/ / How to make street lamps do-it-yourself: ideas and recommendations

How to make street lamps do it yourself: ideas and recommendations

Lighting area in a country or private houseis an important element of a comfortable pastime here hosts. With a well-thought-out arrangement and choice of lamps, it becomes comfortable to move around your possessions at night. In addition to its important functional role, the lighting area allows you to create an indescribable atmosphere, emphasize the beauty of plants. Host and their guests will be comfortable here.

By creating do-it-yourself street lights, residents of a private house can significantlyto save. In stores, ready-made devices are quite expensive. Therefore, having certain skills of working with electricity, as well as having enough free time, the owners will be able to carry out the lighting on their site on their own.

Basic principles

By studying the question of how to make a street lamp with your own handsProperty owners should start with the basic principles of this process. This will help to complete all the actions correctly.

Lighting should match someuniversally accepted requirements. During the day, the lamps should not disturb the natural appearance of the area. At night, high-quality lighting is required to avoid dark areas.

Street lamps do it yourself

In addition to functionality, lighting playsdecorative role. The general impression of the site depends on the correctness of the choice of all elements of the system, as well as their competent location. Popular today are lamps from natural materials. Also, natural lines, plots when creating such products allow you to maintain the overall aesthetics of the site.

Types and location of lamps

Решившись осветить свой участок при помощи homemade devices, you need to consider their main types. Depending on the location zone, there are several basic types of devices. There are devices that illuminate the house itself, walkways and stairs. There is also an accent and festive, security lights.

Different types of devices are used for each light source. Suspended street lamps do it yourself most often mounted on the veranda. They can also be mounted on trees. This is a long chain of high grade durability. It ends with a decorative ceiling.

Wall lights are used to highlight the entrance to the house and the grounds in front of it.

How to make a street lamp with your own hands
Also similar devices are installed near the gate or gate.

Floor lamps are installed on the ground or on the veranda.In the classic version of this device has a flat rack with a round canopy on top. Ground lights are different from floor lamps in height. They are also mounted in the ground, but such devices are designed to highlight the paths or individual plants, flower beds.

Light source

As the lighting can chooseseveral common options. The light source at night can be ordinary incandescent lamps. These are the most simple and inexpensive devices. Their disadvantage is high power consumption.

LED Street Light DIY

One of the most popular devices are LED lamps. They are economical to use. Street LED lamp, do it yourself made, will be able to highlight the site. At the same time, its service life is as long as possible. Such lamps are hard to break. The hue of the glow can choose any.

Halogen lamps for street lighting are rarely used. They are too sensitive to surges, flask contamination.

Solar-powered lights are gaining todaypopularity They can be installed even in those areas where it is difficult to connect the electrical wires. During the day, the battery is charged by the energy of the sun. Then the lamp emits a glow that can last up to 12 hours. The only requirement of such devices is a sufficient amount of sunlight during the day. Otherwise, the battery will not be able to charge.

Decorative effects

By creating street lamp with his own hands from scrap materials, the master can creatively approach his work. The choice of design of the ceiling depends on the imagination of the owners of a private house.

Street lamp made of wood do it yourself

Natural motives are considered popular.For example, a lawn decorated with decorative butterflies or dragonflies will look harmonious during the day. At night, such luminous elements will be able to highlight the lawn, giving the whole area a unique beauty. Gnomes looking out of the brushwood with flashlights in their hands will look fabulous and interesting.

You can also choose any form for the ceiling.Various old floor lamps, kitchenware and other things that are now idle will go into the business. With the help of various materials you can realize any fantasy, originally decorating your site.


Street lamp do-it-yourself to the cottage You can create from different materials.Many owners choose for this purpose plastic. It's easier to work with him. However, this material is known for its fragility. He will not be able to stay away from home for a long time, being exposed to natural conditions.

It is better to use metal products. Moreover, brass in this case is considered one of the best materials. It does not darken, does not oxidize. Copper and bronze are not recommended in this case.

Also any glass or ceramic container, ware will approach.

Street lamp do-it-yourself to the cottage
Природные материалы, например, дерево, при Proper processing will last long enough. Creating a lamp in this case will be easier than machining metal blanks. Wooden lanterns will fit in almost any style of decor.

Wiring requirements

By creating do-it-yourself street lights, необходимо ответственно отнестись к требованиям electrical safety. Wiring will be created outdoors. To avoid the occurrence of unforeseen troubles, it is necessary to provide quality protection for all elements of the system from various adverse effects.

Lamps for street lighting do it yourself

To create lighting on the site, you will need an VVG cable. Terminal blocks are used for fixing connections. To protect the wire, you must use a corrugated pipe (metal hose).

You will need to purchase a strong copper wire withat least 1.5 mm cross section. Cable length should be calculated based on the area of ​​the site. Usually requires at least 100 m of wire. The diameter of the corrugated pipe should be 18-20 mm. This will protect the wire in the ground from encroachment on the integrity of rodents or accidental mechanical shock (for example, with a shovel).

Wiring installation

To connect street lighting do-it-yourself lamps, you need to properly mount the wiring. First, excavate cable trenches. Their depth should be about 70 cm. Their distance to the house should not be less than 60 cm.

If you intend to install floor lamps,first through their legs pull the cable. The design is mounted in the ground. The cable in the trench passes through the corrugated pipe. The wire is pulled through all elements of the system. Then it is cut, leaving a tail about 15 cm long. The second piece of cable is pulled in the same way through the lamp. They are connected at the top of the lamp with the help of terminals.

If the ceiling is on the wall, their junction boxes should be properly insulated. The wires are best connected clamping nuts. Twisting the contacts in this case is not recommended.

Wiring diagram

After the installation of conductors is requiredConnect the street lamps with their own hands to the electrical circuit. In it, as you know, there are two wires ("phase" and "zero"). The switch must open exactly the phase wire. Find it will help a special device.

You can turn on the lamp directly inoutlet. At the end of the wire is mounted plug. This option is suitable for inclusion in the network of one small lamp. If the system consists of several lamps, it is better to connect the cables to the terminals in the switchboard. In case of an accident, a special fuse will automatically open the circuit. The total load of the lighting system must match the wiring capabilities.

Before digging trenches, you need to check the performance of the system. Floor lamps are recommended to be strengthened by pouring gravel into the base or pouring clay and concrete there.

Lights from wood

Street lamp made of wood, made by hand, harmoniously fit into the exterior. To create it, you can use various twigs, planks, bark and other similar materials.

First you need to inflate the balloon.Then you need to collect a sufficient number of dry twigs. In a chaotic order, they are glued to the ball overlap. When the structure dries out a little, you need to detach it from the surface of the sphere. The ball deflates. Inside install a light bulb.

Applying imagination and the most simple assistantsmaterials, you can create any version of the ceiling of the tree. It is not necessary to have the skills to work with such material. Twisting, for example, birch bark, you can get the original cover. It will look elegant and stylish.

Applying fluorescent paint on hemp, you can create a very beautiful lighting. There are many variants of wooden lamps.

Glass lanterns

Street lamps do it yourself can be made of glass.For this fit bottles, jars and other containers. At the bottom you can pour a variety of glass balls, glass, decorative sand. The light bulb is inserted through the neck and fixed with silicone.

К потолку беседки или веранды можно подвесить several such bottles or cans at once. They will be able to fully illuminate the space. Instead of a single bulb, you can put a whole garland inside a glass container. This flashlight will look very impressive.

Suspended street lamps do it yourself

Jars and bottles can be decorated with paints,rope, lace, wire and other improvised materials. In this case, the bulb will not be so transparent, the light will be better scattered. If you apply fluorescent paints in the form of uneven spots on the inner surface of the can, the lamp will be very original. Fantasy and creativity will help to create the best ceiling or flashlight.

Having considered the options for creating lighting on the site of a private house, you can do all the work yourself.

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