/ / The Electoral Process in the Russian Federation

The Electoral Process in the Russian Federation

The electoral process is a concept that characterizes the activities for the preparation and implementation of elections. It is held in several stages.

The electoral process and its stages

The first stage is the compilation of listselectorate. They include all citizens who have reached the age of eighteen. Voter lists are drawn up in the precinct commission taking into account the data transferred by the housing authorities. A citizen can be included in the list on only one site. The compiled lists are available for review no later than fifteen days before the election. Every citizen has the right to refuse to include him in the lists. About his reluctance, he reports to the commission. In addition, citizens can report any inaccuracy or error in the lists. This right can be realized only before the counting of votes.

The electoral process also includes the formation ofand approval of parcels and districts. The framework of counties and the number of voting citizens is determined by the relevant commission, but approved by the relevant body. The specified actions are carried out not later than sixty days prior to elections.

Electoral precincts are formed with the aim ofvoting and subsequent counting of votes. Their formation is made by the head of the local authority in coordination with the appropriate commissions not later than a month before the elections. The formation of plots is carried out in accordance with local and other conditions, creating maximum amenities for the voters, at the rate of no more than three thousand citizens on the site.

Избирательный процесс обязательно включает этап formation of commissions. There is a special system that contains the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation, commissions of subjects, districts, regions, cities, municipalities, and plots. The formation of this system is determined by the norms of law.

Election commissions are called collegiatebodies in which decision-making is carried out by a majority of those who voted, and the secretary and the chairman make decisions. The activities of these bodies are not dependent on government agencies or local authorities. At the same time, the exercise of the powers of election commissions is carried out with the assistance of the latter.

Actions, decisions or inaction of collegiate bodies and officials related to them, violating the rights of voting citizens, may be appealed in court or a higher collegiate body.

No election process is complete without registration and nomination of candidates. This stage is considered the main one.

Nomination can be carried out by electoral associations. It occurs at a conference or congress of a block of parties or a party.

Nomination can be made by the voters themselves. In this case, it is planned to collect signatures on the candidate's application. There is also a form of self-nomination.

Applying any type of nomination, the candidate demonstrates that he has the support of a certain part of society.

The election process includes pre-electionagitation. At this stage, activities of public associations and citizens are carried out to prepare and disseminate a certain type of information. The purpose of the campaign is to encourage voters to vote for or against certain candidates. The distribution of information begins from the day of registration.

The next stage is voting.This stage, of course, is considered the most important in the entire electoral process. As a result of voting, some candidates are eligible to participate in the next round or an elected mandate.

The Election Commission ensures the secrecy of voting, accounting, and also the safety of ballots.

The final stage of the electoral processis the counting of votes, the determination of election results. Results from all districts are flown to the Central Commission. She announces the results of the voting and publishes them in the media.

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