/ / Biotechnological faculty of Moscow State University: entrance exams, passing grade, reviews

Biotechnological Faculty of Moscow State University: entrance exams, passing grade, reviews

On the orders of Academician V.A.Gardener (Rector) in 2013, the biotechnology department of Moscow State University was established. The main task, which appeared before the new division of the country's best university, was the preparation of high-quality specialists for such a field, as in the modern world, as biotechnology, for which it is necessary to maintain, maintain and deepen the links between the university and the RAS center in Pushchino. Academician of the RAS AI Miroshnikov, to whom the biotechnological faculty of the Moscow State University owes its organization, was appointed dean of this new unit.

biotechnological faculty mgu


Biotechnological Faculty of Moscow State University October 8, 2017year invites everyone interested in admission and study in the country's main university on the Open Day. It will be an unforgettable holiday with interesting excursions.

Parents of prospective students will meet withteachers of the faculty and dean, will ask them the most burning questions and receive detailed answers to them. Also, everyone wishing to look at the biotechnological faculty of the Moscow State University from inside, will receive many wishes for success, instructions on preparation. Everyone knows how difficult it is to enter Moscow University, but few realize how interesting it is to study here.

Acquaintance with the faculty

Studies at Moscow State University for almost all graduatesis the most important event in life, memories of it will not fade away under any circumstances. Student life is very eventful, and the main thing here is to find a balance between science, study and a holiday of communication with fellow students. Biotechnology is a specialty that requires full return, as it incorporates the achievements of modern science in various fields.

Open Day will bring the most completeinformation about the programs being implemented at the faculty, about the prospects that await the graduate in the future. Of course, absolutely everyone is interested in the results of the 2017 reception campaign and the types of it next year. The information will be exhaustive, they will tell you about the passing grade at the Moscow State University (biotechnological faculty), and it is no less than the rest of the faculties of the Moscow State University, how many budget places you can count on, how to transfer to the second or third year from another university ... All questions will be answered.

biotechnology specialty


In 2014, the firstbiotechnological faculty of Moscow State University. Here the future integrated masters came to study in the direction of "Biology" for four years in the bachelor's degree, after which the most successful passed the examinations to the magistracy, where they enjoyed the lectures of the most stellar teachers for another two years. In the first year the applicants received twenty places, where the education went at the state expense.

It is also interesting that lectures, seminars andlaboratory classes were held simultaneously in Moscow, and in the science city of Pushchino under the supervision of the Russian Academy of Sciences. And with each semester, the time spent in the science city increased. Needless to say, students with such patronage reached great heights, from the first steps at Moscow State University taking part in the most important scientific research. In the seventh and eighth semesters, students studied in Pushchino almost all week, even the hostel was provided to them.

Biotechnology is a very interesting specialty, and the research base in Pushchino is the richest, so this training mode was perceived simply with ecstasy.

biotechnological faculty of Moscow State University

Master's Courses

The master's degree was formed in 2015, and trainingfor masters in the same way was based on immersion in practical science: students spent most of their time in Pushchino, where the RAS scientific center opened the doors of all its biological institutes for them. This approach to integrated learning, of course, quickly yielded the expected results. The faculty developed rapidly. A license for the new direction "Biotechnology" was obtained, there were still many budget places in the magistracy. The biotechnological faculty of the Moscow State University has always taught on the basis of scientific research and the full involvement of all students in them.

There is also a biological faculty at Moscow State University,a glorious division, there is also an educational program on biology. However, with the biotechnological faculty of Moscow State University. MV Lomonosov, his entrants have long been confused. Still, completely different goals are facing these faculties. Here is given the same strong base of classical education, but the future is precisely for biotechnology. I must say that the applicants felt it right away: in the first year of the recruitment almost one hundred and eighty applications were submitted for the declared twenty seats.

biotechnological faculty mgu reviews

The reasons for the creation of the faculty

Earlier in Pushchino successfully and successfully workedbranch of the Moscow State University with two directions, on which educational activities were conducted. First of all, it should be noted that the practice of biological orientation, which was held by students of various faculties. And still there existed a bachelor's degree and a master's degree. But it so happened that in 2013 the branch was closed. And now the biotechnology department of Moscow State University, created on the basis of the branch, reviews the most numerous applicants.

The University had no benefit inlose so well-built links with the institutes of the Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, because contacts have been worked on for many years. It is for the continuation of the practice that still exists for MSU students of different faculties, and the biotechnological faculty of the Moscow State University opened. The entrance exams of the first year after the opening showed that the decision was absolutely right. And now there are also masters and bachelors here. Nevertheless, from the branch the biotechnological faculty differs radically.

biotechnological faculty

What are the differences?

Principal differences of the new subdivision of the Moscow State Universityfrom the previously existing branch are that students who study all basic competencies in the profession of basic disciplines are studying in Moscow. All this is taught to them at the biological, chemical and physical faculties, where the quality of teaching is simply a golden test - as good as possible. In the same place, in laboratories, and work on basic disciplines is carried out.

But special subjects are taught in Pushchino,where science city provides all relevant institutions of this specialization. The curriculum of the biotechnological faculty is made taking into account the professional features. For example, students study organic chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, molecular biology for a whole year earlier than at the biological faculty. That is why it becomes possible to introduce biotechnological special disciplines directly from the first courses.

biotechnological faculty in Moscow

Engineering Profile

Biotechnological training is tied together, notis divided into separate special courses. For example, industrial microbiology and biotechnology are not taught by cytologists, and cellular biotechnology is not taught to microbiologists. Knowledge is obtained by specialized, continuous in the chosen direction of learning.

But along with biological disciplines onFaculty of engineering, engineering graphics, applied physics, apparatuses and processes of biotechnology receive enormous attention. All this is absent from the biological faculty. This engineering unit gives students all the basics on which the production process is based.


Each student in the learning process will have tobe sure to engage in laboratory research, thus obtaining the necessary skills of working on industrial equipment. Specialists, graduates of the faculty, know the biotechnological process at all its levels - from the beginning of the idea development, through experimental laboratory tests, to the scaling of the process to the production level.

Students learn to use the most up-to-datemethods - physical-chemical, microbiological, molecular-biological. They already know how to work according to the standards of laboratory practice with experimental animals. They can calculate the technology for obtaining products, know the parameters of devices, processes, the economic output of the product and much more. All this became possible precisely because the research base is very good, as well as highly professional courses, which are held at the biotechnological faculty.

biotechnology faculty mhu entrance examinations


Students of biotechnological faculty are shodeven in the spheres of the economy of the industry and protection of intellectual property. Specialization always goes in parallel with classical traditional university education. Very high biological and chemical preparation, it is exactly the same as that of students in the chemical and biological faculties. As the educational process is fully integrated into the functionality of the Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Pushchino, students there are special practical classes, participate in the development of scaling of biotechnological processes, and their final projects are also carried out there.

All nine RAS institutes located in Pushchino andrelated to the biological profile, help to train highly qualified specialists. These institutes are engaged in bioorganic chemistry, cell biophysics, biological instrument engineering (there is an experimental production in this institute), fundamental problems of biology and many others. Students are extremely lucky to use the base of the PSC RAS. These are strong scientific schools, well-equipped laboratories and excellent specialists with the highest qualifications.

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