/ / How to make katana from wood: simple tips - light crafts

How to make katana from wood: simple tips - light crafts

Katana is a Japanese Samurai weapon.Samurai weapons technology has survived to this day and does not lose popularity. Katanu from the earliest times they were made of bulat - "Anosovskaya" steel, but it's dangerous to fight such an instrument, so we will postpone the original samurai weapon, let it decorate the interior.

How to make a katana from a tree

If you decide to study ancient artsamurai, then as a training weapon perfectly suited bokken - a wooden analog blade. "How to make a katana from a tree?" - many asked this question, but only a small number of samurais owned the technique of wooden bokken.

Features of wooden katana

Japanese culture is rich in tradition.Not one hundred years of training swords are used in samurai art. In the East, there are many schools that study martial arts. Depending on belonging to a particular school, sword-bokken has its own parameters and name. For example, a white or red oak tree is used to make Bokuto bokken. The length of such a blade is 102 cm, and the weight varies within the range of 580-620 grams. As for the Casey-Ryu bokken, such weapons are more weighty and with a length of 102 cm weighs 730 grams.

Bokken is an exact replica of the katana, made froma tree that has been used for studying the samurai craft for centuries. Having learned how to make a katana from a tree, you will be surprised, because this process does not differ laborious.

How to make a katana by hand from a tree
The shape of the bokken completely duplicates the shape of the katana,but due to the material used to produce weapons, it weighs less. How to make a katana with your own hands made of wood and get a quality product? Select the material correctly. For the production of bokken, the tree of such breeds is mainly used:

  • oak: white, red, black, brown;
  • beech;
  • hornbeam.

The blade of a wooden bokken, like that of a real katana, is oblique at the end at an angle of 45about, and the profile of the blade has a flattened-oval or round shape. It depends on the type of weapon.

A distinctive feature of samurai bokken -The lack of a guard, a transverse lining, which protects the hand from the opponent's gliding along the blade. Along the whole blade of the blade make a shallow slit - "chi", thanks to which the bokken produces a characteristic whistling sound when struck.

How to make a wooden katana

Today you will learn how to make a katana from a tree, following simple instructions.

Training for possession of a samurai sword is held with a bokken, so the need to manufacture or purchase this tool is so widespread.


  1. You need a drawing to get started. You can draw an approximate katana drawing or download a ready-made template from the Internet.
  2. After making the workpiece, proceed to processing, starting with the handle. Place the area under it with a file and a plane.
  3. Give the blade shape, removing with excess tools an extra tree pattern.
  4. Round the tip and smooth the handle angles.
  5. Sand the handle and blade with sandpaper.

Drawing katana

If desired, you can cut and attach the guard, but most of the bokken are made without this element.

Now you know how to make a katana from a tree. It turns out that this is not as difficult as it might seem. To cope with this task will even be a novice in this matter.

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