/ / How to arrange an office of the English language. Registration of an office of English

How to arrange an office of the English language. Registration of an office of English

In the study room must bevarious attributes related to a particular subject of study. They help to create a certain atmosphere and can be used in the learning process. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with how the English language room should look like (design, photo and attribute list is attached below in the article).

Cabinet walls

English study room photo

The first thing that catches your eye when you enter the office is the walls. It is on them that the main décor of small spaces is concentrated and any auxiliary elements necessary for learning.

Before proceeding to the design of the walls,need to clearly consider the interior space. After all, learning without books and visual aids is almost impossible. Therefore, the first thing to do is to provide a place for training manuals. Often, under them emit an entire wall, which is forced by the cabinets. Secondly, decide on posters and stands. Consider their number and location. Third - decide on the color scheme of the walls. It is better to use pastel and light colors to make the room seem bright and spacious.

Registration of an office of English: stands

registration of an office of English language stands

Stands are a necessary attribute of any office. They are used to:

  • to inform pupils about upcoming events or any results (for example, marks for a control, schedule of topics for a semester, thematic lessons, etc.)
  • prepare a study for certain classes (hang up the alphabet for the younger group, remind the seniors of tenses and irregular verbs, and so on);
  • prepare visual material for a specific lesson (for example, the theme of the lesson is "The Seasons", therefore, the stand will have images with translation into English relating to summer, winter, spring, autumn).

Сейчас можно купить стенд абсолютно любого size and filling. This may be a simple board to which the material will be attached with adhesive tape, or you can write on it with markers. But the most common are plastic stands with transparent pockets. They are easy to use and durable enough.

Posters and other wall decor

English study room photo

Очень красиво, когда организован нескучный и bright study of English. Registration then consists in the use of various posters, stickers and attributes of English-speaking countries. For example, self-bonding is the most convenient way to decorate walls. These are vinyl stickers that you can buy with a ready-made pattern or order it yourself.

Уместными в кабинете английского языка будут illustrations of English-speaking countries and architectural sights (Big Ben, Statue of Liberty, double-decker bus and so on). In such an office it will be comfortable both for elementary school students and for senior schoolchildren.

For frequent change of decor, you can usethemed posters. For them, allocate space and make a mount. Posters can be changed depending on the age of students, time of year, a specific topic, and so on.

Также можно использовать объемные атрибуты.This may be the same Big Ben or Statue of Liberty. You can hang the flags of those countries that speak English. They can be made personally with the students. Then it will be especially pleasant to visit the office of the English language. Making your own hands will not only bring students closer to the teacher, but also make the room warmer.

Where to store books

English study room

Как было указано выше, ни один кабинет не do without books. It can be anything: fiction, teaching aids, textbooks, handouts, and so on. Most often they are stored in cabinets that occupy one wall.

If the book material is really a lot, thensuch a decision will be justified. And it is better to choose light cabinets in the office of the English language. The decoration will then look harmonious and there will be no big stains.

Part of the cabinet should be with opaque doors,so that it is possible to keep behind them not only books, but also other subjects necessary for study (for example, figurines and figurines). The part that is open to the eye is best done with glass or plastic doors, so that less dust accumulates.

Teacher's table

English study with your own hands

Это, конечно, главное место в кабинете.After all, the teacher is always in sight, not only students approach him, but also their parents, as well as the leadership. Therefore, for his desk appearance and storage organization must be carefully considered. Everything should be in its place and let nothing be superfluous on it.

To do this, select a specific place forstationery, textbooks and work material, student notebooks, and so on. It is also necessary to find space for a small decor (for example, figurines), which will also be appropriate in the office of the English language. If for those there is no place, then you can use thematic organizers and supports for pens.

Technical progress

registration of an office of English

Everything described above is undoubtedly interesting.But most of the ideas are the modernization of well-known office design techniques. Today, many schools and various educational institutions allocate funds for the technical supply of classes. These include laptops, projectors, televisions, video and DVD players, audio recorders.

With their help, students can better perceiveinformation, listen to the English language in the original, watch foreign films and cartoons. In such a fun and exciting process, it will be easy and interesting to learn not only to kids, but also to an adult group.

Of course, not all educational institutions can afford it.allow. But you can allocate part of the budget at least for some equipment. After all, video and audio materials are especially relevant in the offices of foreign languages, where it is necessary to learn not only the rules of grammar, but also the pronunciation of new words.

Do not forget that studying in a bright and unusual class is much more interesting and pleasant, and this means that, along with a good mood, performance will also rise.

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