens on the now familiar desktop with the cursor and folders. Before that, computers only had system directories and dull lists of their names. The company of Steve Jobs combined in itself, firstly, a huge creative technical potential, and secondly - an accurate commercial acumen.

steve jobs quotes


The main success of Apple in the first years of its existence was the creation and promotion of the revolutionary new Macintosh computer (also abbreviated Mac is often used in oral speech).

He had several crucial ones for the industry.innovations from the already mentioned user interface to availability for each ordinary buyer. It was then that computers became personal. They were acquired by ordinary customers, not just programmers and geeks. Another component of success is the advertising campaign that accompanied the start of sales.

Everything happened in 1984, and Jobs suggestedmake a video with references to the George Orwell novel, the name of which was this date. It was a book about a totalitarian society in a fantastic future. Jobs wrote a story in which Apple buyers with new technology in their hands were radically different from the backward majority in the novel. Think different is the main slogan of everything that Steve did.

what did steve jobs die from


Однако в дальнейшем дела у компании пошли неважно.Sales declined, and new products brought losses. Jobs was fired from his own brainchild. He did not give up and created other projects - Next and Pixar. The last of them achieved success, and now it is the largest studio that regularly publishes popular cartoons. The revolution was the use of animation in Pixar computer graphics. The first such cartoon was the picture "Toy Story" in 1995.

steve jobs death


In the late 90s, Apple began to askSteve Jobs is back. The reason for the "death" of the company - useless products and marketing. All this made many employees remember the founder. In 1997, he again became the head of the enterprise.

In the following decade, severalsuper-successful devices and services for which the masses today know about Apple. These are smartphones with an innovative operating system for zero years, iTunes music service and much more. All this is somehow invented by Steve Jobs. The quotes of the entrepreneur suggest that the thought of death made him activate 100% throughout each day. This he demanded from his subordinates.

So what did Steve Jobs die from? Largely from your busy daily schedule. However, this is not the main reason.

steve jobs story

Deterioration of health

Since his youth, Steve was fond of unconventionalmedicine: herbal medicine, acupuncture, vegan diet, etc. Indian culture and yoga practice had a great influence on it. Recall his youth hippie with drugs and LSD. Therefore, when in 2003 he was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, he refused the traditional operation.

After nine months of self-treatment, he finallyagreed to contact qualified professionals. He was operated on and a tumor appeared. However, a survey showed that Jobs had metastasis in his liver - new cancer cells that develop and spread to other organs over time. It was possible to treat them only with the help of chemotherapy courses. The entrepreneur publicly stated that he got rid of the disease, and in the meantime he began to undergo the necessary procedures in secret.

That was all Steve Jobs.The cause of death (in the future it became just cancer) gradually made it more aware of itself. First of all it influenced its appearance. Jobs was very emaciated and, quite shortly before his end, admitted that he was ill with cancer. The audience drew on this close influence also because it continued to hold presentations for large audiences, where in the corporate bright style presented new products to the company.

Steve was supported by his family - his wife Loren and three children. For all this, he was eternally grateful to them.

steve jobs company


No matter how Steve Jobs goes, the cause of his deathman did not lead to the fact that his work went in vain. He could be exactly convinced that he lived not in vain, thanks to the fact that he built the largest corporation in the world, whose products appeared in almost every American and in citizens of many other countries.

In August 2011, Steve announced thatleaves executive position at Apple. He called his successor Tim Cook, who performs his duties today. Steve himself said that he would remain on the board of directors. However, after a couple of months, on October 5, he died at home.

His attending physician stated that death was duereason for neglect of their own health. Despite this, the departure from life occurred peacefully and calmly. Of course, an outstanding entrepreneur already understood everything and was internally prepared for the upcoming outcome.

In particular, he agreed with the writer andjournalist Walter Isaacson, that he will hold with him many interviews in order to prepare material for the book biography. Isaacson recorded a large number of monologues written by Steve Jobs himself. Death interrupted this large end-to-end interview, which lasted until the last days of the businessman.

In addition, Walter surveyed about a hundred peoplewho had a close relationship with Steve. The book was supposed to be published in November 2011 during his lifetime, however, due to death, its release was postponed a month earlier. In particular, the biography contained an answer to the question of what Steve Jobs died from. New immediately became a bestseller.

Как бы до этого ни уверял Стив Джобс, причина death was his own alternative treatment, whereas with such a serious diagnosis it was immediately necessary to turn to professionals. The stubborn character in which he was distinguished did not allow him to admit his mistake.

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