/ / Epithet to the word "rain": how to choose the right one from a variety of options

Epithet to the word "rain": how to choose the right one from a variety of options

Rain is just a phenomenon of nature, water,which pours from heaven to earth. However, few people perceive it so directly and simply, because, coinciding with a certain mood, it can bring joy or sadness, awaken strong feelings and emotions. And every epithet to the word "rain" reflects different sides and shades of this phenomenon of nature.

epithet to the word rain

On the rain often write writers and poets, with thisin a word, they formulate proposals and select epithets for him in school, this phenomenon of nature can affect the plans and even the mood of a person. It happens different not only in itself, but also in terms of the perception of a particular person. It is interesting to learn and analyze, comparing the epithets that describe the water pouring from the sky.

Mention in the literature

Many poets and writers mentioned in theircreativity rain, attributing to him a variety of properties, using various epithets. Ivan Bunin wrote: "Glass, rare and vigorous, rushing hurriedly, rushing rain ...". Here he attributes to the phenomenon of nature human qualities, as if he is alive with his own unique character. Each epithet to the word "rain" in this small passage is permeated with admiration and admiration.

The famous poet Konstantin Balmont oncementioned quite different epithets with the word "rain": "It was raining lazy, sluggish." Here quite different perception and characteristics, as if drops from the sky fall tired, unhurried, monotonous.

pick epithets to the word rain

In the works of Valery Bryusov"Crystal rain", which is associated with something beautiful, but short-lived. Such drops linger on the leaves of plants and cobwebs in the forest, playing in the sun and reflecting the weather after the rain.

Selection of epithets in the learning process

In school, students are often given the task:"Pick up the epithets to the word" rain "to develop the children's imagination and see what words they associate with this phenomenon of nature.The children are struck by the unusualness of thinking and non-standard solutions to this problem.As a rule, pupils are born such epithets to the word" rain ":

  • Gloomy.
  • The oblique.
  • Short-term.
  • Noisy.
  • Fleeting.
  • Rainbow.
  • Frosty and others.

Children are given a task, to take each epithet to the word"rain" and make an offer with him, write it in a short story. In this process, children's fantasy and imagination are developing well. In high school, students expand their vocabulary and call such epithets: impenetrable, protracted, impetuous, hasty, sullen, pungent and others.

Psychological attitude

Depending on the mood, each person canpick the right epithet for the word "rain". When the soul is light and happy, this phenomenon of nature can be beaded, flying, crazy and gold. In moments of sadness and sadness, it seems prickly, cloudy, endless, evil, corrosive, monotonous and even gloomy.

epithets with the word rain

In the spring the person perceives it as long-awaited,a fertile and mighty gift of nature. In the fall, every epithet to the word "rain" is often imbued with a note of sadness and melancholy - dull, gloomy, nasty, boring. In the summer, this phenomenon of nature is brisk, stormy, impetuous, hasty, impetuous, abundant and inexorable.

Geographical features of the relationship

In different countries, people perceive differentlyrain, so the epithets to this word can be chosen completely unequal. After all, there are such areas where the dry weather is constantly, people wait for precipitation for months and even pray to their gods to finally begin to rain. Then he will be long-awaited, abundant, giving life and mighty.

a suitable epithet to the word rain

In other countries, for example, in Great Britain,often there is a rainy cloudy weather. Therefore, sometimes the British describe the rain as dank, piercing, impenetrable, foggy, viscous and even boring. Such epithets apply to those who are tired of the constant cloudy days, who want a clear and sunny day.

Comparative epithets

Selecting any descriptions and epithets to the word "rain", people compare this natural phenomenon with other similar creatures and events. Examples of such comparisons are:

  1. Golden or emerald - the comparison is formed from the shine, which creates droplets of water, similar to the brilliance of precious metals or stones.
  2. A dreary, dull, melancholic rain is compared to the state of depression and blues, when you do not want to go out into the street, you can not walk for a long time under the cool drops of water.
  3. Strong downpour is compared to the ruthless andan inexorable phenomenon, for example, a furious warrior, sweeping away everything in its path. Such rain blurs the earth, undermines asphalt, trees and ruins the life of small plants.
  4. A cheerful, sonorous rain that can drip,even when the sun is shining, is compared to a careless little child. He does not last long, does not frighten anyone with his strength and does not depress his durability.

You can list and many other epithets,describing the water pouring from the sky. In different contexts and with an unequal color, they will sound quite differently, giving this natural phenomenon all the new shades and emotions.

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