/ Types of questions. Closed and open-ended questions. Examples

Types of questions. Closed and open-ended questions. Examples

It would seem that it can be simpler than askingquestion? However, there are many rules and varieties of questions in both English and Russian. In addition, their use in conversation always depends on the speech situation. And as we have to be sure, the situation in both English and Russian conversation is very similar. We will discuss the types of questions in more detail in this article.

What are the questions in Russian?

types of questions

In this paper we will consider 5 types of questions. There are a number of other classifications, the number of questions in which can vary, but today we will dwell on this.

So, according to our classification, there isfive kinds of questions: closed, open, critical, rhetorical, questions for deliberation. Note that open and closed questions are highlighted in almost all types of classifications. This fact makes them basic.

Now consider each species in more detail, and also give examples.

Open question

Open questions are those thatrequire a detailed answer and any explanation. On them it is impossible to answer either "yes" or "no". Such questions begin with the following interrogative words: "how", "who", "what", "why", "how much", "what", etc.

Such questions allow your interlocutorselect information for the answer at your own discretion. On the one hand, this can lead to the fact that the interlocutor will hide what he does not want to disclose. But on the other hand, if you ask a question in a suitable emotional situation, the interlocutor can reveal himself and tell a lot more than the question asked by you.

Open questions allow you to turn your monologue into a conversation. However, there is a danger that you will lose control over the conversation, and it will be difficult to regain control once again.

Let's give examples of such questions:

  • Why do you want to study at our university?
  • When did you decide to agree to this conversation?
  • How much do you earn per month?
  • Who is cleaning in your house?
  • What do you usually do in the evenings?

Types of questions in English with examples

Closed Question

Closed-type questions are such, when answeringwhich can be answered either "yes" or "no". Often in closed questions a particle "li" is used. They minimize the freedom of the interlocutor, leading him to a monosyllabic answer.

Asking such questions, you can keep the conversation under your control. However, the interlocutor can not express his opinion or share ideas.

In addition, closed questions have a number of negative features:

  • The information obtained in the responses to them will be superficial;
  • two options give an impressioncoercion, so the interlocutor will gradually feel more and more uncomfortable, which ultimately hi to the fact that he will want to end the conversation as soon as possible;
  • they lead to the unwillingness of the interlocutor to reveal and provide more information.

Closed questions are recommended for use in thosecases where it is necessary to collect a lot of information in a short time. For example, when carrying out various studies. If you are planning to get to know the other person and expect that your acquaintance will continue, closed questions need to be alternated with the open ones, allowing the partner to speak out.

open questions


  • Do you like running?
  • Would you like to learn how to swim?
  • Do you play musical instruments?

A rhetorical question

We continue to consider the types of questions.The next step is a rhetorical question that serves for in-depth and detailed consideration of the subject of conversation. It is impossible to give an unequivocal and unbiased answer to such questions. Their goal is to indicate unresolved problems and raise new questions or to raise the support of your opinion by the participants of the discussion by tacit consent. In formulating such questions, the “li” particle is also often used.


  • We all hold the same opinion on this issue?
  • Can we perceive such actions normally?

Critical issue

closed questions

Another major type of issue is a turning point.These are issues that help keep the discussion in a certain direction. They can also serve to raise new problems. They are given in those situations when you have received comprehensive information on the problem under consideration and would like to switch the attention of the audience to another one or when your opponent has resisted and you want to overcome it.

The interlocutor's answers to such questions allow finding out the vulnerable moments in his judgments.


  • Tell me, do you think it is necessary? ..
  • How do you actually go? ..
  • What do you think? ..
  • What do you see in perspective? ..

Question to think about

These kinds of questions help tothe interlocutor reflected and carefully considered what was said earlier and prepared comments. In such a speech situation, the interlocutor gets the opportunity to make his own changes to the position already stated by someone. This allows you to look at the problem from several sides.

Examples of such questions:

  • Do you think that? ..
  • Did we understand your judgment correctly about what? ..
  • Do you agree with that? ..

Thus, we examined the meaning and examples of the types of questions used in the Russian language.

How many kinds of questions are in English?

main type of question

In English, there are also severaltypes of questions. There are five of them, as in Russian. The use of questions will depend on the situation, context and the purpose for which you are asking them. So, consider the types of questions in English with examples.

Common question

Common questions are identical to closed ones in Russian, that is, they imply a simple answer: “yes” or “no.” Serve for general information only.

Such questions are compiled without question.words, and begin with auxiliary verbs. And as you remember, in English for each tense there are certain auxiliary verbs.

The order of the words in the preparation of the question: auxiliary verb - subject - semantic verb - addition - definition.


  • Is he a good driver?
  • Did he go to the disco today?
  • Do you play basketball every day?

Separated question

We continue to consider the types of questions in English with examples. Separating this type is called because it consists of two parts, which are separated by a comma:

  • Part 1 is a statement;
  • The 2nd part is a “back”, a question regarding this statement.

The “stub” is usually the opposite of a statement. That is the purpose of the question - to verify the authenticity of the statement.


  • You play basketball every day, don’t you?
  • Steven is a famous artist, isn’t he?

examples of types of questions

Special Issue

Types of questions can also serve for more information. For example, a special question. It necessarily begins with question words. The following are commonly used: when, why, where, which, how and others. These words do not apply what and whowhen they act as subjects.

Thus, the question has the following structure: question word - auxiliary verb - subject - semantic verb - addition.


  • What is your name?
  • When did you go to England last time?

Questions with op ("or")

Such questions suggest a choice between two different answers. The word order here is the same as in the general question, but it is necessary to offer an alternative opportunity.


  • Do you like tea or coffee?
  • Will you go to Moscow by plane or by train?
  • Does your homework help you with your homework?

5 types of questions

Question with who (what)

This type is used when it is necessary to ask a question to the subject in the proposal. He will begin with the words what or who. The main feature of this type of questionsconsists in the fact that the order of words in its composition remains the same as in the statement. That is, the word order will be: who / what - semantic verb - addition.

Let's give some examples:

  • Who is this man?
  • What was that?

So, we looked at the possible types of questions asin Russian and in English. As can be seen, in both languages, despite the huge difference in origin and grammar between them, the questions perform approximately the same functions. This tells us that the conversation in any languages ​​is conducted with certain goals. Moreover, the mechanisms for controlling the course of reasoning, governed by questions, also appear similar.

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