/ / What is reading and what is it for?

What is reading and what is it for?

The article describes what reading is, what types it is divided into, what is needed, a classification from a cultural and scientific point of view.

Ancient times

With the development of mankind and man in particulargradually there was a need not only for language speech, but also for writing. Initially, all of it was based only on individual images, but over time such an inaccurate and primitive method replaced the full-fledged writing. For a long time, until the end of the Middle Ages, the ability to read as such was considered optional, and history knows many examples of kings and other rulers who were illiterate. And only at the beginning of the 20th century, compulsory primary education began to be introduced around the world, which would give the child the ability to read, write, count, and some other basic skills. However, to this day there are countries where the vast majority of the population is illiterate. So what is reading, what is it for and what happens? In this we will understand.

what is reading


First you need to understand the terminology.According to the encyclopedia, reading is a cognitive process of decoding symbols and characters, as a result of which an understanding of written text or other information occurs. It turns out on the basis of a complex process of interaction between the reader and the text. A similar process is formed on the basis of knowledge, experience and cultural understanding of what is written.

But one of the above is not enough.So what is reading? Above all, it also requires critical thinking and creativity. Simply put, without possessing certain knowledge, fantasy and thinking, the process of understanding what is written will be hampered. There is even a psychological disorder in which a person cannot perceive a printed text. Also, the reading process is the ability to understand and remember the information read, regardless of the source, whether it is a paper book or an electronic book screen. So now we know what reading is.


Reading can be divided into three types.

  • The first is in native or other, foreignlanguage. For the latter, as you might guess, you need to have at least minimal knowledge of a foreign language, otherwise this process is meaningless. Although it may be enough for reading, and a simple knowledge of the Latin alphabet, but it will not convey the meaning of what is written.
  • The second is the learning type. It is aimed not only at perception, but also memorization with detailed analysis and awareness of the written. Simply put, to transfer those or other knowledge.
  • The third and last is artistic reading.

 reading of books


The importance of such a process as reading books is difficultunderestimate. The perception of literature of any kind has a beneficial effect on mental abilities, the development of imagination, figurative thinking and memory strengthening. No wonder schoolchildren, even at the time of summer holidays, are asked to read certain works. If we talk about quality, then, naturally, the books of the classics, the recognized masters of this genre, develop the listed abilities better than the creations of a low grade. Nevertheless, any reading process is useful for both children and adults.

Texts for reading the school program

Similar texts are not compiled randomly.okay Their vocation is not only to teach children this process, but also to develop these or other abilities of students. Basically it is a classic of both Russian and world literature. Most of it is in compressed or incomplete format.

reading texts


Также с развитием цифровых технологий растет the popularity of e-books. The material of their “paper” is most similar to its natural original, which reduces eye strain and makes this process less harmful than reading from ordinary monitors and screens.

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