/ Ancient History of Korea. Kochison

Ancient history of Korea. Kochison

Kochoson (Ancient Joseon) - early stateeducation, which laid the foundation for the formation of several states, at the mention of which there is an association with the name "Korea". The history of this once united, and now divided into two parts of the country, counts thousands of years. The exact time of the appearance of the first state is difficult to establish. Kochason is mentioned in The Chronicles of the Three Kingdoms (Samguk Yusa), a historical work of a Buddhist monk named Irene, in which the ancient history of Korea is represented in the form of a collection of legends, fairy tales and biographies. The text, compiled in Chinese in the 13th century, includes the legend of Tangun, the founder of the first Korean kingdom. Tangun Wang, one of the most popular characters in the national mythology, was the grandson of the Lord of Heaven Hwanin. The story of his birth is interesting. Hwangnung, the son of the heavenly king, and three thousand of his followers were sent to Earth, or more precisely, to the highest mountain of the Korean peninsula named Paektusan, without mentioning which the ancient Korea is unthinkable. This mountain, located on the border between the DPRK and China, and nowadays in the inhabitants of both countries is considered sacred.

history of Korea
Here, according to Samguk Yusa, Hvanum foundedGod's city of Shinsi, invented laws, established the necessary departments and began to train people in crafts, agriculture and medicine. The tiger and the bear, who lived nearby, turned to Hvanuma with a request to give them a human face. God's son suggested to the beasts to pass the test: to spend in the cave without sunlight for 100 days, eating at the same time only garlic and wormwood. The tiger surrendered, and the bear did everything as Khvanum said, and was rewarded: she turned into a woman and gave birth to her lord son - Tangun Wang.
Korea history

Ancient Joseon is the subject of scientificdiscussions. According to legend, the history of Korea begins with the founding of the ancient Korean kingdom in 2333 BC. e., with which modern researchers disagree, since the first mention of Kochison appears in written sources of the IV - III centuries BC. e.

There is confirmation of the facts about the alliance of tribes,lived in ancient times on the territory of the Korean peninsula and part of the Liaodong peninsula. There were city-states, each of which had its own administration. The inhabitants of this country grew crops, planted horses and knew how to create bronze products, and later - and iron, in no way inferior to Chinese samples belonging to the same period.

ancient Korea
Around the 4th century. BC. e.Kochison has become a centralized state. The political history of Korea includes information about the long-standing relationship of the ancient Korean state and the neighboring Chinese kingdom of Yan, whose rulers repeatedly turned their eyes to the east and sought to tear away the territories of Kochason. In 108 BC. e. Kochison was conquered by the Chinese Han Empire, resulting in the Korean tribes at a lower stage of political organization than the tribal union. Only at the beginning of the Christian era did the early Korean states re-appear on the peninsula.

Ancient history of Korea - fascinatinga narrative about the people, already in the Bronze Age, had an early state formation with hereditary monarchical power and embryonic forms of the administrative apparatus.

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