/ / Rzhevskaya battle during the Great Patriotic War

Battle of Rzhev during the Great Patriotic War

Когда мы слышим слово «битва», перед нами a battle arises mentally in some field, where during the day it is decided which of the opponents will be the winner. This terminology is familiar and understandable. But the Battle of Rzhev was different. It covered a huge time period and was a series of battles over two years.

Rzhev battle

Rzhev-Vyazma operation

The generally accepted timeframes that the Battle of Rzhev took up (January 8, 1942–31 March 1943). During these days there were many periods of lull or positional warfare, when the troops did not commit offensive.

In early 1942, the Soviet army succeededdiscard the forces of the Wehrmacht from Moscow. But the counteroffensive, which was one of the pivotal events of the war, continued. The bet required the greatest possible result. The German army of the Center group was located in this region.

Soviet forces in the Western and Kalinin frontshould have dismembered, encircle and destroy this force. In the first days of the January counterattack, starting on the 8th, everything went according to plan. It was possible to free Vereya, Kirov, Mozhaisk, Medyn, Sukhinichi and Lyudinovo. Prerequisites appeared to cut the “Center” into several isolated groups.

Battle of Rzhev 1942 1943


However, on the 19th by order of Joseph StalinSome of the attacking forces were deployed on other fronts. In particular, Kuznetsov’s 1st Shock Army was sent to the Novgorod Region under Demyansk, and Rokossovsky’s 16th Army was redeployed to the south. This significantly reduced the silt of the Soviet troops. The remaining parts simply did not have enough resources to complete the operation. The initiative has been lost.

At the end of January, the 33rd was sent under Rzhevarmy commanded by Ephraim. These units again tried to break through the enemy defenses, but in the end they themselves were surrounded. In April, the 33rd was destroyed, and Mikhail Efremov killed himself.

The Soviet operation failed.According to official statistics, losses amounted to 776 thousand people, of which 272 thousand were irretrievable. Few units of the 33rd Army from the encirclement broke through, that is, 889 soldiers.

Fights for Rzhev

In the summer of 1942 the Stavka set the task to mastercities in the Kalinin region. First of all, it was Rzhev. The armies of two fronts, Kalininsky (General Konev) and Western (General Zhukov), took up the task again.

On July 30, another Soviet offensive began.It was very slow. Each traversed and broken piece of land cost thousands of lives. Already in the first days of the operation only 6 kilometers remained before Rzhev. However, it took almost a month to repel them.

loss of the Rzhev battle

It was possible to approach the city only at the end of August.It seemed that the battle of Rzhev was already won. It was even allowed to allow official representatives of the American president to the front, who were to take a look at the Soviet triumph. Rzhev was taken on September 27th. However, the Red Army stayed there for a few days. German reinforcements were immediately pulled up, who occupied the city on October 1.

The next Soviet offensive ended in nothing. Losses of the Rzhev battle during this period amounted to about 300 thousand people, that is, 60% of the personnel of the Red Army in this sector of the front.

Operation Mars

Already at the end of autumn – the beginning of winter was planned.another attempt to break through the defense of the “Center” group. This time it was decided that the offensive would take place in those areas where it had not yet been undertaken. These were places between the Gzhat and Osuga rivers, as well as in the area of ​​the settlement Young Tud. Here was the smallest density of German divisions.

At the same time, the command tried to misinform the enemy in order to divert the Wehrmacht from Stalingrad, where decisive days of battles were coming these days.

The 39th Army managed to force the Young Tud, and the 1stthe mechanized corps attacked enemy tank units in the Bely city area. But it was a temporary success. Already in early December, the German counterattack stopped the Soviet soldiers and destroyed the 20th army. The same fate awaited two corps: the 2nd Guards Cavalry and the 6th Tank.

Already on December 8, against the background of these events, George Zhukovinsisted that Operation Mars (code name) be resumed with a new force. But none of the attempts to break through the line of defense of the enemy did not succeed. Troops under the command of General Khozin, Yushkevich and Zygin failed. Many were again surrounded. According to various estimates, the number of dead Soviet soldiers for that period varies between 70 and 100 thousand. The battle of Rzhev in 1942 did not bring a long-awaited victory.

Battle of Rzhev January 8, 1942 March 31, 1943

Operation Buffel

В ходе предыдущих боев образовался так называемый Rzhevsky ledge, which was occupied by German troops. It was a vulnerable part of the front — it was easiest to surround him. This became especially acute after the Soviet troops took the city of Great Luke in January 1943.

Kurt Zeitzler and the rest of the Wehrmacht commandthey began to ask Hitler for permission to withdraw troops. In the end, he agreed. The troops were to be withdrawn to the line near the town of Dorogobuzh. Colonel-General Walter Model was in charge of this important operation. The plan received the code name “Büffel”, which is translated from German as “buffalo”.

Rzhev battle 1942

Capture of Rzhev

Competent withdrawal of troops allowed the Germans to leavethe protrusion is almost lossless. On March 30, the last soldier of the Reich left this area, which was attacked for over a year. The Wehrmacht left behind empty cities and villages: Olenino, Gzhatsk, Bely, Vyazma. All of them were taken by the Soviet army in March 1943 without a fight.

The same fate awaited Rzhev.He was released on March 3. The 30th Army was the first to enter the city, which spent a long time on this sector of the front and was manned from scratch after bloody battles. Thus ended the Battle of Rzhevskaya 1942 1943. Strategic success led to the fact that in World War II the initiative again went to the Soviet Union.

Pursuing the enemy

The Soviet army left Rzhev behind and beganaccelerated offensive on the abandoned positions of the Germans. As a result, in March, it was possible to push the front line westward another 150 kilometers. Communications of the Soviet troops were stretched. Vanguard moved away from the rear and the provision. The advance was slowed down by the onset of the thaw and poor road conditions.

When the Germans entrenched in the Dorogobuzh area,it became clear that an army of such density could not be defeated, and the Red Army stopped. The next significant breakthrough will occur in the summer, when the Battle of Kursk will end.

Tver region Rzhev battle museum panorama

The fate of Rzhev. Cultural reflection

On the eve of World War II in the city56 thousand people lived. The city spent 17 months in the occupation, during which it was completely destroyed. The local population either fled the day before or did not survive the German authorities. When the Soviet army liberated the city on March 3, 1943, 150 civilians remained there.

With regard to estimates of the total losses of the Red Army for more than a year of battles, Marshal Viktor Kulikov called the figure more than 1 million people.

The Battle of Rzhev left about 300 surviving courtyards in the city, when there were 5.5 thousand of them before the battles. After the war, he was rebuilt literally again.

Bloody battles and huge losses foundreflected in the national memory and many works of art. The most famous is the poem by Alexander Tvardovsky “I am killed under Rzhev”. The Tver region has many monuments. The Battle of Rzhev, the museum panorama of this event - all this still attracts a large audience of visitors. In the same city there is also a memorable obelisk.

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