/ / How to get rid of slugs on the site: ways

How to get rid of slugs on the site: ways

A slug is none other than a gastropod mollusk.And if in dry and sunny weather the number of pests is constrained by natural factors, then constant rains lead to an increase in the population. This immediately reflects on the state of your garden plants. Garden snail - a terrible pest. Attacking cabbage and other delicate crops, it leaves only gnawed bits from luxurious leaves. Of course, the plant dies or lags far behind in growth. Today, the conversation will go about how to get rid of slugs on the site. This is not too difficult, but if you give the snails a chance, they will greatly spoil the appearance of the garden and make it impossible to give a good harvest. Therefore, the sooner you notice the enemy, the greater the likelihood of doing without special losses.

how to get rid of slugs on the site

Who is your enemy

Чтобы организовать эффективную борьбу, требуется find out what the pest likes, how its rhythm of life is organized. Only then can you proceed to the choice of means for its destruction. So, today we are looking for ways to get rid of slugs on the site. As already mentioned, the slug looks like a snail, but without the shell, which he lost in the process of evolution. His movement is rather slow, and on the ground he leaves a wet mark that scares off natural enemies. It is worth adding that this is a night robber who tries to spend time in dark, damp places during the day.

Nutrition and reproduction

So how to get rid of slugs on the site can be,just knowing exactly where in the garden to wait for their attack is valuable information, which is extremely important to us. Breeding begins in the autumn when snails actively lay their eggs. Fully mature masonry in the spring. Therefore, after harvesting, it is so important to clean up the area, gather and burn all the grass, and with it the eggs.

A slug feeds on absolutely everything, but especiallygreat damage it causes leafy vegetables and berry crops. Traces of the visit are easy to assess, carefully examining the harvest. On the leaves of cabbage will gap huge holes, which greatly spoils its appearance. And gentle bushes of berries can disappear altogether. From the ground in the morning will remain hanging only twigs. The culprit can be calculated from the dried out mucus on the plants and the ground. It now remains to decide how to get rid of the slugs in the area, and get down to business.

how to get rid of slugs on the site forever

Methods of struggle

Summer residents and slugs are fighting for so long that the arsenalaccumulated very impressive. There are ways that our grandfathers used, and modern insecticides. Each of them has its pros and cons, so each of you need to choose among them the most suitable for themselves. Speaking about how to get rid of slugs on the site forever, you need to understand that you have to use a whole range of measures. This is the only way to ensure the quality protection of the garden against the snail.

Do not regret time and effort

For pensioners and people who adorespending time in the garden, mechanical methods of struggle can be the best choice. This may include the entire arsenal of actions that the gardener performs with his hands. Ask any summer resident about how to get rid of slugs on the garden plot, and among the control measures he will call the manual assembly of pests. All that needs to be done is to go out to the garden early in the morning, go around all the places with high humidity (including traps) and collect snails. But the detour takes a lot of time, and you need to perform it every day, otherwise the effectiveness of the struggle will be minimal.

The second option from this group is exposurehigh temperature. In order not to harm the plants, use hot water. In this case, you will also need to allow pests to reach the plants, and then destroy them by pouring hot water on them. That is, the optimal time is night or early morning.

how to get rid of slugs in the garden

The effectiveness of such a struggle

Slugs in the area can be defeated withlisted methods, but you need to be well aware that the time costs will be enormous. Mechanical methods will be effective only when the gardener is sparing no effort, studies the habits of the snail and regularly checks all the places that can serve as a shelter for her from the sun and heat. In the event that this is unacceptable for you, and you do not want to use poison in the area, pay attention to the following option.

From the experience of generations

Moms and grandmas can tell how they arecoped with the attacks of the naked snail. These tools are good because they are safe for humans and animals, and also do not require material investments. Let's take a closer look at how to get rid of slugs on the site using folk methods.

  • Посадка пряных трав.This is the optimal solution that nature tells us. In order to block the path of the garden snail, it is enough to plant rosemary, laurel, garlic and dill along the perimeter of the plot. In addition, you provide yourself with a harvest for the whole year ahead.
  • Traps.The fight against slugs on the site can be done by different methods, and one of them is the creation of gathering places for them. To do this, along the beds at night lay out the burdock sheets soaked in beer. Slugs crawl under them, attracted by the smell, as well as driven by instinct, which makes one seek shelter from the sun. Do not forget to check the traps and collect snails. You can also dig in around the perimeter of the cut bottle with bait. These are vegetables and fruits, dog food. Slugs will crawl inside, and will not be able to get out.
  • Moat This is another effective way when the beds are surrounded by shallow trenches. It is good to sprinkle them with salt, pepper, tobacco dust.
  • Natural enemies.So how to deal with slugs in the area you may corny not enough time, then entrust it to the natural enemies of the pest. Of course, this method is not suitable for everyone. If the suburban area is located near a forest or a reservoir, you can try to attract to it hedgehogs and gray toads, which with pleasure will save you from the invasion of a bare snail.

how to get rid of slugs on the site of the people

Chemistry in your garden

Today there are many drugs thatguarantee the extermination of harmful insects by 100%. Of course, the use of chemical drugs is associated with a certain risk, so it is recommended to leave this method in case there are a lot of pests and you need to quickly stop their invasion. A large number of snails in rainy weather can leave you completely without harvest.

Обзор всех современных препаратов займет очень a lot of time, therefore we will limit ourselves to considering only a few examples. In any country store you can ask the consultant about the existing range of tools and features of the latter.


One of the most famous and inexpensive drugs.It is produced by several manufacturers, so it is always on sale. It is packed in bags and cans, representing small blue granules. This drug is based on acetaldehyde tetramer. Pellets attract snails just like beer or fermented juice, so you don’t have to look for them, they crawl on their own. Duration of action is impressive, from 14 to 21 days. The only negative is the rapid decomposition after rain. It is enough to go through a rain a couple of times, as it is necessary to repeat the treatment again.

Drug should be dispensed in early spring whensnails only hatch. It is detrimental both by external contact and by ingestion, since it destroys the digestive system. The drug is dangerous for pets, as well as for children who love to eat berries without washing thoroughly.

how to get rid of slugs at their summer cottage


Already many lnt he is considered one of the mosteffective ways to deal with the garden snail. It is produced in the form of blue granules, the basic substance is metaldehyde. It is an intestinal and contact medication that has its effect at the first contact with the body of the slug. Pellets attract snails with their smell and literally dry them, absorbing mucus. And after eating the poison, the slug dies within two hours.

how to deal with slugs in the garden


А как избавиться от слизней на дачном участке, не putting anyone in danger? There are modern drugs that kill only the snail. For example, "Ulitsid", which consists of iron phosphate and auxiliary components. After ingestion of the mollusk, the drug slowly drains it. It usually takes a week before he dies. Granules are resistant to erosion, so you can use even after rain. In addition, this poison is completely safe for insects and animals. At the end of the season, the granules break down into natural elements, that is, iron and phosphorus.

slugs on the plot

How to perform processing

In principle, there is nothing complicated.Processing needs to be made in the spring when landings are still small. If required, the drugs can be filled during the season, trying not to fall on the plants themselves and especially on the berries. So how to deal with slugs in the garden area need to point, pay special attention to such plantings, like cabbage and strawberries. Garden slug first try to get it to them.

Try to protect pets fromcontact with toxic substances. Dogs and cats should not walk around the garden without your control. It is also very important to protect children from possible poisoning. If age allows, conduct explanatory conversations. If not, then give up the use of chemicals on your site.

Preventive measures

The main thing is to regularly inspect the site.If damage has appeared on the plants that was not there yesterday, then it is worth thinking about protecting the plants from the snail. If the garden is attacked by several snails, then they can be caught by hand, without resorting to chemical methods. Much worse if the pests firmly settled in the new place and put off numerous clutches. In the spring of them will leave a huge number of hungry creatures that will eat everything that you plant on your beds. In this case, you will need to try very hard to destroy the pests before they take away your harvest.

fighting slugs on the plot

Instead of concluding

Snail is a dangerous pest that canleave you without a crop, if you give it a chance. Not only does he look disgusting, he is also incredibly voracious. If he has good living conditions, he will give a large offspring, and next spring hordes of caterpillars will move to your landings. At the beginning of the season they need food especially strongly for growth and development. And young seedlings are still too weak to withstand under the pressure of pests and release new leaves. But in the spring the gardener has a weighty advantage: the cabbage did not have time to grow luxurious leaves, so the snails still have nowhere to hide safely. A close inspection will reveal an enemy who can be defeated in any way possible.

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