/ / Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation: address, departments, branches, reviews

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation: address, departments, branches, reviews

Federal state educationalbudgetary institution of higher education "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation" will soon be celebrated centenary. It is the oldest university for the training of financiers, economists, lawyers, IT specialists, mathematicians, political scientists and sociologists. Applicants will find the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, whose address in Moscow: Leningradsky Prospekt, house 49. Postal code of this university is 125993.

financial university under the government of the Russian Federation

Famous graduates

Graduates, who at different times gave a ticket tolife Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, most of them made a good career. Among them are statesmen, directors of banks, corporations, state funds, ministers and deputies, prominent politicians. For example, VS Pavlov, former chairman of the Government of the USSR, finance ministers of different years - A. G. Zverev, I. N. Lazarev, I. I. Fadeev, V. E. Orlov, B. G. Fedorov, V. G. Panskov, A. G. Siluanov.

A lot among the graduates who graduated from the FinancialUniversity under the Government of the Russian Federation, and banking executives. The Central Bank of the Russian Federation noted NV Garetovsky, NK Sokolov, VV Gerashchenko, AI Akimov from Gazprombank, VA Dmitriev from Vnesheconombank, BI Zlatkis from Sberbank. In the same galaxy, the chairman of the Federation Council for Financial Markets and Budget NA Zhuravlev, AV Drozdov from the Pension Fund, a very rich man MD Prokhorov and other worthy people.

Ministers, governors, deputies and other prominentgraduated from the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation. Among them: RV Kopin, LV Kuznetsov, NS Maksimova, ME Ogloblina, EV Panina, AV Krutov, DA Svishchev, AG Khloponin , B.E. Chistov.

Students from abroad, who gave higher educationEducation Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, also made a good career in their homeland. For example, Nguyen Kong Nguyen became Deputy Minister of Finance of Vietnam, and Cheng Wei - Rector of Liaolin University in China.

financial university under the government of the Russian Federation reviews

A glorious way

Сначала был финансовый институт, потом академия, who have always specialized in the financial and banking sectors. Today the university has incredibly expanded, becoming a large scientific and educational complex. The financial university under the Government of the Russian Federation, whose reviews formed the basis of this article, today has nineteen faculties, six of which are in branches, the rest in Moscow.

At the faculties there are a hundred and sixtychairs, including eighty-six in the branches, the rest - twelve basic, three under the DPO programs and fifty-nine VOs - in Moscow. In addition, the university has ten institutes in its structure, among which, in addition to the Institute for Open and Correspondence Education, the Institute for Redundant Programs and the Institute for Development Projects, there are three scientific and four institutions of DPO.

In addition, the Financial University ofThe Government of the Russian Federation, whose departments are so numerous and diverse, has three higher schools, two scientific laboratories, two training laboratories, and three research centers. Twenty-nine branches, including 14 higher education programs, 4 higher and secondary vocational education, are also part of the structure, the rest are working under the ACT programs. There are two colleges at this university.

financial university under the government of the Russian Federation of the department


Financial University under the GovernmentThe Russian Federation simultaneously trains 51 579 people, internally 23 712, internally-in absentia - 567, in absentia - 27 300 students. Twelve directions for the preparation of bachelors in twenty-eight profiles are realized here, eleven directions for the preparation of masters with more than 50 master's programs. Training of specialists in its structure is based on the concept of continuous level education, ie SPO - Bachelor - VPO - Master. Training has various forms and trajectories.

Nine educationalprograms on secondary vocational education, ten MBA programs and one hundred eight programs for the retraining and upgrading of qualifications of financiers. The level of preparation of students is very high, after the release there are wide opportunities for further employment and building a successful career. Therefore, the competition for education Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation is always quite high.

financial university under the government of the Russian Federation spb


The universally recognized and indispensable quality of programsis due to the high professional level of the teaching staff. Only in Moscow the University is supported by 1,535 teachers, including 1213 with a degree: 341 doctors of sciences and 872 candidates. The university has 805 teachers with academic rank: 236 professors, 551 associate professors, 18 senior researchers.

Financial University under the GovernmentThe Russian Federation, whose branches are numerous and populous, has, in addition to Moscow, 1,404 teachers, among them 835 work according to the VO programs, 569 - SPO. Also in the branches 761 teachers with the academic rank: 80 professors, 343 associate professors, there are also senior researchers. Every year about forty percent of the teaching staff of the university undergo advanced training.

financial university under the government of the Russian Federation

St. Petersburg

The history of the branch that created the FinancialUniversity at the Government of the Russian Federation, St. Petersburg has known for a long time. In the 30s of the last century, specialists urgently needed to work in the financial system of the USSR were urgently needed. At first it was the Leningrad financial technical school, and only in 2006 the college became a higher educational institution. In addition to basic higher financial and economic education, the St. Petersburg branch of the Financial University prepares, retrains and upgrades the qualifications of specialists.

Реализуются современные программы образования:finance and credit, business information technology, financial management. Additional disciplines are also available, which are necessary for specialists of executive power, managers of enterprises and organizations, federal and regional authorities. There is also a multi-level continuous education, which includes such stages:

  • secondary vocational education;
  • Pre-university preparation for the enrollment of students in schools;
  • higher education for bachelors;
  • qualification improvement and short-term retraining of specialists.

fobu financial university under the government of the Russian Federation


Financial University under the GovernmentThe Russian Federation also knows Moscow and does not cease to be surprised at its effectiveness. One of the first universities in Russia registered an endowment fund (with the English endowment - donation, contribution). This is a non-profit-oriented target capital financed by organizations in the sphere of medicine, education, culture and science. These funds are not spent by the university, but are transferred to a professional company in trust management. Revenues from the "scrolling" of this money are directed to the goals set by the donors, and the main money-capital continues to work. In 2014, the state of the fund was equal to 268 856 893.10 rubles.


The University is continuously developing.The driving force for this was the innovative educational program developed by him in the system of financial education for the training of financial leaders able to work in a competitive economy. This is the third generation of state educational standards HPE.

Financial University under the GovernmentThe Russian Federation thus supports the direction of "Economics", the profiles of "Credit and Economic", "Financial and Economic", "International Business and the World Economy", "Accounting and Audit", "Taxes and Taxation". New technologies in education include the introduction of individual trajectories of education. Thus, a competence-based approach to the educational process in the training of specialists is formed.

vop financial university under the government of the russian federation

New technologies of the educational process

In the learning process, the university introduces"Bologna" techniques: a modular form of education, rather than linear, the formation of mobile groups, the formation of the institute of tutors, lectures by invited professors and foreign experts, including in English, a rating assessment of the knowledge system, active forms of education — case studies business games, tasks on the situation and much more, the introduction of electronic manuals, textbooks on disks.

Multimedia training programs are also largeGo - classes in educational laboratories at the department of financial management, for example, in accounting. Electronic libraries are formed at the departments, computer testing is carried out. The Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation uses both distance learning, relying on interactive technologies, both in the system of training of specialists, and during the advanced training of financiers and economists.

Library complex

There are nine libraries in Moscow,belonging to the Financial University, there are thirty two more branches in the regions. The printed fund consists of 2,852,054 units, here there are also scientific manuals, educational materials, literature in many languages ​​of the world, as well as a dissertation foundation. Of course, most of the books are economic periodicals, but there is also fiction and a rare book collection. The libraries are perfectly equipped with computer equipment, there is a global Internet and local area network, which is integrated into the network of university-wide.

A huge part of the library complex- electronic resources that support both the educational process and scientific work. Nearly sixty full-text databases with a data volume of more than one hundred and fifty million documents are available both on the university’s IP and remotely. There is an electronic library with monographs, educational and methodical literature, abstracts, scientific articles and many other materials.

Education Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation


Financial University under the GovernmentThe Russian Federation has a structural division of the Moscow Financial College, where students are enrolled in full-time and part-time departments, as well as in preparatory courses. There are well-equipped laboratories and classrooms, a canteen and a first-aid post, an assembly hall and a sports hall, and an excellent library.

Many thousands of specialists came from here.financial sphere. Graduates work in all areas of industry, public service, as well as in banks and commercial organizations, often occupying high management positions. The college has the most positive feedback on the quality of training of specialists from both commercial and state structures.

Scientific research

The university successfully conducts consulting andresearch activities, educational and scientific departments are being developed. The priority for research, of course, is in budget financing according to the State task. One hundred and ten research projects with funding amounts of about two hundred million rubles were spent only in 2014.

54 departments took part not onlyMoscow Central University, but also departments in the Omsk, Chelyabinsk and Penza branches. Thirteen scientific divisions worked on these topics, about four hundred teachers and more than eighty graduate students. Thirteen projects completed joint creative teams. Researchers reported to the expert committee from the Government of the Russian Federation.

In 2015, the studies were carried out again byState order, and the amount of funding exceeded two hundred million rubles. Six hundred performers are developing projects, this time with the active participation of students and undergraduates. Under a business agreement, state contracts were concluded based on the results of this professional competition. The main customers were the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Bank of Russia, Sberbank of Russia, Gosznak, Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Federal Tax Service and many other institutions and organizations. Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation always receives great feedback from customers.

The goal of student research isimproving the quality of training is first and foremost, and at the same time they form the basis of professional creative thinking, they master the methods, skills, techniques of research, design and engineering, there is an ability for scientific creativity and independent research, initiative.

College Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Outside the audience

Even after the end of seminars and lectures, studentsThis university does not stop studying science. Organized by mass competitive events of different levels - the cathedral, faculty, city and regional, all-Russian and international. These include scientific seminars, symposiums and conferences, contests and exhibitions of scientific works and research, and Olympiads in specialties and disciplines.

The most important part of university life is itsInternational activity. The partners today are foreign universities and research centers of insurance and banking training, various business schools, centers that take qualifying examinations and issue internationally recognized certificates, carry out examination of training programs and accreditation of universities, foreign banks, auditing, insurance and industrial companies, and also scientific funds located abroad. There are intensive contacts with institutions in Bulgaria, Austria, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, China, France, and the USA.

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