/ / Khazar Khaganate

Khazar Khaganate

The Khazar state (650-969 years.) was a large medieval power. It was formed as a union of tribes in the southeast of Europe. The Khazar Kaganate was considered the most dangerous Jewish power in history. He controlled the territory of the Middle and Lower Volga region, the North Caucasus, the Azov Sea, the present north-western part of Kazakhstan, the northern region of the Crimea, and the forest-steppe and steppes of the whole Eastern Europe to the Dnieper.

The Khazar Khaganate. History

This tribal alliance emerged fromWest-Turkic association. Originally, the core of the Khazar state was located in the northern region of present-day Dagestan. Subsequently, it moved (under the onslaught of the Arabs) to the lower reaches of the Volga. The political dominance of the Khazars spread at one time to some East Slavic tribes.

It should be noted that the origin of the people themselvesnot thoroughly studied. It is believed that after the adoption of Judaism, the Khazars perceived themselves as descendants of Kozar, who was the son of Togarmekh. According to the Bible, the latter was the son of Japhet.

According to some historians, the Khazar Khaganatehas some connection with the lost Israeli tribes. Along with this, most researchers are inclined to believe that the nationality has all the same Turkic roots.

Rise of the Khazar people is associated withdevelopment of the Türkic Kaganate, with the rulers of which the first (presumably) had family ties. In 552, the Altai Turks formed a huge empire. Soon it was divided into two parts.

By the second half of the 6th century the Turks spreadits power to the Caspian-Black Sea steppes. During the Iran-Byzantine war (602-628 gg.), The first evidence of the existence of the Khazars appeared. Then they were the main part of the army.

In 626 the Khazars invaded the territory of modern Azerbaijan. After plundering the Caucasian Alania and merging with the Byzantines, they stormed Tbilisi.

By the end of the 7th century, most of the Crimea, the NorthernCaucasus and the Azov Sea was under the control of the Khazars. There is no exact information about how far their power extended to the east of the Volga. However, it is certain that the Khazar Khaganate, spreading its influence, stopped the flow of nomads who followed Europe from Asia. This, in turn, created favorable conditions for the development of settled Slavic peoples and Western European countries.

The Khazar Khaganate controlled the territory,which was inhabited by many Jewish communities. Around 740, Bulan (one of the princes) converted to Judaism. Apparently, this contributed to the strengthening of his clan. At the same time, the ruling pagan dynasty of the Khazars began to lose credibility.

The descendant of Prince Bulan - Obadiah - at the beginning of the ninthcentury took the second post in the empire, concentrating real power in their hands. From that moment the system of dual state administration was formed. Nominally in the country remained the main representatives of the royal family, however, real government on their behalf carried out the beaks of the Bulanids.

After the establishment of a new administrative order, the Khazar Kaganate began to develop international transit trade, reorienting itself from aggressive campaigns.

In the 9th century, in connection with the new wave of the Great Migration of Nations, the Volga began to move into new nomadic tribes.

The new enemy of the Khazars became the Old Russianstate. Varangian squads, who came to Eastern Europe, began to successfully challenge power over the Slavs. Thus, the Radimichs in 885, the northerners in 884 and the meadow in 864 were liberated from Khazar rule.

Between the end of the 9th and the first half of the 10thcentury Khazaria weakened, but continued to remain a very influential empire. To a greater extent, this became possible thanks to skillful diplomacy and a well-trained army.

In the death of the Khazar Khaganate, the decisive rolebelongs to the Old Russian state. Svyatoslav in 964 freed Vyatichi (the last dependent tribe). The following year, the prince defeated the army of the Khazars. A few years later (in 968-969), the prince defeated Semender and Itil (the capital of the Khazar empire in different periods). This moment is considered the official end of the independent Khazaria.

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