/ / Saratov ruby ​​- apricot: a description of the grade, characteristics, reviews. Trimming of apricot

Saratov ruby ​​- apricot: a description of the variety, characteristics, reviews. Trimming of apricot

Apricot is a popular food anddrug. Useful substances in the fetus are not inferior in value to egg yolks and wheat embryos. How is apricot characterized by the Saratov ruby, what reviews are given about it by consumers and how to properly implement pruning, read in the article.

How did apricots appear in Russia?

The appearance of the first apricots refers to the periodthe reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. In the middle of the seventeenth century, two trees with remarkable fruits appeared in Russia, which were then called Armenian apples. In the eighteenth century, all of Russia already knew about them. Apricot began to grow in monastery gardens, greenhouses of rich people, and in the southern regions - in areas under the open sky.

Saratov Ruby Apricot

Currently, the breeders have brought out varieties of apricots for various regions of the country. One of them is the Saratov ruby. Apricot, reviews about which positive, differs highadaptability to local climate and gives good yields of tasty and useful fruits. The variety is distinguished by high fruit bearing, even this thaw in February tolerates a good thaw.

Apricot Saratov ruby: description

Apricot of this variety has an early maturity period,which begins around the fifteenth of July. A large tree is apricot Saratov ruby. The description includes such a characteristic as the crown size. This variety is lush, wide, round. The wood of the apricot tree has a high frost resistance, withstands frosts up to forty-two degrees, fruit buds - up to thirty-five.

Saratov ruby ​​apricot reviews

Variety of apricot Saratov ruby ​​is resistant toprevention and diseases of fruit trees: moniliasis, fruit rot and klasterosporiosis. Excellent tolerates thaws until February-a month. This is due to its long dormancy.

Characteristics of fruits

The fruits of the apricot are highly cured.The Saratov ruby ​​can be kept for more than a month. Apricot retains its properties and appearance, if the air temperature does not exceed five degrees of heat. The weight of the fruit is forty-forty-two grams. The weight of the stone on average is slightly more than one gram. The kernel taste contains traces of bitterness.

Apricot Saratov Ruby Description

Fruits are not susceptible to cracking.The pulp is juicy, fleshy. It is used in fresh and pickled form, for medicinal and dietary purposes, for the preparation of jam, jams and compotes Saratov ruby. Apricot of this variety tastes sweet, with slightly sour sour taste.

Why do I need pruning?

Every gardener plants an apricot tree inhope to get tasty and useful fruits. But for the dream to come true, it will take a lot of work. Only proper care, including pruning, will ensure a comfortable apricot growth, for which the tree will reward the owner with a high yield of fruits. The peculiarity of the apricot is the fact that the tree does not have the ability to dump the ovaries on its own.

Variety of apricot Saratov ruby

As a result, the branches are overloaded with fruits and canto break. The fruits of this tree are small and substandard. To prevent this from happening, you need to eliminate the thickening of the crown by pruning the excess branches. This procedure is done in the spring, summer and autumn periods. Trimming the apricot requires accuracy. The cut on the fruit branches should be correct. It must immediately be treated with hydrogen peroxide or pulverized coal. Cleaning the crown and sanitizing the tree are conducted regardless of the season.

Pruning in summer

Needs a summer pruning Saratov ruby. Apricot after this procedure will be more profuse to bear. At this time, make an easy pruning. For this, shoots grown in the current year are pricked.

About two weeks will begin to developstrong shoots. They will form the fruits of the future harvest. Summer pruning is in favor of apricot. The tree completely restores the foliage, and buds of flowers will develop on new shoots. If the soil on which the apricot grows is poor and not sufficiently moistened, summer pruning is done once every two to three years.

Pruning in summer is held in early June. It rejuvenates the tree. After it, apricot fructifies better, immunity strengthens, the tree less ill. Fruits grow bigger and sweeter.

Pruning in spring

If you trim the spring or early summer,the tree will have time to get stronger and will carry the winter well. This procedure is preferable to do three to four weeks before the beginning of the vegetative period, in warm weather, when the spring frosts will no longer return and the flow of juice has not started. Spring pruning is done to sanitize the tree, rejuvenate it and form the crown. Pruning at this time of year is of great importance. It is in the spring that all defects in the structure of the crown of a young tree are corrected.

Thanks to pruning in spring, the crown is goodthe sun's rays warm the fruits evenly. If only the outer part of the crown warms up, the internal branches will gradually dry out, fruit buds will lose their strength. Result - do not wait for a good harvest.

A short apricot

First time pruning apricot is done twelve months after planting.Exactly half cut off rapidly growing shoots, which are the continuation of skeletal branches. If branching is weak, branches should be shortened only by one third.

Pruning in autumn

Such pruning is necessary for a fruit tree forstimulation of metabolism required by the tree. It is held in mid-October. The crown is formed in several ways: by shortening and thinning. In the first case, the branches are shortened to the required length, and in the second - completely removed to hit the sun's rays on the fruit. Since the Saratov ruby ​​has an early maturity period, apricot can and should be cut in autumn. Formation of the crown is done with the use of a tiered discharged system.

On the tree leave up to six skeletal branches andthey shorten them by one third. The slices are immediately treated with hydrogen peroxide or crushed charcoal. In a rainy, cold autumn with early frosts, it is better not to prune, as the tree, especially if it is young, will die. It will not have time to get stronger after the pruning.

What happens if apricot is not cut off?

In the first few years, a well-groomed tree will begrow faster, as it is not subject to injury. The trunk will be taller, but thinner. The harvest of the first fruits is removed earlier. Every year the fruit tree will get worse. Branches will become long and brittle. Fruits - small and sour. Soon the tree is wild.

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